Now 20
not quite 21
I do not expect
to know all the world
and all its ways
I do know, 2 or 3
things about life
and how all things work.
There’s struggle,
hand over fist
and the good
is precious
uncommon, its value
gives it the power
to overcome,
and it can.
Change is constant
friends today are rivals tomorrow
or just drift away, sinking to another life
love fades quickly in times unwavering light
so does life.
Why then,
knowing these things that I do,
am I surprised?
like a host
showing up to his cancelled party
unaware of its status.
I knew of the end,
I knew change was near,
yet it caught me unprepared and unarmed.
My next lesson,
if I am so inclined to choose
is acceptance of life
before I’m 22