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1.6k · Aug 2015
can i buy a vowel?
Brooklynn Nights Aug 2015
not one word is mine
there's nothing left to say
that hasn't already been said a thousand ways
if someone were to crack open my skull,
quotes of Palahniuk, Salinger, and Plath
would be spinning in a metaphorical blender,
mixing and morphing into a multitude
of depression and life lessons,
wisdom and just plain nonsense
all of which has already been said
i'm exhausted
1.4k · May 2015
the morning sun
Brooklynn Nights May 2015
i stared at your skin in the welcoming light of the morning sun
i tried to take it all in
and wondered why i had never done it before
i mean, of course i've marveled before
at the way the fleeting luminescence of a lustful evening
reflects off of all your tiniest imperfections,
and to me, that was true beauty
but for some reason,
i had never taken the time to appreciate the comforting, golden glow
that makes me question whether or not it comes from you or the sun
you're soft, gentle,
but capable of burning me right up whenever you see fit
i can't look right at you, but i can feel you
884 · Aug 2015
Brooklynn Nights Aug 2015
all i've ever wanted was to be truly heartbreaking,
but more so like marilyn and less like a heart attack
i've been saving up my wishes on 11:11 to blow 'em
all on you
more so like an explosion than a dandelion in the wind
i want you to inject me with love 'til i burst
more so like a rose in bloom than a water balloon
possibly not done
779 · Aug 2015
at least you're honest
Brooklynn Nights Aug 2015
i don't want to feel like i'm the only girl in the world
i want to feel like i'm the only one you think about
even if i'm not
why can't you just lie to make me feel better?
instead, you're so ******* honest
at least you're honest
717 · Aug 2015
gimme one more night
Brooklynn Nights Aug 2015
Bukowski says "find what you love and let it **** you"
and i've done just that
like Snow White and the poison apple,
what was once flashy and alluring and right in front of my nose
has been consumed and is now a masticated pulp fuming rancid
smoke into my lungs
from the deepest pit of my heart
no prince's attempt at true love's kiss can pull me from this coma
i'm in love with the darkness and my enduring hope for light
a light so bright that it will illuminate my veins, my troubled thoughts
will change from knots
into silk chains,
but until then, i'll comfortably rest in my summertime sadness
this isn't exactly how i feel, but i was just inspired by the Bukowski quote
714 · Jul 2015
Brooklynn Nights Jul 2015
on my hand, a diamond band
on my head, each word you said
on my chest, thine lover's crest,
this torn wedding dress,
and inviting mattress
through which i profess
my deepest and darkest
ripe for the harvest
i'm the canvas, you're the artist
who knew a look would start this?

