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Holly H Mar 2013
Let's simply share a smoke
Forget the world
By erasing it with fire
Holly H Mar 2013
I remember when you took me
corkscrewing down kaleidoscope tunnels for the last time
mounting hummingbirds to fly through the crystallized sky
air splashing against our skin
like an intoxicating perfume, dizzying
old daydreams, new friends like
humans with spectrum eyes and hair that coiled around their shoulders like serpents, all donning galaxy cloaks
reptilian monsters that sprouted raven feathers while chasing each other through smoke trees
silhouettes with rusty-nail teeth who danced like leaves in a gale
inky, spindly limbs reaching
trying to catch the moon
fingers entangled like a dreamcatcher

We were more then the kings and queens, heroes, idols
We were gods,
ruling from the velvet mountains to the silken seas,
everything beneath the candlesmoke clouds and the caramel sun that drips like wax

everything shining beneath the stars
made out of that smoldering purple dust we know so well
always whispering to us in scritch-scratch voices
reciting elegies and hush-hush songs of longing

but then,
reality ignites and burns beneath us as we soar,
elysian fields crumbling,
flames consuming the wonderland we’ve built
that is nothing but a paper thin house of tarot cards
the future written with seeping poison ink
We are left keening in the ashes,
tears to late to douse the inferno

but maybe
they will help some seedling fester beneath the scorched earth
Holly H Feb 2013
All those years she spent searching for perfection
Could it be hiding
Within the flowery fumes that escaped from her blush when she snapped it open?
Or was it nestled in the contours of her body
Like a little bird, cozy in a right curve in the right place?
Is it within the peal of laughter
That slips from a gleaming mouth
like a bumblebee from a rose?
Or the finally approving words of a hungry mirror?
Is it bones?
Should you coax those out with hunger
until your perfection almost pierces through your skin?
The craving for discovery poisoned her anatomy that was deeper then skin
All her life she was the seeker of perfection
Something you couldn’t find on any atlas
The explorer who never noticed that the beast she hunts for does not exist
Something that everyone sees differently
Can never be found.

— The End —