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hkr Aug 2013
red car, blue car
every car is your car
green shirt, white shirt
every shirt is your shirt
*what's your name
what's your age
won't you take
a drive with me?
make no mistake, this is no love poem.

i never thought i'd need that lesson in stranger danger until today.
965 · Dec 2015
on writing memoirs
hkr Dec 2015
it's strange to write about myself as an entity
i have always thought of myself in terms of other people
the gap between them
a body of negative space.
960 · Feb 2014
i'm fucked up, mate
hkr Feb 2014
don't talk to me like her
like a fragile little girl
who wants a fairytale
talk to me
like you're running on an hour of sleep
out of breath
running late
talk to me
like you can't be bothered
and i promise you
i will love you forever.
959 · Nov 2013
hkr Nov 2013
there is a poet with
the same name as my
's mistress
and every time i read her poetry
i weep
because it is so beautiful
but i cannot love it
because i imagine it was strung
by Her
just like Him.
932 · Apr 2014
i have nightmares sometimes
hkr Apr 2014
and all of my demons?
they look just
ten word
hkr Feb 2014
i'm too human
for anyone to love.
929 · Jul 2013
hkr Jul 2013
my chest feels so empty
and my eyes feel so heavy
and it's only 3:30 pm

on days like this, i wonder
how i got through it
before you

because the after is
proving to be
929 · Apr 2017
hkr Apr 2017
there was a rainbow
after the rain came that day
filled my glass halfway
since he drank from it. **** him,
he knew i was near empty.
yet another thing i wrote for class.
924 · May 2014
loving a poet.
hkr May 2014
i was a poet.
my words
picked and chosen
so carefully
i stifled my heart
in the process
but i loved you --
-- silently
from the bottom of coffee cups
in the transactions of homework
[your spanish, my english]
and my phone history;
all those calls i missed
hitting the mute button
when you played piano
and you understood
you knew my words
didn't say much at all.

but i am a poet.
and fifteen months
after my words were too late
he fell for them, instead
the counting
their structure
my organization
i picked and i chose
like a calculator
starving my heart
in the process
but he loved me --
-- gullibly
from the bottom of his heart
in the middle of the night
never mind my phone history;
all those drunk calls i made
to you
feeding him pretty words
so he could love me
because he didn't understand
he didn't know my words
didn't say much at all.
903 · Feb 2014
hkr Feb 2014
it's  t e n  'o  c l o c k
go to bed
but the night's still young

it's  e l e v e n  'o  c l o c k
go to bed
but i have work to finish

it's  m i d n i g h t
and don't you know, it's unhealthy
to go to bed so late?

i think it's even less healthy
to be this sad.
891 · Jan 2016
not a suicide note
hkr Jan 2016
if only i could
**** myself
w/o anyone knowing
remove myself
and leave life behind me.
i'm not suicidal i just don't want to be here
888 · Dec 2013
joints are funny things
hkr Dec 2013
are you quite alright?
                                          he asks
yeah, my knees are just acting up*
                                          i insist
but the way my e n t i r e  b o d y
aches in protest
gives me away.
i can't remember the
last time i felt
sometimes i fear i'll suffocate because there aren't words for how i feel.
878 · Mar 2014
it's a little fucked up how
hkr Mar 2014
the only time i feel a thing
for him
is when we argue.
874 · Apr 2013
stuck on blue
hkr Apr 2013
i know you said i shouldn’t wait for you
but like sandra d
when it comes to love,
i have nothing better to do
every other boy is
a dry saltine *******
so let me keep my broken mood ring, babe
i don’t care if it’s stuck on blue
867 · Apr 2013
hkr Apr 2013
i’m 6
you’re tall like a “big kid”
i’m small, i fit in your lap
you like pokémon cards
[and the spice girls, that’s our secret]
last week you tried to runaway
you didn’t know where to go, came home
you should have gone
under the table

i’m 13
i have the coolest brother because
you work at an amusement park and
this roller coaster is fast
[your friends say your girlfriend is, too]
you aren’t mikey anymore but
not michael II either because
you’re purging daddy out
so you go by mike

i’m 17
i’m watching your band
again and
your phone keeps ringing
[she’s calling about mike’s baby]
i think i’ll pick it up, mikey
tell her you still like the spice girls