in my heart, more works of your art
in my room, dark as a tomb
in my bed, we're sticky and red
smeared with sweat
exhausted and bled
we'll dance 'til we're dead
"let's do it again"
"on my hand, on my head, on my chest" and "in my heart, in my room, in my bed" are both from "diamonds" by giorgio moroder and charli xcx
709 · Jun 2015
in between fire and ice
Brooklynn Nights Jun 2015
i haven't been able to write lately
haven't been able to place my finger on a single, fleeting emotion
before it is whisked away into nothingness
the vocabulary within me is surely going to waste
as i grasp at straws in attempts to make them grow into beanstalks
these days, i'm not sure if i'm happy or sad,
but the uncertainty is enough to keep me busy for now
i'd rather not know one side more than the other,
but what i do want to be sure of is how you feel about me
i can be the goddess of the sun of your tantalizing universe
or i can be but a speck of dust leftover in a dark recess of your mind
and you can be either of those to me,
but in the end, i'll always prefer warmth over isolation
696 · Apr 2015
Brooklynn Nights Apr 2015
all that i want and all that i truly need
is to be reawakened
for things to be the way they once were
i try hard as **** to not dwell on the past
it's such a bright place that i don't want to leave,
but i should because it missed its chance to grow with me
it has faded and become lazy,
only showing itself in dim flickers that hold the heat of a single match
when it used to be a steady glow that surrounded me always
i need you to help it catch up to me
bring back your light, your tenderness and laughter
because i've grown so dark and hardened
to the point where i am contained inside a thick shell
i used to be able to break out and shake off the pieces easily,
but layers keep accumulating
and i feel cold as a stone in the bed of a river
only something as forceful as a chisel and hammer could free me,
but that's not enough
only something as warm as the way things were could melt me
but most of all, i need to know that you need this too
i've been dying to reach you
inspired by hundred waters and anthony green
680 · Aug 2015
proceed with caution
Brooklynn Nights Aug 2015
pick me up and hold me until i melt
squeeze me so tightly that my bones are crushed
like a mosquito exploding on your forearm
like a stress doll
exhaust me
get lost in me
i'm as wondrous and expansive as a cave
filled with bats
that will sing until you let go if you are to catch one
i promise i can be fun
if you promise me you won't run
when i pull out my guns
662 · Apr 2015
is love just a game?
Brooklynn Nights Apr 2015
is love just a game? it appears to be so..
for some people, they seem to just know
it feels like a special club of some sort
some date for love and others date for sport
how long is too long?
is a year too short?
and will there be a sign?
because i feel like i've missed it
i know what love is, so why am i a misfit?
Brooklynn Nights Mar 2015
i tell secrets in the form of poetry
each of my subjects is a special fruit hanging from the limbs of my mind
once they become too heavy, i must pick them,
tear them open, and reveal their matter before they become spoiled
not for the world to see, but more so for my own relief
i'll place my subject right in front of me for dissection,
but only when it's ripe and i am fully ready
my subject transforms from a drunken pith into a gem,
from a simple thought into a sonnet
this form of expression is the only thing keeping me from endless suffering
writing frees the subject without its knowledge,
and it frees me from having to protect it any longer
for it is a burden with which i have a sporadic love affair
636 · Aug 2015
take me to your planet
Brooklynn Nights Aug 2015
Whenever anyone hears a beautiful and unique sound,
they assume its creator to be a mirror image,
but with beauty in the classic sense
of symmetricality between doe eyes, smooth skin, and plump lips,
and uniqueness only to a certain extent-
obscurity conjures fear
in a world where everyone just wants contentment;
nothing too confusing or high maintenance
oh, but you with your black hole eyes and illuminated fingertips,
i'm not sure how, but i've been abducted
-really, more like saved-
the twisted nest that is your hair is home
to all of us misfit extraterrestrials,
and your space craft is your stage
the strobe lights hypnotize, but also make us feel alive
you have instilled a heightened awareness
in all of us,
and the only way we can repay you is with our applause
for the brief moment before you shrink
and fly away at warp speed
594 · Sep 2015
black sand beach
Brooklynn Nights Sep 2015
to write a song
to join two auras
-music and madness-
if only i had the power to do so
in a way that was palpable to others
instead, i'll write my thoughts
or trace them, rather,
into the black sand of the void beach
that rests upon the top of my cerebral cortex,
knowing good and well that they won't last forever,
but will instead be washed away by wind and waves alike,
leaving me to breathe easy
the birthing process complete
a labor of love and heartache
expelled, leaving space
for the next vessel of word *****
to litter the shore
inspired by my incessant longing to be able to create music and also lady gaga
Brooklynn Nights Aug 2015
i'll be proud of my flaws and i'll put them on blast,
point 'em out first, so i'm made fun of last
i wish it wasn't such a difficult task
552 · May 2015
Brooklynn Nights May 2015
i want the rush of a new love
it's an energy incomparable to any other
like a tree with roots spread too far into the ground,
i'm tearing up the earth as i bleed dry
i want the rush, but i want you still
do you remember how it feels?
Brooklynn Nights Jun 2015
believe it or not, i miss you a lot
and i just can't forget the last time that we talked
we were speaking in poems more often than not
until something i said left you distraught
as each heavy word poured out from within,
i realized you thought that the subject was sin,
but now it's too late to turn back and too early to begin
all i did was confuse you by letting you in
Brooklynn Nights Oct 2015
you are too toxic and i won't slip back under
block out every memory from that bittersweet summer
just leave it all alone; don't remember the good
they're too far and few; we weren't treated like we should
and i always saw diamonds from under the coal,
