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Hilda May 2013
Love and Christianity begin first at home with good communication.

It is certainly a challenge but as Jesus said, "Go home and show what the Lord has done for you."
Praying that I can communicate calmly and lucidly in my own home.
Hilda Jun 2013
There was a minister who ordered a pair of dentures. People wondered why his sermons got longer and longer. Finally they discovered he had ordered a pair of women's dentures.
Hilda Dec 2012
When daybreak gilds the sky with rose
She wakens, her glad heart afire
Yearning in poems dreams to disclose.

Sighing she lays such dreams away
To give housecats their morning food,
Hoping to write another day.

And though the morning brief may be,
She helps her children with homeschool
Bridging lives for eternity.

Three miles trudging to stay all noon
Helping a crippled neighbor friend,
Then sighs to see the day die soon.

Homeward she steals 'neath setting rays.
On battered Steinway plays a hymn
Blending with softly gloaming dim.

She feeds the frightened strays so thin
Shiv'ring in blustering wind and cold,
Doleful as night comes howling in.

The clock strikes two, she falls asleep
Too weary to pen dying dreams,
Trusts someday glad  harvest to reap.

© Hilda December 7, 2012
Hilda Sep 2014
And still I dream of stepping back into yesterday
Where time flowed so freely golden with serenity
We would sit in pine scented grove and sip lemonade
Our talk tranquil as sun dappled creek murmuring in quiet wood
Never arguing or complaining but flooded with blissful reverie
A time bygone and peaceful, learning to know each other again
Listening to the background symphony of cicadas and katydids
Poignantly nostalgic with yearnings of bygone days
Watching velvety dusk deepen into shades of whispering night
Relishing each breeze laden with moss and murmuring pine
Anticipating the dawn awakened by drowsy robins and wood thrush
Skies east to west stained with strawberry hues and dreams renewed
And still I shall dream on

© Hilda September 7, 2014  Eleven o'clock PM
Hilda Feb 2013
Golden ev'ning light
reminds of approaching spring

Hilda Dec 2012
What The Heart Of The Young Man Said To The Psalmist.

Tell me not, in mournful numbers,
   Life is but an empty dream!
For the soul is dead that slumbers,
   And things are not what they seem.

Life is real! Life is earnest!
   And the grave is not its goal;
Dust thou art, to dust returnest,
   Was not spoken of the soul.

Not enjoyment, and not sorrow,
   Is our destined end or way;
But to act, that each to-morrow
   Find us farther than to-day.

Art is long, and Time is fleeting,
   And our hearts, though stout and brave,
Still, like muffled drums, are beating
   Funeral marches to the grave.

In the world’s broad field of battle,
   In the bivouac of Life,
Be not like dumb, driven cattle!
   Be a hero in the strife!

Trust no Future, howe’er pleasant!
   Let the dead Past bury its dead!
Act,— act in the living Present!
   Heart within, and God o’erhead!

Lives of great men all remind us
   We can make our lives sublime,
And, departing, leave behind us
   Footprints on the sands of time;

Footprints, that perhaps another,
   Sailing o’er life’s solemn main,
A forlorn and shipwrecked brother,
   Seeing, shall take heart again.

Let us, then, be up and doing,
   With a heart for any fate;
Still achieving, still pursuing,
   Learn to labor and to wait.

*~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 1807—1882~
December 20, 2012
Hilda Jun 2013
"I tell you I won't have this room!" snorted the aristocratic lady to the bellboy who was conducting her. "I refuse to pay decent money for a pigsty such as this! If you think-"
Profoundly disgusted, the boy interrupted. "Get in, mum. Get in! This ain't yer room. Can't ya see it's an eluvateer?"
Hilda Jan 2014
Beneath yew tree's shade
mouldering they sleep
ashes of yesterday

Chronicles of time
ravage golden yesterdays
ne'er more to live again

O swelling anthem of praise
chorus of robin, warbler,
and oriole,
mocking my broken heart
triumphantly sing!

