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icelar Oct 2020
breaking my rules
and making a four word song
when usually i take my brain
and mash it into one place

don't wake me up from my dreams
where it's a place where i didn't ruin us
a place where you still think i'm normal
and a place where you believe in me
and maybe you'd want me there too??

don't wake me up from my guileless guilt
the place i know so well
still warm from a daydreaming sleep
forming around my body, pressed into shape
a place where i can think about the way
you pushed me away

wake me up when it's bright blue outside
cold and biting, clouds filled with mirth at my pride
at the things i've done and the places i've gone
woah. what do i do anymore

it's damaged, really, the way that i see
a person in front of me, eyes flashing like
broken highway signs littering the road
but is that flashing a good thing?
i take it that the answer is no
the big brother hm
icelar Aug 2020
he wanted to take us away
she wanted to take us away
so i compromised
and left before they could do anything
you can't finish a puzzle with one piece missing
so i ran
icelar Aug 2020
a new idea for fingers too slow for the mind
wishing for automatically typed text
just for the sake of being fast, being realized,
being alone
icelar Aug 2020
the weeds have colonized the front garden, tearing
the souls out of once flowering plants, feeding
their hungry children with the roots of the bushes
and trees
icelar Aug 2020
the bass with the water flows down through soiled
pipes next to the piano. i wonder
if maybe the person above me could just
icelar Aug 2020
i will show you Insanity
by her face
and by the curve of her lips
as her laugh echoes
through empty highways
and canyons
just living some T.S. Eliot vibes
icelar Feb 2020
yearbooks are expensive
(most of the time)
just being stranger
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