but you never had dreams, aspirations, or goals
it's clear you're still the same
and could be, so am i
i said i was sorry, but all you heard was "goodbye"
i wrote this last january, but just rediscovered it and decided to post
483 · Aug 2015
tip of the iceberg
Brooklynn Nights Aug 2015
come near, sweet and trembling child
with skin like the surface of the moon
and a heart that reflects the sun's light twice as bright
you are small, but only compared to your aura
it's a swirling and sparkling cloud of green and blue;
green like the moss on the rocks near the ocean,
and blue like the way your heart feels when it's broken
you've spread yourself thin,
but the world still wants moore
as you sprinkle fairy dust at each stop on your tour
your hair like a tangled nest,
an obsidian mess cascading down
the t-shirt that covers your chest
you give so much and expect much less
to the point where i feel that i must profess
my love and admiration
you've taught me more than just patience,
but humility and compassion too
everything you say is true
that's why i'm in love with you
480 · Jul 2015
"i'll hold myself up"
Brooklynn Nights Jul 2015
as the ruins continued to crumble,
i couldn't help but stumble and try to catch myself
in place of you
in every dream i've ever had,
you're always running away, exponentially faster and faster
in all of my dreams, you're the master
and i am a rag doll with her mouth sewn shut
with each occurrence, i am reminded of my greatest fear
that no matter how strong something is,
there will always be a force capable of breaking it
i keep these false memories
in the back of my mind for future reference
-not that i could shake them if i wanted to-
they serve as a self-medicating placebo
because if i keep reminding myself
of how effortlessly you've abandoned me in my dreams,
then when it truly happens,
i'll have a tolerance built up,
or so it seems
461 · Aug 2015
call 9-1-1 now
Brooklynn Nights Aug 2015
now we're in the waiting room and we're both so sick,
patiently awaiting a doctor to write the prescription
we arrived in separate ambulances,
but we were pricked by the same needle,
and the tubes from our IV's are tangled by a single knot
that can only be undone if we walk backwards
towards each other
our bodies forming a figure eight,
turning as if taking part in some ritualistic dance
-not to be confused with the infinity symbol-
the only thing that's infinite is the disease that has eaten us
from the inside out
it's so bad now that our skin has begun to rot
like a sour apple slowly fermenting
we aren't as beautiful as we once hoped we would be
and the realization is sobering
461 · Jan 2016
take my breath away
Brooklynn Nights Jan 2016
two precious lovers kissing one another
breathing into each other's mouths
back and forth, give and take, push and pull
until there's not one molecule of oxygen left
to die, side by side, like romeo and juliet
tragically romantic
459 · Apr 2015
expose yourself to me
Brooklynn Nights Apr 2015
tell me everything
i don't care if it's ugly, and i know it will be
i asked for it,
so give it to me
all at once or in gentle doses
expose yourself to me
expose me to your inner world
your true world
where all of your goals and fears lie together,
grow and die together
give some of them to me
to cultivate and to harvest
put some of the weight on my shoulders
because i'm asking you to
and in return,
i hope you'll ask for some of mine
441 · Oct 2015
it's time to move on
Brooklynn Nights Oct 2015
i saw you last night and it almost felt like
-for a minute and not one second more-
when we used to see each other,
now it's not the same and we can't even pretend
the rules won't bend because i won't let them
and i hope that there is no resentment,
but i'm prepared for a slow acceptance
431 · Jan 2015
hanging on
Brooklynn Nights Jan 2015
sometimes i think about you so hard that my head shakes
back and forth, "no"
disbelief that you're as perfect as i make you out to be
both our minds and hearts connected by strings
each time i tug away, you stand fast
and each time a vibration occurs along one of the strings,
i know you feel it too
i've gotten to know each piece of you, but not each part
the terrifyingly beautiful way your mind works,
but not your seemingly gentle, yet powerful body
see, i've gotten close, but not once close enough
i have this recurring dream of tugging at both of the strings
so forcefully that you'll spin towards me in a matter of seconds
such velocity will cause the strings to tangle with one another
and we will be forced face to face
to face something we've ignored since we found it
but for now, i miss you
409 · Dec 2015
Brooklynn Nights Dec 2015
pop it in me
like a drug
we breathe
faster and faster
'til it's deafening
the feeling inside me
pure energy
our bodies
into rivers
as we shiver
our tears form icy jewels
from warm to cool
we're both each other's fools
who wrote the rules
i know this doesn't seem like a very good write, but i'm proud of it because each line can be said with the line before or after it and it was actually inspired by a real moment
400 · Sep 2015
open my eyes
Brooklynn Nights Sep 2015
earl grey tea, it's just you and me
my daydream eyes still lined with sleep
i pray thee take my soul to keep
and drown it with intent to steep
lay it softly in the deep
until each part of me is clean
then shoot me up to the surface gleam
bright eyes and euphoric screams
emerge from a caffeinated stream
much like waking from a dream
of churning clouds composed of cream
now i'm bursting at the seams
and trying hardly not to weep
in awe of the sun's sugar beams
the ones i used to refuse to see
387 · Jun 2015
mindless self-indulgence
Brooklynn Nights Jun 2015
if no one will pay attention to me,
then i'll lock myself away and write more poetry
the vastness of the internet
resembles an intensely large ear
to which i may tell my secrets and heartache
without a body to belong to or a brain,
i needn't worry about how my words
are perceived;
just knowing they are received by someone,
is enough
i'll harp on melodically and tragically,
much like the eloquent language of an actual harp,
until the entirety of my current emotional state
has been examined, molded, displayed,
384 · Apr 2015
Brooklynn Nights Apr 2015
talk to me, i say
but what is not said is what matters most
respond in ways that suit me
without any hints
keep your interest
and don't forget

