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10.4k · Jan 2013
Himani Vashishta Jan 2013
Yes, I am an Atheist.
A single word explains it.
I don’t have the popular, visor faith in God.
A little word retorts,
I don’t bend on my knees to pray.
Yes, I question God’s presence, doubt his omnipotence
I choose to think freely, so I am an Atheist!!
A single word may stimulate believers,
They say, I am condemned to hell and deserve damnation.
Egotistical, Arrogant and ‘Witch’ I am called in condemnation.
Still I assert, ‘I am proud to be an Atheist!!’

A Single word explains, I have torn all ties,
No more in mood of listening age-old rhetoric cries.
I have broken all barriers, which divide my own people,
To live my life by the Golden Rule of Humanity & affable.
I dream boundary’s falling, all mankind as one,
Humanity prevailing before any sham religion.
People of different caste and creed dancing-singing together in the bright light of sun.
Not idols rather humanity my religion, so I am proud to be an Atheist!!

A Single word Atheist for me doesn’t mean,
The faith believers preach I totally deny.
But so long as logic is there,
Anything else would be a lie.
I agree no religion asks its followers to become bigot and spread violence and hatred.
I am ready to follow any religion if believers assure no more blood would be shattered.
As far as I feel, they gave me no assurance, so still I am forced to be an Atheist!!

A Single word Brahmin for me explains my caste and religious status,
Even after born in a very religious family events converted me to atheist status.
I opened my eyes in India in year 1984,
The winter season was burning by religious riots, killing Sikhs daily more & more.
The mighty prime minister was assassinated of the county of crore,
Year 1985-86 also witnessed Ahmedabad roar.
Small incidents continued but year 1990 witnessed communal riots more and more.
Burning issue of Ram Janam Bhoomi temple touched this time every door.
Bliss of Childhood with me, I hide in my mother lap and just ignore.
My days filled with play, naps, snacks, beautiful dresses I wore.
Mommy and Daddy smiled at all the adorable things I did; my innocence something I was loved for.
My elder brother was my idol; my best friend remained with me like my shadow every hour.
In my childhood I was the most religious so respected for.
Communal frenzy converted that religious girl to the extent of proud Atheist!!

A little word lovable was apt for me
I started my schooling; mingle with kids of all caste.
My high born parents any how made me understand not to eat and meet with low caste.
That’s when I realized the equation of caste,
I was growing and learning about world very fast.
I found brotherhood my books preached and the scenario existed in society complete contrast.
Minor and some times major violence always outbreak on the name of creed and caste,
In the country which was such a vast.
I noticed my community condemning government policy of reserving for low caste.
This widespread hatred hurt my innocent heart turned me in a proud Atheist!!

A single word love got my all attention as I grow adult,
Yes, I was in love, the most beautiful feeling of this world.
Alas! My first love my true love never fulfilled,
In the midst of caste and creed.
Caste obligations made my life ruined,
God snatched my love and I stopped loving god so I am here a proud Atheist!!

A little word communalism shook the giant country in 2002 again,
The whole Gujarat drenched in blood rain.
All streets burning up to Sabarmati train,
Women *****, Innocent kids crying man dying, made my faith drain.
I wonder when humanity was slain where God remain,
Why faith can’t be questioned again.
Why can’t we see through communal-political equation?
Yes, I use reason and logic, so I am proud to be an Atheist!!

A single word Atheist changed my whole life,
Traditional man refused to make me wife.
My Family Life continuously on strife,
They say Bigots will put me dead by knife.
Believers speak ill for me in disguise,
Hoping quietly for my demise.
Still I dare to follow path of truth, so I am proud to be an Atheist!!

A single word fear I see in all eyes,
Take a deep look, communal worm hollow our society you realize.
Misinformation, falsification bloodshed that Bigots materialize,
God died in my heart since when religion start terrorize.
To save mankind quit all religious difference would be wise,
Otherwise all growth & development would paralyze.
Its High time, only human religion be initialize.
Till Human Religion finalize, I take proud in being an Atheist!!
So Here I am, A Proud Atheist!!