Smile on! Thou blazing sun
and scorn dreamless beds
of innocent furry friends
ashes of yesterday


© Hilda January 18, 2014.
Hilda Dec 2012
Trav'ling o'er miles of time
and space unlimited
where disembodied we drift
unseen yet seeing
into the lives of a thousand
otherwise unknown people

© Hilda December 31, 2012
Hilda Mar 2013

I've been so busy
As mothers often are
It's why I can't write much.


J'ai été tellement occupé
Comme souvent, les mères sont
C'est pourquoi je ne peux pas écrire beaucoup.

I've been busy lately and so that's why you don't see me writing poetry on HP much. . . But I'll try to write here as often as possible.
Hilda Apr 2013
Bygone days that seem
so long ago I hope shall
live again!
A tranquil retreat among whispering pines
Sipping iced tea or lemonade
Feeling the breath of God
in a thousand breezes....
O! how I yearn for those
bygone days
to return with spring!

Hilda Nov 2012
Cats are angels sweet,
Sent by God to teach us love,
Angels in disguise.

© Hilda November 9, 2012
Hilda Nov 2012
Let nothing make thee sad or fretful,
Or too regretful;
Be still;
What God hath ordered must be right;
Then find in it Thine own delight,
My will.

Why shouldst Thou fill to-day with sorrow
About tomorrow,
My heart?
One watches all with care most true;
Doubt not that He will give thee too
Thy part.

Only be steadfast; never waver,
Nor seek earth's favor,
But rest:
Knowest what God wills must be
For all His creatures, so for thee,
The best.

**~From German of Paul Fleming.
Translated by Catherine Winkworth~
Hilda Jun 2013
I would rather appreciate simple things I have than have what I cannot appreciate....
Hilda Aug 2014
Crumbling with leaks and rust
Sagging floors and broken chairs
Hours of golden laughter ring
And contentment reigns supreme

© Hilda August 25, 2014
Hilda Nov 2012
In all the world my Daddy is the best
Sometimes he likes to play croquet with me,
And everyday fills each moment with zest:
So that golden hours charm us with their glee.

He teaches me about Heaven and God
From the pages of our worn Bible each day,
And even though he  never uses a rod
Instead Daddy teaches me how to pray.

Sometimes he teases like a little boy,
Plays the piano and sings an old hymn,
Flooding our humble abode with such joy
And say! You guessed it! My Daddy's name is Tim.

    ~Marian and Hilda~
© Hilda November 6, 2012.
Hilda Jan 2013
Gold blends with strawberry hues
deepening into crimson
Kaleidoscope of colours
Shimmering fresh hope.

Hilda Jan 2013
Wakening with dawn
shimmering in brilliant hues
of crimson and gold

                               Silv'ry woodthrush flutes
                               and drowsy robins murmur
                               promising fresh hope

Opaque blackness fled
Vanished its dark heaviness
dissolving in light

Hilda Dec 2012
Sun rises silently pink
Deepening into crimson;
Silv'ry fluting of wood thrush,
Breaks the gentle hush.

© Hilda December 31, 2012
Hilda Aug 2014
May God bless thee daughter dear
Take away thy grief
Wiping away each sad tear
Flood thee with relief

Daybreak greet thy eager eye
Hues of crimson bright
Vanishing each weary sigh
Awe thee with delight

© Hilda August 27, 2014
Hilda Dec 2012
Breezes whispering secrets
On a balmy afternoon
Memories of bygone days
Half-forgotten now.

