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 Jun 2013 ian jonsan
Johnnie Rae
She's been beaten,
She's been bruised,
Physically and verbally abused,
She felt like nothing,
Every little problem was dealt with,
With a few little cuts,
But her ways have changed,
She no longer resorts to pain,
She no longer has hiding places,
For razorblades.
Sort of random, Enjoy.
 Jun 2013 ian jonsan
Hank Roberts
She said I deserved to dance with the angels
and that she didn't cut it.  With her I'm
just paper so she cuts it for me.  I guess she
thinks she is backwards left handed kindergarten
scissors trying to cut freezer burnt
ground beef.  Even if she is, I like
when she tries to slice through me in her way,
even if she gets really good and gets me halved through and through

— The End —