my silent demands,
hidden motivations,
and careful, sweet inception

i mean no harm, always with some form of a smile
don't want you too reeled in,
but never detach completely
and never grow sick of it

if i keep up my end,
i think you'll stay
both of us working out of fear
neither of us knowing the other's intentions,
always coming back for more
of what we do not understand
not super proud of this, but i had to get it out..might change it up a bit later on
377 · Aug 2016
maybe someday
Brooklynn Nights Aug 2016
it was grey today
and i left the house without a jacket
the light rain that was too heavy to ignore
speckled my glasses, blurred my vision in areas
i didn't even try to count the drops
to take my mind off of you
i didn't wipe them off or smile as each one landed
because all i wanted was warmth
i wanted to feel the sunshine
consume me yet again
i wanted a ray to reach out and hold me in its glistening embrace
like a blanket made of diamonds,
but nothing took place
i know the sun will return once the clouds blow away
and i'll get to feel your glow again
maybe someday
370 · Aug 2016
Brooklynn Nights Aug 2016
the poems about you are my best ones
they write themselves, you know
i am nothing but a medium through which words pass
i simply have to bring you to mind
-something that is never difficult-
you live inside of my heart and make it quiver
with each blink of your icy blues
waves of emotion wash over me
i'm suspended in an ocean of our memories
and when i'm finally washed ashore,
traces of you are still tangled within my hair,
weaved between my toes
like a dream, i can't remember exactly where i just was
or how i got there,
but written in the sand before me are words,
carefully arranged in a way not nearly as perfect as you
i stole "icy blues" from the song "demolition lovers" by my chemical romance
368 · May 2015
it must be exhausting
Brooklynn Nights May 2015
go ahead,
give up on me then
what are you waiting for?
i heard the warning, so teach me a lesson
i am sand and broken glass
slowly slipping through your fingers,
but you're the one spreading them apart

i really should have known
eventually, you'd tire
of grasping me so tightly
367 · Mar 2017
i should have fought
Brooklynn Nights Mar 2017
i should have fought,
i should have heard
your cries for help
behind your words
i should have stitched
your shattered heart
if only i'd known
just where to start
you carried so
much heavy pain
and now we're left
with all the scars
we loved you so
because you
showed us
who we
364 · Oct 2015
here to stay
Brooklynn Nights Oct 2015
we fell asleep holding hands
you told me you loved me more for the tenth time this week
now i'm weak

we fell asleep holding hands
i listened to your breathing go from calm to complete slumber
woke up to you on tumblr

we fell asleep, legs intertwined
my feet lost all blood flow, but I didn't pull away
because yours were there to stay