i’m 22
cleveland state?
it’s part of her deal
you’re stuck in ohio
[just like daddy]
but you’re getting out of columbus:
i gave you bus fare
under the table
860 · Mar 2014
eternal slumber
hkr Mar 2014
i have not felt good in a long time
so i would like to rest, if that's alright
just rest until i feel better
and i want to rest alone,
because if i don't
i may be distracted or self-conscious
and i know i'm just asking
to be cold
but i thought perhaps
every few days
you could open the window
and kiss my forehead
to remind me what
warmth feels like
and that this is not
an eternal slumber.
851 · Mar 2014
silly girl
hkr Mar 2014
they apologized
to clear their
not because
they were sorry.
851 · Apr 2013
don't let me speak.
hkr Apr 2013
most of all, i want to listen to your voice. anything you have to say. recite your grocery list, what you ate for breakfast. what’s your opinion on the weather? remind me about how you like the snow, but hate the cold. how you couldn’t fall asleep because the wind kept whistling through your broken window. tell me the story about how you broke that window again. again. again. how you hit that baseball too hard and it went soaring. tell me about that moment. the moment that it looked like that ball was flying. how’d you feel when it crashed? no, don’t tell me about that, i know it’ll make you think of the crash. how i crashed down on the concrete when we were walking that one night. i was barely conscious, so tell me about how you carried me a mile to my apartment. if you have to, tell me about why you left me there alone. how you’d asked me on the walk because we “needed to talk” and you had to do it that night, because she’d given you an ultimatum. don’t tell me about how you’d stayed with me that last month out of pity. or if you do, let those be the softest words you speak. softer than the things you whispered to me months ago. softer than the way you touched my cheek before you left me on that bed. tell me again how touching me made you sick those last few weeks and please assume that i felt the same. because every time i think of the truth, every time i think of how it wasn’t over for me, isn’t over for me...i love you. i can’t breathe. don’t let me speak. don’t let me speak. i only want to listen to the sound of your voice. keep talking. say anything. tell me all about her.
848 · Dec 2015
hkr Dec 2015
they asked me what i wanted the headline of my life to be
at a time when it took everything in me
to keep my name out of the obituaries.
833 · Dec 2013
loving you is bitter
hkr Dec 2013
when the lights go out
all i think of is you
all i can think of is you

and i still blister
like you loved me yesterday.
hkr Mar 2014
i tried to write an open letter to your new girlfriend. i sat for hours, writing draft after draft, typing over backspace after backspace, all in vain. i realized at the end of it, i had no words for her. i had no wistful compliments, or tips dipped in nostalgia, or even warnings -- i realized none of those are mine to give. i remembered that there have been at least a dozen girls between me and her; you are no longer mine to giveaway. i am no longer the ex. i was never really the ex, but i am no longer the anything. i'm a girl you used to know. years ago. a girl you'll come across in the yearbook, decades from now, and blink -- was that really her name? you'll swear to yourself that it was more beautiful, back when you moaned it in my ear. you'll show me to your kids, or even your wife, laughing and saying there's my high school . . . you'll pause and stick-in the word 'girlfriend' because it's the closest thing that fits, but we both know better. i was never your girlfriend, i was just your ******* girl.

there is no fondness to this story. there is nothing for you to tell your kids, unless you're ready to ******* jade them; there's the girl who starved for me in year nine, there's the girl who didn't say she loved me until it was over, there's the girl who couldn't function with or without me.

there's your girl. one of your girls. a notch in your belt. now that i think about it, maybe you'll just flip past me in the yearbook. and maybe, if we ever see each other again, all you'll do is blink.
he has a new girlfriend, it's 3am, and i'm losing it over an issue so stale it could be a fruitcake.
823 · Sep 2014
shots fired
hkr Sep 2014
if this is a warzone,
then call it a warzone.
but don't you dare call it love.
811 · Feb 2014
how accurate
hkr Feb 2014
i saw a quote the other day
about emptiness
and how no amount of love
on this planet
can fill it
when it's sincere
and i couldn't help but think
of myself
as a black hole
gaping and bare
stealing kisses in the dark
and words out of the mouths
of babes
just for the thrill
just for the reassurance
that i am desirable
but nothing more

because he took
the rest of my capabilities
with him.
this is a ****** poem but this quote hit me hard: "'you know what the problem is?' he asked, 'it's not that i'm not enough, it's that you're empty. you're just so ******* empty and greedy that every single person on this ******* planet could love you and it wouldn't be enough for you.'"
810 · Aug 2015
dry erase me
hkr Aug 2015
i remember when the people i know
became the people i knew. it started in high school,
kids i’d grown up with dropping off the face of the planet before anything could hold them here; like they were hoping to die
early enough that we could all pretend they’d never been here at all.
we all wanted to erase ourselves. sometimes
i get jealous of the people who succeeded.
797 · Jan 2014
what makes me anxious
hkr Jan 2014
too clean



