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425 · Jul 2016
hkr Jul 2016
new york, you are a grim reaper. there should be a minimum age required to move to you, a number of years one must have lived to move to you, before you’re allowed to take the rest of them. new york, you kept me out until all hours and rose me from the dead each morning. jesus —now there’s a guy who knew his stuff: one resurrection was more than enough, thanks. you tell me he drank, too. was it his fault, too? new york, you are slowly killing me, but everywhere else i am already dead.
424 · Jul 2013
your shoe's untied
hkr Jul 2013
i didn't fall for you
my feet never left
the ground
and that's what
scares me most
about this love
i'm not sure if i'm making sense but in my head i am
424 · Jan 2016
creepy crawly
hkr Jan 2016
you can't get away from this place
it crawls under your skin
it lives inside you.
424 · Jul 2013
hkr Jul 2013
every time i listen to the radio
i think
this could have been our song
our song
our song

i swear i haven't been able to
listen to a love song
without thinking of you
i feel like such a ******* girl for writing this ****.
421 · Nov 2015
scrap paper
hkr Nov 2015
there are pieces of me
that will never be
421 · Mar 2014
jesus christ
hkr Mar 2014
i swear to god,
you love girls
to hurt them.
414 · Sep 2015
kill the crush
hkr Sep 2015
i guess this is how it is now:
you always leaving us (your friends) for him;
you never leaving my mind
i know what you do to me
i just can't bring myself to
strangle you for it
just yet.
this came out a lot more violent than i meant it to, but that doesn't mean i don't mean it.
409 · Mar 2014
is it too much to ask?
hkr Mar 2014
i'm sick of being miserable
i just wanna exist for awhile.
they keep asking me about college and i'm laughing because they honest to god believe i want to be trapped in a classroom for another four years.
409 · Dec 2015
hkr Dec 2015
you kissed my skinned knees
to "make it better"
(a kiss for each bruise)
i wonder what it'd feel like to really
be kissed by you.
407 · Apr 2017
the boogey man
hkr Apr 2017
in my dream, i eat dinner with your family. except, they don’t look like your family until you sit down across the table. then, they all grow faces: your mom, your dad, and your three brothers. their wives are also at the table and, when you say mrs. kennedy, we all turn to look at you. now you look at me like i just grew a face, too, then at my hands; i have a diamond ring on every finger of each hand. you grab me by the elbow and drag me away from the table. you pull out a flipbook of all the girls you’ve slept with, all tall brunettes like me. then there’s actually me, on my back and on my knees and on top of you. look, you finally admit, i only wanted to *******. i wake up.

in my next dream, we eat lunch at a table outside with your children. there are four of them: a tall japanese boy, a little black girl, and a set of freckled, white fraternal twins. they are all named john, like your father, even the girls. the boy twin is on a leash but, when he tries to run into oncoming traffic, you let him. they’re not really your kids, anyway. they’re the babies your ex’s carried to term to try to make you stay. it didn’t work, you say, like it’s something to be proud of. i don’t want to have your kids, anyway, i am reminding you, when the boy comes limping back screaming mommy. i wake up.

in my last dream, you eat breakfast in bed with your new girl. she smiles with her entire mouth. her face is stuck like that, top teeth cemented to bottom teeth. she laughs at your jokes through the enamel. wanna go for round two? you ask and she answers you like yeth. she gets on her knees and you push her head down to **** you off, your **** banging against those teeth. open up, babe, you say, open up. she can’t. i sleep through the night.
hkr Aug 2013
i guess my philosophy is that
movie times were scheduled for
double features
and we were given opposable thumbs
so we'd have five fingers
feeling reckless and rebelling in the smallest of ways
400 · Oct 2013
like a mixed tape
hkr Oct 2013
i hated voicemail
until i met you
now i'd be lying if i said
your stale voicemails
didn't save my life
because i remembered how it felt to be loved.
395 · Jul 2013
groggy and shaking
hkr Jul 2013
i've been thinking of going to sleep
for hours now
but every time i do
i'm reminded of you
this is a ******* poem about a ******* situation, but what's new?
392 · Sep 2013
less than fucking three
hkr Sep 2013
why do all my ghosts
of boyfriends' past
insist on talking
with me

i don't want to imagine either of us
with anyone but
each other
this is total **** but i'm so frustrated right now.
389 · Jan 2016
who would you run to
hkr Jan 2016
"my greatest fear is having everyone i've ever loved in a room."

"they all love you, what's scary about that?"

"i said everyone i've ever loved; i never said anything about them loving me."
if everyone you've ever loved was in a room, how many of them do you think would love you back?
385 · Apr 2013
hope (10w)
hkr Apr 2013
i roll
my hope
into a joint
and light
384 · Jul 2013
hkr Jul 2013
i should be sleeping but i'd rather
think circles around three months
that you called
a waste of your time.