we fell asleep, legs intertwined
our minds drifting further into dreams
somehow, you're always closer than you seem
363 · Jul 2015
Brooklynn Nights Jul 2015
imagine a woman, sturdy and proud
not sturdy in the sense that she is heavy,
but more like well-established and strong;
sturdy like the ever-twisting trunk of the most beautiful tree,
growing and stretching its branches freely,
doing nothing other than reflecting, so brightly,
the warmth that she receives
and her leaves!
do not get me started..
she is proud, not in the sense that she is overbearing,
but in a way that makes everyone around her begin caring
she doesn't need anyone who doesn't need her
this makes her sound snobbish, but i assure you she is not
much like the tree, she can shed dried, dead leaves
just as easily as she can sprout fragrant blossoms
her hair is thick, purple, brown, blonde, ever-changing
like each of the tree's curling roots, but not at all mangy,
and her smile is incomparable to any part of any tree
for there are glistening white pearls in place of her teeth
with warm chestnut eyes and the voice of a lark,
she is the blazing flame to my sputtering spark
she wants to save my world,
so of course, i will let her
i'll carve our names into the wood,
and i'll never forget her
"reflecting, so brightly, the warmth that she-.." is from a chiodos song; sorry for the sporadic rhyme scheme
361 · Jun 2015
flawless is impossible
Brooklynn Nights Jun 2015
as flawless as a diamond with a hairline fracture
circulating like the ocean
writing chapter after chapter
as expansive as the universe
as melancholy as laughter
so goes the melody of happily ever after
Brooklynn Nights Apr 2015
you first drew me in with your liberating laughter
and i fell for you too soon after
it began lightheartedly
and did not stop growing until you kept a small part of me
and i never thought we'd end up this way when we first met,
but at best, we're a sick excuse for Romeo and Juliet
we've been severed by state lines and lovers
i just want us to recover
take me back to the nights where we'd talk for hours
because now your company turns me into a coward
in the back of my mind, i know it's all my fault
i'm the reason your heart's locked in a vault,
waiting to be swept away by love,
but it's yours that i am not worthy of
inspired by chiodos
350 · Apr 2015
long hugs
Brooklynn Nights Apr 2015
i'll let go when you do
the second i feel any sort of release,
i'll retract and try to not overthink it
though i've grown so comfortable,
i'll break the mold you've created for me,
vaporize it so that no trace is left
even if we do go back,
it will never be the same as now
and maybe there's beauty in that
342 · Dec 2015
you've been warned
Brooklynn Nights Dec 2015
when every last bit of you has been severed from me
and the world disintegrates,
i'll be left with nothing but my poems;
nothing but carefully-worded phrases spinning about my skull,
reminding me of past sadness and unrepeatable, infinite moments,
but my poems are not my friends
friends don't make me feel a sickening nostalgia
paired with isolation
no, my poems are like gum on the bottom of a shoe
scrape them off and move on,
but one can never completely remove the residue
one day, a pebble will become bound,
and each following step will wear on me;
the pain of something so miniscule will tear at me
until i write another poem,
another clingy friend-seeker to use me up,
but they'll never render me empty
my next bout of word ***** has already begun disgorging
340 · Aug 2015
it's always wrong to hate
Brooklynn Nights Aug 2015
i've now heard the sound of true love,
incomparable to any other "love" i may have previously encountered
i've felt the real thing, but never been sure
whether love is the drug, the sickness, or cure
its sweet music came to me by way of a fairy
it tapped me on the shoulder and told me to hurry
so there i was, in pursuit of the sublime,
following around a fairy the size of a dime
it leaped on leaves without any trouble
lighter than air, a feather, or bubble
and was able to float around freely
at this point, i thought i was dreaming,
but i kept racing as fast as i could
while the tiny green sprite led me deep in woods
when we got to what felt like the center,
it motioned and told me to enter
confused, i asked it where i should start,
but before i could finish, it opened its heart
quite literally, in fact
with a small key and a lock and a latch
on a door that swung open to reveal
the sound of something that, up until now,
i thought i could only feel
it vibrated through every cell within me
like the heat of a fire scorching the throat of a chimney
it left a scar that is only visible from inside
it stripped me of my ego and overactive pride
it wrapped me up in a tornado of tones
and made a nest in my mind, so i'm never alone
when i hear its call, i know the fairy is near
delivering love from its heart to my ears
and reminding me that there's nothing to fear
except the silence of hatred that can last for years
Brooklynn Nights Jun 2016
i'm fine
as long as i never think about it again
never think about you again
and how the sun is always setting right behind your face,
competing with your shadow
i'll try, but i know i'll never forget
how you are both the strongest and gentlest person
i've ever encountered
or how your smile is a warm blanket
that shields me from how hard i am on myself
as long as i never think about
all the secrets you've told me and no one else,
i know i'll be okay
i locked them away long ago
in my cage of bones
with a heart-shaped lock
you took off with the key
out of sight, out of mind
i hope to god that's true because i won't be alright
if i keep thinking of you
338 · Sep 2015
10/13/12 (deja vu)
Brooklynn Nights Sep 2015
all i ever wanted was that happy ending
all i ever needed was for you to need me back
and as i sit here, simply waiting,
i realize what i've done to make you lose yourself
come back
please, please come back
to me
all you ever wanted was my answer
all i ever gave you was confusion and false hope,
but as i stand here, pacing,
i realize what you did to me was just to protect yourself
please wait, oh god
you are
too beautiful for my reactions
please don't wait for me to take action
329 · Jun 2015
uncover me
Brooklynn Nights Jun 2015
with each line i write, i am exposing more and more of myself
with each verse, you can watch as the veil covering me slowly ascends,

