I am half way there
And in the middle of my indecision
I see the stairway up, I see the stairway down
Not clear when I departed
Or when I will arrive
The start a blur, two ends in sight
Door one below
Take a guess; what will it be
Door two above, maybe it is best
Where to go?
How to choose?
My only guide inside
Not my eyes, or my ears
All else will follow
Connect my soul with each door
I can feel the rainbows
Of peece and pain
Still here in the middle
Not a step has changed
I should sit while I think
Two doors, two rainbows
No telling how, no telling when
My life ended
A canvas half white, half black
I stand, one foot on each side
Hot, cold
Sweet, sour
Love, sorrow
Full, empty
Two halves, one me
Two hearts, two souls
Two thoughts, two stairs
A tug of war, no winner
A tie, I stand still
In the middle of my indecision
What do I feel?
What am I thinking?
Why don't I move?
I should sit while I think
Time travels so fast
How gray I am now
I sit, in the middle; still thinking
Why don't I move?
My canvas still blank and white
But I am gray
Not black nor white
I stretch and shake
My gray spreads and paints
My canvas now shades
Rainbows all around
No longer two stairs
A canvas of paths
Filled with shades
An adventure all its own
Hidden before me, now clear
Motion among colors
Of my heart and soul
My thoughts behind
No longer in my way
As I flow freely
In my own sea