Youth never fail to exceed my expectation. I’ve been living ever since God has made this world, the world of pure love and life.
Love and life could be made a one true pair, I think… This OTP that’s everlasting. I never had eyes like yours, lips, nose, hands, hair, feet, and teeth? None of them. But I know, I have life. I’m intangible but you can feel me, right after your mom’s gamete united with your dad’s.
I have had so many children and I’m only telling you one of the simplest. Leo Smith has been a popular kid in their school, lots of girls would be tailing him every day just to say hi or confess.
On the other side of the world, here’s the beautiful mysterious one in their school. No one seems to talk to her. She was always alone, holding the same book. She’s been seen wandering all the time.
It’s the 23rd of December, after mustering up his courage he sent a letter to her:
Hi! I'm Leo Smith from the other class, will you come to the campus library tomorrow? I just have to tell you something.
She, kind of startled, smiled.
When you are born you have talents you simply grab by your innocent hands, but I’ve held you long before you reach out to them.
I am Love. I exist, in your heart, in your mind, and in your body.
#inpiredbyMA #love