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IllythiaRose Sep 2013
What you call an act of heroism, I look at as acting on a basic human level. An act of pure humanity: feeding those who are hungry; clothing those who have nothing; a bed to those who have no home; and medicine for those in pain or dying. This façade of society that has blinded our own natural instincts and the money and greed that has faltered our awareness and empathy for others, it is fueled by ignorance. We are told to value life, but brought up to value a number on a bank statement. We are told to be thankful for what we have (our "blessings") and to help our fellow man, but then we are conditioned to lay unwarranted weight upon petty insignificancies and shallow desire. We talk about advancing the world, but every breath we take as mankind seems to lead us further into this disarray of natural worldly priority- preserving and protecting and progressing mankind.
IllythiaRose Sep 2013
Your words, they touched me deep inside
in the pit of my stomach, it's where they lied
Your eyes, they do something to me too
right through me, they never knew
Your heart, I heard its aching sound
maybe mine too is what it should have found
IllythiaRose Sep 2013
We remember the days that are gone
sitting still to write a song
emotion hangs on to the past
sand slips through the hour glass
and who does know anything at all, for sure?
perhaps forgetting it all is the cure...
IllythiaRose Sep 2013
When it rains it pours
       at least that's what they say
all of it comes down at once
      however, a prelude to clear brighter days
the wind blows me in different ways
      the hail hits deep inside, it stings
keep moving, I don't seek shelter
      the storm knows my spirit sings
the clouds cry and the sky we can't predict
       these forces didn't come from nowhere
although our sights don't seem to go very far
       we can not deny nature's heart, it's always there.

— The End —