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 Nov 2010 HR B
Emma Liang
Take my hand, friend
just for a sec-
let's leave this ****** land of
and college admission essays and guidance counselors
and homework and pop quizzes and exams and whatever else-


Let's be two again.

Let's make Pringle-chip-duck faces
and grin with orange peel smiles-
I'll paint my nails yellow and we'll read Dr. Seuss with British accents
in the dimming light of the old
falling-down fort of pillows and blankets (that's almost too small for us)

Let's pretend
              Let's pretend
                            Let's pretend

That we've never seen the glowing screen of
televisions, computers, IPods,
that we haven't spent weeks wearing down our thumbs on text messages.
              Let's forget fights over boys that weren't even all that hot.

Let's sit in my yard and eat raw cookie dough behind my momma's back
And make too-sweet fresh lemonade, and blow dandelions
(into other neighbor's yards, of course)
Spray garden hoses at each other
and laugh and scream and giggle and make mud-pies.
Let's make twenty different secret handshakes,
Eat wild raspberries and hide sticky fingers
And pinky promise- again and again- BFFs forever.

Let's lose ourselves in the bliss of childhood
just one more time- please.

                            Just in case Peter Pan decides to visit.
Comments and suggestions and criticisms all appreciated; thanks for reading! (:
 Nov 2010 HR B
twisted bicycles and empty pop cans line the longest street in the world-
making my way ever closer to the frozen city I catch a glimpse of the relics of yesterday-
paper bags and frost covered couches-
chilled passengers seeking the brief warmth of the morning commute-
sunlight and frost dance together and create crisp partnerships forever more-
the bus driver has no trust in cats-
the great dane out with it's friend sparks memories of my past-
bitten in the face yet still loving dogs with such grace-
the frozen city awakes as the relics of last night claim their place-
 Nov 2010 HR B
Alyssa Starnes
 Nov 2010 HR B
Alyssa Starnes
I like your skin
when it is covered in goose bumps
I like to stroke my fingers
over the surface
and feel changes

I like your skin
when it is rough
I like to examine your calloused
hands, and hold them
so tight,
so tight
it reminds me of your past
and how you survived

I like your skin
when it is freckled
I like to look at the map it makes
next to my skin, where we match
I wonder where we'd go
if we followed our flesh

I like your skin
when it is wet
I like the way the water runs
between us, but never washes off
our love,
our love
I like when it shines
but even in the secret dark

I like your skin
when it is touching mine
I like how you feel my heart,
shoulders, stomach, thighs,
and the rest of me so
I like when there is no space
between ourselves

I like your skin
when you like mine
I like how my smile makes yours,
and how my laugh does that too
I like the way I tickle your knee
and over,
I like when you kiss my skin,
and know it is your skin too
My own thoughts.
 Oct 2010 HR B
Verisi Militude
Scars on my arms faded to memories,

faint dirt paths overgrown

with vegetation. Sometimes

I want to carve some new ones,

but don't. Instead I drag

on cheap cigars, pixels,

caffeine and other

more socially acceptable forms

of masochism, like relationships

or political campaigns in the media.

Black under my nails

not from European graphite anymore;

no, just from $3.99 hair dye

and scratching my eyes out.

Haven't picked up a drawing pencil

in almost a year. The closest form

of art I've attempted is grabbing

a chunk of dry hair and hacking it away

with the fury of the insane.

Adrenaline palpitating my heart

not from standing on the lip

of a furious overpass; no,

just from staring at a blank

computer screen, trying to

block out the incessant white noise

of human interaction while

trying to get these words past

the barrier of my mind.

 Oct 2010 HR B
Verisi Militude
Oldest thing I ever did see,
Skin a mountain range of
Crumpled/crinkled crepe paper
Peaking in altitudinous pouches
Under his eyes, dragging with
Their weight dewlapp jowls
Down to a waddling,
Flabby neck, eyes camouflaged
Under light, fuzzy swatches of cotton,
Mouth slack and vacant, dribbling.
Hobbling with a stoop, knees bowed,
Back arched at an angle, a
Tilted arrow. He tottered over to me,
Inches, feet, miles, years too young,
Smiled brightly to reveal an empty,
Gummy mouth rimmed with
Birthday cake, pallid arms
Outstretched, head splotched with
A thin, wispy cloud of hair,
Half-full and forgotten baby’s bottle
On the carpet behind him.

How quickly they do grow.
 Oct 2010 HR B
Verisi Militude
Sarah the Schizophrenic says the ugly old woman who wanders vacantly down the hall is ugly because she’s filled with demons, that if Mary was a good person her skin wouldn’t be a bunch of crushed tissue paper bruised under the eye-sockets. She’d be beautiful, Sarah insists. Like you.