the way my brain
is wired.
hkr Aug 2013
there's sleet between my teeth
and a thunderstorm in my mind
there's a hurricane in my heart
and a drought beneath my bed
789 · Aug 2013
i'm suffocating
hkr Aug 2013
never lying
would help me keep
my life straight
but i'm not sure
these pythons
would stop choking me
just for a spoken word
of truth.
hkr Jul 2014
i make a fat joke about myself and
"i don't ever wanna hear you say something like that again," he says
he asks if i am unclear as to why
and i want to ask
if he is unclear as to why
i made it in the first place.
784 · Apr 2014
i am not selfish
hkr Apr 2014
i am heavy
[with ugly emotion
that nobody
so i keep it to myself.
783 · Mar 2015
hkr Mar 2015
those days, i would've followed you off a cliff
these days, i'd call 911 --
because i know, now,
that love isn't wanting someone
so much that you'd die for them
but wanting what's best for them
and knowing
that isn't always you.
781 · Mar 2015
our stars were not aligned
hkr Mar 2015
so i will collect ladders until
i can reach
and rearrange them
if only for your ghost.
772 · Sep 2015
hkr Sep 2015
don't look her in the stripes
she says...
770 · Mar 2014
bare hands
hkr Mar 2014
he told me he loved me, did you know that? weeks ago . . . and i've been thinking about saying it back for days, but every time -- every ******* time -- i think about it, there you are. with your stupid name and your stupid self and ******* i loved you, you know that? i loved you so much that the thought of saying it to anyone else physically hurts. it feels like it'd be physically impossible to get the words out. two years down the road and here i am, tongue-tied in front of a boy you don't even know, screaming at my memories of you for not being able to catch me.
you're just a ghost.
766 · Jan 2016
i miss high school
hkr Jan 2016
i miss high school
not really, but y'know
i miss all the things
i got to be.
758 · Jan 2014
i still think about you.
hkr Jan 2014
when you dumped me
they said 'time heals all wounds'
and i said they were full of ****.

when i pick my scabs
i still feel my heart
bleed out over you.

on bad days i curse
your name until i fall asleep
it's my broken lullaby.
there are no instructions for fixing how i'm feeling.
757 · Jun 2013
hkr Jun 2013
i kept the voicemails you left
months after they went stale
and sometimes i'd lock myself
into the bathroom
just to listen to them
without being accused of
being a packrat

the day that my sister
accidentally deleted
every single one
was the only time
i cried over you.
757 · Mar 2016
hkr Mar 2016
she says report, report, report it
i’m trying to tell her
how difficult it was
to even disclose to her
how my ribs
turned into seatbelts.
753 · Jul 2014
i'm not that girl
hkr Jul 2014
our college lists intersect
only once
and i wonder if
i can take that as a metaphor
for the way our lives
will run parallel
to each other
but never, again,
and i wonder if
the thought
will ever cease
depressing me.
i swear i'm not.
hkr Sep 2014
i don't think i've ever felt that my life was completely my own and i don't think i ever will. i am thrown off-guard by people who simply choose to live. mesmerized by people who throw themselves into their life, as if that is all they are here to do. mind-boggled by people who've never considered the possibility that their life may be bigger than their own, that it could be -- easily -- if they'd only let it. contentment is not in my vocabulary, it is not in my bones; i don't sing in the shower, i breathe.
735 · May 2013
talk to your piano
hkr May 2013
i wonder if you tell
your piano
the things you used to
tell me.
inspired by the chopin quote.

he loves chopin.
729 · Nov 2013
we all have our ways
hkr Nov 2013
i can start every sentence with
if i were beautiful . . .
and i still won't be

but if i write enough poetry
at least i'll have something beautiful
to show for myself.
hkr Dec 2013
but i think i was born
saying goodbye.
720 · Aug 2014
take a hint
hkr Aug 2014
i'm not sorry
that i wanted sleep
more than your ****.
719 · Jun 2013
i can't hate marilyn.
hkr Jun 2013
i'm more of the
jackie kennedy
in this affair.

i could never do
what marilyn does
for you.
but i can't hate her,
because she makes you
717 · Dec 2015
art and war
hkr Dec 2015
my father was a curator
and my mother sold guns
under their roof we made
art and war.
717 · Sep 2013
hkr Sep 2013
his name left my lips
too many times to count last night
and it was embarrassing
not because everyone heard me
but because everyone thinks
i want him
when all i'll ever want
is you
707 · Sep 2015
hkr Sep 2015
we twist and twist and twist
like dishrags over an empty sink
where do all the drops of us go
where do they go
where do we go
and i feel like i’m running dry
something i found in my high notes.
704 · Aug 2013
baby girl
hkr Aug 2013
when you are old enough to speak
do not call love
a mental disease
do not resent it, do not fight it
because love is pure
and love is good
it's only when you throw
life into the mix
that it becomes toxic.
i discovered a new belief.
hkr Feb 2014
your love is too tainted
[by the memory of a boy
who will never be more
than a memory]
to give anybody else.
it's all his, whether i like it or not.
698 · Oct 2017
mr. sun
hkr Oct 2017
you won’t catch me
thanking you for much, but thank you
for waiting to leave me until
there was sunlight.
an old one for david that slipped my mind to post.
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