you lied at some point
i just don't know
i've been desperate for answers for two years.
383 · Dec 2015
i made a poetry tumblr
hkr Dec 2015
if anyone's into that
hkr Dec 2015
as the fourth in my father’s string of children, i had to be everything. i was simultaneously the oldest, youngest, and middle child. not to mention, as the six of us were spread across three wives, the only child to my mother. i was a little of everything and a lot of nothing.
this isn't even a poem but i like the way it reads.
381 · Dec 2015
hkr Dec 2015
i have a good cry
over the lives
i did not get to live
379 · Sep 2015
hkr Sep 2015
i bore my eyes into my screen and wait for it to burn out my eye sockets so i can’t see its faults. burning dots when you close your eyes. i want my brain to catch flame. i want my heart reduced to a foot pedal. start and stop and start and stop. i want to wither away until i am nothing but what is necessary; until i cannot cry over cracked glass, excess flesh, the holes in my life that will never be filled (because i can’t turn back time any easier than i can stop biting my nails.) i want to be a wind-up doll with nothing between the ears, nothing behind the eyes, nothing in my rib cage. i want to walk until i can’t feel my legs and keep walking.
high notes #2
376 · Mar 2014
next time we talk; my side
hkr Mar 2014
i miss you . . .
like, i miss talking to you
is that weird . . .?
i'm sorry.
life doesn't reflect poetry.
374 · Oct 2013
idk this is shit 4 am
hkr Oct 2013
i told them i want to
be somebody
and they asked why
i couldn't just be me
can't you see?
being myself
just isn't
i need to be Somebody
371 · Nov 2015
hkr Nov 2015
on my own, again
as i've always been
i know i'm the
common denominator
i just don't know *why
i wrote this earlier, when i was feeling alone. i'm not feeling alone anymore, but we'll see how long that lasts.
update 11/25: i feel alone again
update: 12/5: i'm alone, but i don't feel it
update: 12/27 i'm not alone
update: 7/24 i think i brought this on myself
update: 12/13 need to get used to this again
364 · Oct 2013
for all my favorite poets
hkr Oct 2013
i think i fell
in love with
your words.
this isn't much of a poem, but one of my favorite poets is leaving the site, so i thought i'd take this chance to bring some attention to my favorites that are still here. check them out:
359 · Jan 2016
city dirt
hkr Jan 2016
in the city
they're so afraid of people ending their lives
they child lock all the windows

or maybe they just
don't want to clean up the mess.
357 · Mar 2014
hkr Mar 2014
he'll never be you.
351 · Jan 2016
the met closes at 5
hkr Jan 2016
what am i supposed to do when
walking through life feels like
walking through a museum of
empty rooms
349 · May 2013
hkr May 2013
it doesn't take much for the people here
to part like the red sea
or collapse like paper dolls.
349 · May 2013
hkr May 2013
we're playing checkers
but you know
which game
i mean.
348 · Dec 2015
hkr Dec 2015
have you ever told a lie so many times
you start to believe
i'm trying to unlearn my own *******
but the stories i've told
feel truer than the truth
345 · Dec 2015
bad, bad, bad
hkr Dec 2015
i'm starting to get bad again
and i'm scared --
-- not to get bad,
but because
i want to.
it's so much easier to let myself go down than to keep my balance.
344 · Feb 2016
hkr Feb 2016
how do i tell you
ive been recovering from/preparing for
for whole days
and im still not ready.
hkr Jun 2013
when you asked me why i never wrote
i told you i forgot
but if you'd looked beneath my bed
you would have known the truth

i wrote you
i wrote you a hundred times
and another hundred
in my dreams.
but none of my letters were very friend ly.
340 · Apr 2017
hkr Apr 2017
let’s be adults about this. let’s slam the dishes as we do them. let’s scrape what’s left on everyone’s plates into the garbage disposal; i’ll flip the switch when your sleeve gets caught. let’s put away the kitchen knives, chop chop chop, and see who finishes with the most fingers left. let’s put the nubs in tupperware and put some aside for susan, just let me spit in the container first — or would you rather *** in it? she’d probably prefer it. let’s answer the phone when she calls, answer your phone, answer it. answer and i’ll put your head in the microwave and turn it on high, i’ll blow the house up, i’ll

keep your voice down
the children are outside
quietly dividing up their toys.
my dad and stepmom have been divorced for like 7 years idk why this was on my mind, but i used it for class.
334 · Sep 2014
hkr Sep 2014
true pain is the kind
that is u n f i x a b l e
the kind that doesn't
come with an instruction
manual and a simple
way to make up for it
pain that never goes away
because it never can
true suffering is found
in this pain
and true strength is found
in living through it
or, rather,
learning to live
despite it.
this chapter doesn't have a happy ending, or a true ending at all; true pain is found in the lack of closure that comes with life-changing tragedy.
hkr Oct 2013
all i can say is
i'd really like to know
what it feels like
to wear your shirt
to sleep.
327 · Mar 2015
reflect me
hkr Mar 2015
i can only love in hindsight
my body,
the boys who get the two confused.
325 · Jun 2013
hkr Jun 2013
i wasted a ******* long time
trying to make
the good ones stay.
thirteen word tuesday?
324 · Aug 2015
i've never felt loved
hkr Aug 2015
& i can feel my heart
in my chest
maybe one day, i'll
spit it up
in bitter relief
323 · Dec 2015
hello, hell
hkr Dec 2015
hello suburbia --
i did not miss you.
314 · Dec 2015
hkr Dec 2015
"oh, he's horribly depressed,"
she said with a smile.
306 · Sep 2015
hkr Sep 2015
i'm sick of walking in your shoes
i think i'll untie them
lace over lace
wrap them around the wire
'till the lights go out
300 · Apr 2013
warm body
hkr Apr 2013
i already regret
letting him go
because i already feel
alone and now
i get why
i'm only
when you're
300 · Dec 2015
art and war p. 2
hkr Dec 2015
i drew a picture of you and
branded my name
on your ***
295 · Nov 2015
blue haiku
hkr Nov 2015
my brother born blue
you'll never know exhaustion
but you still sleep-in
i wrote this for class.
295 · Oct 2013
light me up
hkr Oct 2013
your name is burnt into my throat
your name is burnt into my throat
your name is burnt into my throat
it hurts too much
to speak.
277 · Dec 2015
four eyes
hkr Dec 2015
i took my glasses off when we kissed
no wonder love
was always blurry to me
hkr Jun 2013
maybe i'll come
see you
i could use
a ****
265 · Oct 2013
i wonder how it feels
hkr Oct 2013
how do you ask someone
to ask you
to stay?
because that's really all i want to hear. from anyone.

— The End —