Well, I don’t know about that, so I take a drag on my cigarette, hold the smoke in my lungs, let it circulate around for a little while, then exhale, flick the ashes off the **** with a swift snap of my thumb. Mary doesn’t do this, I think to myself, ******* off the stick once more. She’s not the one really inhaling Hell. All she does is lie in bed all day with her nose to the wall.

That woman makes me feel *****, Sarah hisses. Half of her face is concealed in the night, the other half dipped gold in the weak porch light. She’s hideous. You’re beautiful though, honey. You’re a doll.

Touching my face lightly with the tips of my fingers, I take another meditative pull, stand and walk a few paces, peer into the darkness. Beautiful. A lot of people say that. A lot of men. No matter how much I try, they still say I’m pretty. Ask for my number. Where’s your man at? I can chop my hair to bits, sleep so little that red and purple rims my eyes, walk so long in the chilly autumn air my cheeks are carved planes, no longer round and soft, but harsh, cold. I can smoke in order to purse my mouth into a puckered sphincter, destroy my image with oversized sweaters and baggy jeans and lack of make-up. Yet they never leave me alone, stare at me unabashedly, hungrily, take a seat next to me on the empty bus, follow me a ways down the street until I have no choice but to take the long way home, just to lose them. Want to know my name, my age, where I live, where I work, but most importantly, am I taken? Do I have someone? The lie always comes easily. Yes, I do. Then, I turn on my heels and walk away. He’s a lucky guy, a lucky guy to have you, they call. ****.

Of course, they know. They all know I don’t have anyone. They can tell by how I quickly avert my eyes, incline my head to the floor. That’s why, I think, they find it so easy to talk to me. An empty, hollow shell, I can be what they need me to be at the moment: vulnerable. Am I pretty? I’m not sure. But still, the notion is enough to make me want to pour a can of lighter fluid all over my face, touch a lit match to my flesh and shave my head just to make them quit coming after me. Leave me alone. All I want is for them to go away.

Yet simultaneously, I find it difficult not to humor their silent pleas. Yes, I want to tell them, I will sleep with you tonight. Come pick me up around eight and make sure you have a bottle of Jack with you. No, I don’t care what your name is, and I’d rather not look at your wrinkled face, your ******, defeated face, either. Sure, I will make you feel worth something and you will allow me to forget where and who and why I am for a few hours, and then early in the morning I will slip out unnoticed and never see nor hear from you ever again.

You okay? Sarah asks. My cigarette has burned down to an angry red stub. I drop it, squash it beneath my feet. Yes, I say, sticking another one between my lips.

Are you sure? she shudders. That woman just walked by. I think she’s trying to possess everyone. It’s enough to make someone go crazy.

I do not answer. A few minutes later, a man walks out, joins us. His face is haggard, unshaved, his shoulders hunched, hands in his pocket, a tangled marionette dropped by society. Fumbling with his cigarette, when he finally stuffs the lighter back in his pocket, he glances up, sees me, freezes. I look up at the sky, legs and arms crossed, smoke seeping from my mouth.

You’re real pretty, you know that? He asks after a while. I shrug, waiting for the inevitable. After a brief pause, it comes: You got a man?
 Oct 2010 HR B
Alyssa Starnes
things break
at the point
of least resistance
that's why
we're *******
thanks to you
glasses can't
walls can't shake
because nothing
is even
i have my words
but they're not heard
they're just cryptic
incisions on paper
like you made on my heart
i can't read them
but i can feel them
brail for my soul
a tale never told
and my love for you
grows old
i'm weary
and i'm shaken
but i'm taken
by the ghosts of
should have
would have
could have
and maybe a mix of did
but you didn't care
the past is the past
those stones have been cast
and we
didn't last
but who's fault it that
My own thoughts.
 Oct 2010 HR B
Alyssa Starnes
 Oct 2010 HR B
Alyssa Starnes
my fingers and empty palm
grasp the air
like a helpless
and desirous child
every strain of my ligaments
the pull of my flesh
pounding of my bones
reaching and reaching
for nothing
I am capable of achieving
you are there
and I am here
and us is nowhere to be found
but I made up a fifth direction that was you
and you were a whole species of your own
if I recall
a mystery in and of yourself
but I had you figured out
I was not lost, because you were my destination
I was not forsaken, because I had discovered
something, you
the past is the past
and I wish it could last
but ain't that thing
about life
as long as your living
it's all really slipping
but you were all right
and we were all right
and it's alright
that things aren't the same
things went and we came
you took me for the first time
and all times
and this last time,
well that was such a time my dear
your breath was sweet
and my skin quite enjoyed
how your lips introduced themselves to my neck
and how our bones became quite the acquaintances
because that is it love
time is the past
and also right now
and the next time I see you again
but lets not make that a plan
the next time your hand hugs my hand
these state lines divide us
phone calls imply trust
our love is always exposed
both of us always will know
so if fate loves us to
it will kiss me and kiss you
and stone will at last set our stage
no need to write a last page
My own thoughts.
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