© Hilda December 31, 2012
Hilda Sep 2014
Just thought I'd write these few lines
Praying God will take this message to you
I miss you so, dearest Joy!
Words cannot express the pain
Locked within my breast
Those times we sat sipping black coffee and
Talking about God and the Bible
Listening to a preacher on TV or sometimes a cartoon
The scent of your cigarette blending with spicy apple candle
Later you graduated to a smokeless cigarette,
Then finally you became too weak to smoke at all
Or even drink or eat or move
Dearest Joy, I miss you so!
I try to laugh and smile and joke
To comfort Tim and Marian yet the ache remains in my heart
Tim says he sometimes thinks he hears your footsteps in the woods
Sometimes I think I hear your soft knock at our door
Or that the phone ringing will be you
Always you were so sweet and appreciative
Thanking me over and over for the simplest little things
Thank you, sweetest Joy, for the lovely drinking glasses you gave us
And that special card you made which said
"Until we drink together of that water in heaven"
Forgive me for the Hospice group, dear Joy
I honestly believed that they would try to help
Rather than just cheerfully watching you die day after day
Thank you, dearest Sister, for all the sweet little gifts
Most of all your friendship and love
So I am praying that God will send this message to you
Perhaps show us some glimpse of Heaven to comfort our broken hearts
We love you, Sweetest Sister, and always will

In memory of my precious sister Joy who passed to Heaven upon June 10 of this year.
© Hilda  September 5, 2014.
Hilda Jan 2014
Sweet wisteria
Weakly protesting their death
By covetous hand

Never had they bloomed
In such profuse abandon
Till those last three years

Trailing sad windows
Lush purple riot of vines
Struggle to protest

One morn I woke to
Roar of angry bulldozers
At the empty house

Nothing there remains
One brief hour quickly shattered
My belovèd home

(Each stanza is a Senryu.)
© Hilda January 18, 2014.
Hilda Aug 2014
If I could sweet wishes bestow
That you measure of my love know
A land where happy dreams may glow

We would waken with glad dawn
Relieved to find all sorrows gone
And laugh as sunbeams gild our lawn

Then sitting in the tranquil shade
We'd sip iced tea or lemonade
While praying day would never fade

And so upon the bleakest night
Red spicy candles we would light
To meditate or perhaps write

Thus unable my dreams to prove
With perfumed token of my love
Left mournful as the weeping dove

Dedicated to Marian.
© Hilda August 22, 2014
Hilda Aug 2014
cold Dr Pepper
in old fashioned glass bottle
evokes sweet mem'ries
© Hilda August 12, 2014
Hilda Dec 2012
Crying out to Jesus
To be strength to the weak
Comfort to those who mourn
Accomplish some good
Shedding a ray of sunshine
To those in sadness
Needing encouragement
From friends

© Hilda December 24, 2012
Hilda May 2013
1 Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children;
2 And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us and hath given Himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling savour.
3 But fornication and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named among you, as becometh saints.
4 Neither filthiness nor foolish talking nor jesting, which are not convenient, but rather giving of thanks.
5 For this ye know, that no whoremonger, nor unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.
6 Let no man deceive you with vain words; for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience.
7 Be not ye therefore partakers with them.
8 For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord; walk as children of light;
9 For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth;
10 Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord,
11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.
I realize this is not "a verse for today" but several verses, yet wanted to share this with you, inspired by my dear husband Timothy for writing "verse for today" and also Somethingweknewwasours for her personal testimony I want to say thank you! also to you dear daughter, Marian, for encouraging me in the beginning to post these testimonies.... Last but not least, our dear sister who encouraged us saying she always starts her day with the Bible because it is as vitamins. "Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word which proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
Hilda Apr 2013
"I love you Jesus," said Sally Anne.
"Today I'll do everything I can."
All day long she nagged her husband kind
Until he thought he would lose his mind.

"I love you Jesus!" cried Miss Mary.
"Today for others loads I'll carry."
Neighbor Alice called and begged for bread.
Slamming the phone gave a stone instead.

"I love Thee Jesus," said Mrs. Hill
"Today how I long to do Thy will!"
She laughed at the poor and mocked the lame
Then sat and watched a video game.

"I love you Jesus," smiled Mrs. Lee.
"I'll show what a Christian I can be."
Then donning a bright red mini skirt
Spent the afternoon a blatant flirt.

