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939 · Nov 2014
You're perfect.
Hollow Haze Nov 2014
You say you're ugly,
not perfect and constantly insecure,
I always tell you that you look amazing,
maybe our words are too cliché.

Maybe we heard those words too many times,
and we forgot what they mean.
But it's ok, don't worry,
I don't need words when I'm around you.

You take my breath away with your beauty,
You blow my mind when you speak,
You make burn with hot, red, love
when you run your tongue around your lips.

You're my dream,
That's why I want to be with you,
I want to tell you that every day,
when I wake up next you every morning.

You're perfect to me.
I want to be the one you wake up to, I want our bare bodies to touch, you are my dream, you are my happiness.
932 · Nov 2014
For her
Hollow Haze Nov 2014
You say I have talent,
You say you want more,
I want to be one to feed your addiction,
The burning desire for more.

That's a weird addiction to have,
to crave lustful words,
but that's what I like about you,
It makes me wonder.

What should I say now?
Which words should I put together?
I want her to feel sensational,
pleasured and ecstatic.
I have a need to write, you seem to have the need to read. You satisfy me.
848 · Nov 2014
Hollow Haze Nov 2014
Have you noticed how fake life is?
Just like this poem, its not really a poem,
Its just my thoughts and feelings,
Grouped in to 4 lines.

But might as well carry on,
Mention how fake you are,
Your make up,
Your thoughts and feelings.

How am I supposed to know,
How you feel,
What do you want,
Do you even want me?

Worst of all, it hurts me,
It makes me feel like I'm not me,
I want to be with you,
That makes me feel like something isn't right,
I feel fake.
723 · Nov 2014
Kiss me
Hollow Haze Nov 2014
If there is anything I hate more than,
Hypocrisy, idiocy,
Is being constricted and prevented,
from telling you how I feel about you.

When I see your face,
The only thing I want is to kiss you,
I want you to run your fingers through my hair,
I want you to stop and smile.

I wish for nothing more in this world,
and I would die for this to happen,
Because I would rather die whilst kissing you,
than living a life that doesn't consist of your lips touching mine.
All I want is for you know that I freaking love you. I want to kiss you and nothing else.
634 · Nov 2014
Hollow Haze Nov 2014
Do you know how hard it is?
Regardless of what it is.
You Don't!

What people seem to assume,
is that they know the feeling,
they know the feeling you get.

What they really feel,
doesn't match the amplitude,
of what you're going through.
469 · Nov 2014
it's funny
Hollow Haze Nov 2014
It's funny how you can,
Loose yourself by finding yourself,
Find yourself by getting lost,
Change who you are by,
Trying to become yourself.

It's funny how you can,
Feel pain, loose and drown in sorrow,
And move on because tomorrow,
Is not going to stop and wait,
For you to comprehend your fate.
449 · Nov 2014
Picture this
Hollow Haze Nov 2014
I'm smiling as I'm writing this,
because of the image I have in my mind,
you probably can't picture it,
so let me paint it for you in words.

The cold bitter morning wakes you,
the lack of energy ***** you in to the warm cosy bed you slept in,
you're brain isn't fully responding yet,
you just woke up.

You pass the first barrier,
with excruciating amount of energy,
you wobble, you breathe,
you got up, but you're late.

You get on the bus, you made it,
now you have twenty, thirty challenges ahead of you,
but you tackle them one by one,
you're unstoppable.

You get home, you're tired,
Now this part is imaginary but beautiful,
You sit down on the sofa you always sit on,
This time I'm here, I'm here for you, and I never want to leave.
404 · Nov 2014
Hollow Haze Nov 2014
You say you hate him,
You said he treated you badly,
You said you wanted nothing to do with him.
I guess you were lying.

You said you felt nothing for him,
You said he made you sad,
You said you ended it with him.
I guess you were lying.

I offered you my heart,
I wanted to be with you,
I wanted you to be happy,
After the way he treated you

Yet here I am,
and here you are,
Saying he's your best friend.
You're full of lies.
395 · Nov 2014
Another love poem
Hollow Haze Nov 2014
Here is another one about love.
Let me guess,
You heard it all before?
You're right.

Are you asking yourself if this one will be,
It already is.

So what is love?
A question a bit too big to answer in a poem
Is it as good as everyone says it is?
Yes, but I wouldn't know, not anymore.

Do you know the saying,
Every coin has 2 sides,
Well as some are enjoying love,
I'm suffering from the lack of
Our passion
The heat
The way she kissed me
374 · Nov 2014
Hollow Haze Nov 2014
Time is a funny concept,
it can influence your prospect.
It can change the way you think,
sometimes not enough to even blink.

Doesn't that make you think?
Wash your face in the sink,
That will refresh you,
Maybe a nice brew?

Ok now that you're all fresh and new,
try to grasp and understand what only few,
can fully picture,
the picture of time.
349 · Nov 2014
Hollow Haze Nov 2014
How often we ask the same questions?
How do you start,
what should be in the middle
how should it end.

What happens when,
we don't know,
we never answer them,
we fail to answer them correctly?
332 · Nov 2014
Hollow Haze Nov 2014
I want you,
and that makes me crazy,
but everywhere I look,
I picture us but it's hazy.

It's hazy and misty,
because you're feeling are unclear,
and all I want to know,
is if you want to be me my dear.

I'm afraid to talk to you about this,
because we happened before,
but I want to us to happen again,
because you're the best and therefore,

I'm writing this to show my feelings,
My true passion and love for you,
even though it's hard to put in to words,
I wish there was a way that I knew.
I want you, but I can't tell you. Don't ever leave me.
329 · Nov 2014
You and I
Hollow Haze Nov 2014
Is there a point in rhyming?
I think it's more about the timing,
And more about what I say,
I want to stop seeing in grey.

Come and help me see colours,
Come we can be like lovers,
Although we don't have to make love,
I know you hate the image you get above.

I want you to come and help me,
Feel the happiness, the laughter and to the degree,
where I forget everything exists,
and I can kiss you everywhere, even on the wrists.
313 · Nov 2014
Hollow Haze Nov 2014
I want you to stay,
I don't want you to go,
I want to hold on to you,
and never let you go.

Read those words,
and understand what I'm saying,
because your actions,
are saying the opposite.

When I'm with you,
I forget the world exists,
you become my world,
and I don't want you to leave.

I don't want to cease existing,
I want you to stop shifting,
towards the open door,
and come back and lie with me on the floor.

— The End —