nanometer by nanometer

but this is only accurate if what i am writing is the truth,
which can never be so,
for it can only be my truth,
my truth is malleable
and subject to the emotions within me at any given time
it's not that i am dishonest, but at times, i loathe reality,
and occasionally, i will rewrite my own history
in a way that i see fit
in a way that can portray a situation, a moment, a feeling
the way it should be portrayed,
the way that i remember it
inspired by lady gaga
Brooklynn Nights Apr 2015
I used to be more fond of the night
Its darkness freed me
Its silence spoke to me
I learned almost everything I know about myself at night,
But then I began learning even more things
during lonely days that seemed never-ending
When no one answers their phone,
So you're left with your thoughts
Light illuminates things in a way that night couldn't possibly dream of,
And darkness has a way of bringing out the worst of things, people
So now I run through the night
as fast as I can
I don't want to be out long enough to meet what awaits me,
But in the back of my mind is every intoxicated summer's eve
where the stars accompanied me home
and lit up your face in all the right places
And every peaceful winter night
where the smoke and laughter in our lungs kept us warm
And when time pauses for me to remember those moments,
I can't choose between night or day
323 · Oct 2015
the end of everything
Brooklynn Nights Oct 2015
all fall reminds me of is how things always seem to fall apart
whether it takes one second,
one sharp and precise knife to end the life of a seemingly-infinite moment;
or it takes decades,
a pendulum eventually stops swinging
my heart will never stop singing
319 · Sep 2015
9/19/12 pt. 2
Brooklynn Nights Sep 2015
composition books and the first tastes of autumn
this pen is bringing forth feelings
i thought i'd forgotten
she's so small, and you can carry her in your pocket
i'm just lonely, depressed, and awkward,
but i can still turn on that song and smile
it hasn't made me cry in quite a long while
i've been meaning to text you or hug you
or something
reaching out so shallowly will only get you
316 · Nov 2015
the dance of the butterfly
Brooklynn Nights Nov 2015
butterflies and moths display their dust proudly and without apology
each speck of the stuff adds new facets of light and color
new dimensions of growth and repose
unlike the snail, these creatures do not carry their homes on their backs,
but rather their stories
a tear in the left wing in memory of rebirthing,
a blur of deep red for all the times that they bled,
and a streak of blue for each time they stayed true
such a short lifespan for a creature that reminds us humans
of the fragility, beauty, and fleeting nature of the life we are given
wearing scars like blue ribbons
and silently departing before we ever get the chance
to appreciate them and their elegant dance
314 · May 2015
dreams vs. reality
Brooklynn Nights May 2015
in a dream, you were someone else entirely

you didn't even exist

my mind was filled with everything that had nothing to do with you
where your place never was, he was
he smiled in a way that i swore i could feel even after i woke up
my heart felt light
and empty

in my bed, you are the reason i am either too hot or too cold
you kick the sheets down and take up too much space
i toss and turn, but it doesn't wake you up

in a dream, i was the definition of a woman

and my love was overbearing,
and you ran as far as you could while i had my back turned
when i finally noticed, i didn't even try to catch you
i fell into a giant bowl and began filling it with my tears

when i awoke, your fingers were loosely tangled in mine
my heart felt heavy
and full
310 · Mar 2017
Brooklynn Nights Mar 2017
i thought i had forgotten, but really,
you were there the whole time
maybe it wasn't even actually you,
but the idea of you;
a collection of flawless moments
i've been saving up,
playing on repeat

i had a dream about you the other night and i thought
it was no longer possible,
but there you were without warning
and beautiful as ever
309 · Oct 2015
right where i want you
Brooklynn Nights Oct 2015
now i've got you right where i want you
gasping for more of my breath to fill your lungs
couldn't release my hold on your neck if i had to
laughing at this entangled mess we've become
every hook in my skin is connected to your line
and i'm dancing around your pole
reel me in faster, more so than last time
each drop of my blood makes me cold
he warms me up when i have made myself cold
307 · Sep 2015
Brooklynn Nights Sep 2015
i know that
i'm sure of my loneliness
i don't want to be
prove me wrong
all those pieces of me across the floor,
don't pick them up
and try and put them back together
i don't want a solution
i want relation
crack shortly after i do
beat me to it, better yet
i need to know how broken we are
there's something romantic about two people
drenched in love and tears
give me every part of you that you hate
because those are what i love most
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