when I was an ancient five
I KNEW I was different
from all other creatures alive
I did not know to ask the wise ones
I could read their minds
but I guess most men, barely three feet tall
are cursed with this skill
so I watched and wondered
and though I did not know how fish breathed
I knew I was one, out of water
my gills gasping
as I walked this chunk of stone
others seemed so at home,
not I,
I would hide under the covers from the devil
my sister said was real
if they feared the same demons
they, the infinitely normal,
did not let this be known
so I watched and wondered
and counted their breaths
(even then, I knew, they had a finite number until their deaths)
and made a disturbing discovery--I did not breathe like they
but faster than some, slower than others
and when I tried to get in sync with them
it would work for only a few inhalations
and the “they” again somehow left me behind
to breathe air, alone
when water was likely my truer home
I can’t recall when I gave up the quest, to be like they
they who all breathe in unison, but I suspect
it was on some summer day
in the dry world of a five year old stone walker
who should never have left the deep blue sea
I first thought I was insane when I was five--I tried to determine why I was so different from other people and decided, with my childish logic, it was because all others breathed in unison, inhaling and exhaling at the same time--I tried to get in sync, but it was in vain