- Himani Vashishta
1.4k · Jan 2013
The Last Embrace
Himani Vashishta Jan 2013
Good Bye Love!
I spoke those words fighting my tears,
He seemed voracious, I seemed anxious.
Taking a step ahead, I hugged him,
He was not sure about that hug like it wasn’t for him.
Tears and pain had made my eyes red,
Anger and arrogance had made his eyes red.
I was holding him with all my tenderness,
But my love, my emotions everything seemed to him meaningless.
His fake love had given me my life’s deepest wound,
Meek, submissive, I wasn’t even able to raise any sound.
I fought my tears but they fall,
In his heart he knew his fault at all.
I had loved him like no other before,
Not knowing so many tears were in store.
Touching his face with my hands, so cold and frail,
I felt the features of one of the most handsome male.
He looked as handsome as a full Moon,
The only man I bid to stare from night to noon.
With my all grace I made our last embrace,
I felt his arms for me no longer tender and safe.
No marks of pain or repent on his face,
Is there any feelings left in him, I wanted to trace.
My broken, blooded heart was thumping at a great pace.
In my heart I knew it is our last embrace,
Indeed that was our last embrace,
The last embrace :-(

- Himani Vashishta
Himani Vashishta Jan 2013
'ना आना इस  देश मेरी लाडो ....'

(यकीन मानो इस चेतावनी की इस देश में कोई जरुरत नहीं है । )
लाडो तुम्हें इस देश में आने  ही कौन देगा ?
आधुनिक यंत्रों से लेस मनुष्य  (राक्षस) तुम्हे  गर्भ में ही रोक देगा,
जन्म ले भी लिया तो किसी ऊँची ईमारत से निचे फेंक देगा ।
लाडो जरा संभल  कर ,
ना जाने कौन भेड़िया तुम्हे लूट सड़क के किनारे पटक देगा।
लाडो मान लो मेरी बात ,
आज जो पुरुष तुम्हे आन्दोलन करते नज़र आ रहे हैं,
कालांतर में तुझ लूटी -पिटी को अपनाने एक नहीं आएगा।
ना आना इस  देश मेरी लाडो,
तेरे आने पर तो तेरा जनक भी पछताएगा ,
इस कलयुग में जब पिता- भाई तक आबरु छीनने में लगे हैं ,
कौन यहाँ तेरा संरक्षक बन पाएगा ।
ना आना इस  देश मेरी लाडो,
तेरा यह हाल इस भावुक हिमानी से और  ना देखा जायेगा ।

- हिमानी वशिष्ठ
Female Infanticide, ****
Himani Vashishta Jan 2013
'ना आना इस  देश मेरी लाडो ....'

(यकीन मानो इस चेतावनी की इस देश में कोई जरुरत नहीं है । )
लाडो तुम्हें इस देश में आने  ही कौन देगा ?
आधुनिक यंत्रों से लेस मनुष्य  (राक्षस) तुम्हे  गर्भ में ही रोक देगा,
जन्म ले भी लिया तो किसी ऊँची ईमारत से निचे फेंक देगा ।
लाडो जरा संभल  कर ,
ना जाने कौन भेड़िया तुम्हे लूट सड़क के किनारे पटक देगा।
लाडो मान लो मेरी बात ,
आज जो पुरुष तुम्हे आन्दोलन करते नज़र आ रहे हैं,
कालांतर में तुझ लूटी -पिटी को अपनाने एक नहीं आएगा।
ना आना इस  देश मेरी लाडो,
तेरे आने पर तो तेरा जनक भी पछताएगा ,
इस कलयुग में जब पिता- भाई तक आबरु छीनने में लगे हैं ,
कौन यहाँ तेरा संरक्षक बन पाएगा ।
ना आना इस  देश मेरी लाडो,
तेरा यह हाल इस भावुक हिमानी से और  ना देखा जायेगा ।

- हिमानी वशिष्ठ
Female Infanticide, ****
Himani Vashishta Jan 2013
'ना आना इस  देश मेरी लाडो ....'

(यकीन मानो इस चेतावनी की इस देश में कोई जरुरत नहीं है । )
लाडो तुम्हें इस देश में आने  ही कौन देगा ?
आधुनिक यंत्रों से लेस मनुष्य  (राक्षस) तुम्हे  गर्भ में ही रोक देगा,
जन्म ले भी लिया तो किसी ऊँची ईमारत से निचे फेंक देगा ।
लाडो जरा संभल  कर ,
ना जाने कौन भेड़िया तुम्हे लूट सड़क के किनारे पटक देगा।
लाडो मान लो मेरी बात ,
आज जो पुरुष तुम्हे आन्दोलन करते नज़र आ रहे हैं,
कालांतर में तुझ लूटी -पिटी को अपनाने एक नहीं आएगा।
ना आना इस  देश मेरी लाडो,
तेरे आने पर तो तेरा जनक भी पछताएगा ,
इस कलयुग में जब पिता- भाई तक आबरु छीनने में लगे हैं ,
कौन यहाँ तेरा संरक्षक बन पाएगा ।
ना आना इस  देश मेरी लाडो,
तेरा यह हाल इस भावुक हिमानी से और  ना देखा जायेगा ।

- हिमानी वशिष्ठ
Female Infanticide, ****

— The End —