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 May 2013 W Heng
when I was an ancient five    
I KNEW I was different
from all other creatures alive  
I did not know to ask the wise ones  
I could read their minds  
but I guess most men, barely three feet tall
are cursed with this skill  
so I watched and wondered  
and though I did not know how fish breathed  
I knew I was one, out of water  
my gills gasping  
as I walked this chunk of stone  
others seemed so at home,
not I,  
I would hide under the covers from the devil  
my sister said was real  
if they feared the same demons  
they, the infinitely normal,
did not let this be known  
so I watched and wondered
and counted their breaths  
(even then, I knew, they had a finite number until their deaths)  
and made a disturbing discovery--I did not breathe like they  
but faster than some, slower than others  
and when I tried to get in sync with them  
it would work for only a few inhalations  
and the “they” again somehow left me behind  
to breathe air, alone
when water was likely my truer home  
I can’t recall when I gave up the quest, to be like they  
they who all breathe in unison,  but I suspect  
it was on some summer day
in the dry world of a five year old stone walker  
who should never have left the deep blue sea
I first thought I was insane when I was five--I tried to determine why I was so different from other people and decided, with my childish logic, it was because all others breathed in unison, inhaling and exhaling at the same time--I tried to get in sync, but it was in vain
 May 2013 W Heng
Cloe Ann Rice
 May 2013 W Heng
Cloe Ann Rice
That was the year her father died. She never knew him, but she sees herself in his pictures and regrets not calling him. That was the year the man she took to her sister's wedding turned out to be Gay. The year she lost all hope In love. 2012 was the year her old brother took her hand for the first time and told he loved her, as she tried to hide her snot and tears In a room full of strangers her dad knew. That was the year her thigh developed scars. The year she rode her bike everywhere. The year she never fully knew whether or not she had friends. The year she stopped caring about the relationship between her and her step dad. The year she stopped respecting him. A lot of the Friday nights in 2012 were spent at her older sisters house, watching movies and eating brownies Laughing. A lot. That was the year she grew stronger. That was the time she lived for herself. With 1012 came a new outlook. 2012 *** the year that she knew who she was and what she was doing in life and found out that as hard as it is to move forward, life does go on. Mo matter what.
 Jan 2013 W Heng
Alexis Martin
it sneaks up on you
and it follows you
you know?
like a ******* shadow
and then you forget it's there
because sometimes the sun shines
and sometimes the sound of laughter
and the beating of hearts
scares it away
but then it always, always
finds a way back to you
and devours you

you know?
Those little orange bottles,
Who drown the bedside table.
A melting *** of colors and shapes,
I obviously am not stable.

Only a few,
Was all mom ever knew,
Before I went to sleep.
She soon found me,
Covered in *****,
Passed out in a bundle of sheets.

Oh, how rude.
I am being so vile.
I really haven't talked about this,
In quite the longest while.

Maybe I need more pills.
More pills to 'help' me survive.
More therapy,
More pity.
Oh, no thank you,
I'll be fine.
Had a nightmare the other night about my first attempt.. I found humor in it, like the lunatic I am.
 Dec 2012 W Heng
Catrina Sparrow
i fell in love with you
long ago
with my eyes closed
and the dream-screen drawn

we danced
like music notes across their barred landscape
we danced
the loveliest late-night lullaby

you became my hiding place
lilac and lace linens
stretched over a lumpy matress

my indiana jones
waiting patently and poetically
in a long-lost temple of slumber

you come back to me in waves
softly and subtly
while i'm half awake
you're kissing the broken down shorelines of an insomniacs holiday

i wish i could keep you
like an empty bottle in the window-sill
or a heart arrhythmia
this lonely romantics cardiovascular waltz

let me snag you up from my dream-dust
and stitch you to my sole like a lost boys shadow

let me find you in my reality
tip-toeing over an underlined paragraph
of a beer stained paper-back

i'll find you
after a long-over-due nights sleep

perhaps in the guitar strings
or type-writer keys
or at the bottom of a bottle of whiskey in the ever-humming freezer

be mine
evasive valentine
i'll even let you hide in the curls of my hair
or under my fingernails
i'll keep you
if you'll let me

just don't forget me
come sun-up
when you gallup away
from my sub-conscious escape

take my heart-rate with you
tucked into your breast-pocket
like a floral handkercheif
or a photogaraph taped to the dash

come back
to the grey matter kingdom
tucked behind my eyelashes
i'll meet you in the idiosyncrasies of my synapses
writing love stories that never once happened
 Dec 2012 W Heng
Catrina Sparrow
we broke the wishbone
you got the wish
i got a splinter

that's how it goes

fare faced grinning fool
     oh, how easy it'd be
for me to be jealous of you, brother
the boy who couldn't be stopped
the man that the wind whispers to

you are magic
you are busy lights on an empty stretch of I80
the swell of drum beats over silence
the giggle-fit tear stains on the universe's cheek

baby boy
wide eyed man-cub

the world tried to steal you
all those years ago
and you
you defiant son-of-a-gun
refused to bow to even death
     the laugh lines at the end of a blank heart rate

thanks for never leaving me behind

you take nothing seriously
except dreams and funerals
and the call of the moon

"no matter where you are in life
no matter how noisy it gets
or how badly it hurts
you have to throw on the brakes now and then
just slow down
and turn your eyes to the sky
and howl
like a ravid coyote
howl at the moon"

"remind existence that you won't go quietly"

when i was six
dad told me that he and mom
had made us out of stardust
and magic
and beer caps
and fossils
     that they made us out of treasure

you're my treasure
and the temple of my dreams
you're my map
my back pack
my adventure hat
and the voice in my head that laughs
and calls me a *******

we are not human beings on a spiritual endeavor
but spiritual beings
bound to a human medium

how very thankful i am to be tethered to you
for my little brother, kyle. a year and one half younger than i, and still my hero. cheers, you little ****. (: i love you, whole biiiiig bunches.
 Dec 2012 W Heng
Too Much Red
 Dec 2012 W Heng
Riding to the post office
On my red Schwinn
My shoes, they have holes
Because they are my favorite
And I won't stop wearing them
Until I get new ones
I'm in weather heaven
And I park my bike &
Hook it up to the bar
That I keep getting yelled at
For hooking it up to
Walk in, wait in line
And there is a baby boy
In a lady's arms, with
Bright blue eyes and
Fiery red hair, as he looks at me
With wide wide eyes
He soaks in everything that I am
His baby brain over sensitive
Firing neurons that make
Him **** in every detail
Overwhelming his little head
And he grins a tiny,
Toothless smile at me
I grin & look away
I wish I could have kids...
I buy my stamps & send a package
To my uncle
Then I go unhook my bike
Ride this weather like
A bird & try not to think
About that fiery red haired child
© Amara Pendergraft 2012
 Dec 2012 W Heng
 Dec 2012 W Heng
Cooped up in a mini van
Feeling the tips of your
Drumming on the back
Of my neck
© Amara Pendergraft 2012
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