"I love you Jesus," said Sister Fay.
"How I long to read Your Word and pray!"
She toiled and sweated all the long day
That night so weary she scarce could pray.

Five promising His love to proclaim.
Which think ye won the test and the game?

© Hilda April, 2013.
Hilda Aug 2014
Please forgive me, dearest, for misunderstanding you this evening. I simply did not want you to have to spend money on ,me. Forgive me for not being quick to respond to your suggestion of picing up something to eat. I am crying inside even as I write this. Can you PLEASE forgive me? For only an misunderstanding? My heart is breaking tonight with sorrow. dear God, please forgive me for misunderstanding him. Can you forgive me, God? Or are you angry at me? Please, please forgive!
© Hilda   August 29, 2014
Hilda Aug 2014
The harder I try
All the more mistakes I make
Forgive me fam'ly
© Hilda  August 29, 2014   Seems like I keep making mistakes and want to do better, dear family.
Hilda Jul 2014
Seize each golden hour
Living only for today
Cherish each moment

© Hilda July 30, 2014
Hilda Jun 2013
A gentleman traveling through Alabama was interested in Uncle Ned. "So you were once a slave, eh?" said the gentleman.
"Yes, sah," said Uncle Ned.
"How thrilling!" exclaimed the gentleman. "And after the war you got your freedom, eh?"
"No, sah," said Uncle Ned gloomily. "I didn't get mah freedom, sah. After de war I done got married."
Hilda Mar 2013

The flowers unfurl their petals
Towards the dark Night sky
The roses smile up at the Moon
Which shines happily upon the sleeping world

The breezes blow the muslin curtains
Which hang at my open bedroom window
And the shadows of the Moon
Flicker across my room, the floor, and me

The sounds of Night come softly
Through my window and hush me
To sleep like a lullaby of music
Which sends me into a world of dreams

And such is the enchanting Night
With it's glorious Moon
Which watches over all
While they sleep at Night


Sun rays come dancing through my room
And greet me with brightness and joy
And the smell of flowers
Come blowing through my bedroom on the breeze

The sky is a painting of beauty
And of colour
Pastel clouds of pink float through the
Blue watercolour sky

And the song of birds wake the
Sleepy world with an anthem of praise
And of life and sunshine
Such beauty is beyond my words

Silhouettes of pine trees and furrs
With the back ground of God's sunrise
Make such a lovely picture of too much beauty. . .
That would take such a long time to describe
With pen, ink and paper while relaxing in the caressing breeze

Hilda May 2013
Sixteen bewhiskered cats with tempers sweet
Only needing food and tranquil retreat.
They try to be good and do what is right
But get into mischief from morn till night.

So hard not to adore each furry face
Though pranks may lead to many a disgrace
Fiddling and tearing the household blinds
Until sighing we think we'll lose our minds.

Hearts so overflowing with deepest love,
Sent from God the Father of Lights above.
Sadly few folks to such a good home give.
How can each darling continue to live?

And even though they may growl and grumble,
When time to eat tiny motors rumble.
Furry paws swat many a ragged mouse.
Without them would be a desolate house!

Families adopt babies, fortunes pay,
Yet for these wuss pusses refuse to sway.
More forgiving than us despite sharp claws,
Surpassing mankind's sins and blatant flaws.

Sixteen bewhiskered cats with tempers sweet!
What have they done to deserve such defeat?

Dedicated to all furry felines everywhere with love and prayers! © Hilda May 7, 2013.
Hilda Jun 2013
How I yearn to make this a gladsome day
So you may know how much I love thee dear!
Words so difficult for me to portray
How I yearn to make this a gladsome day
Flowing with sunshine through each honeyed ray
May God comfort thy heart from ev'ry fear
How I yearn to make this a gladsome day
So you may know how much I love thee dear!
Dedicated to my dear husband Timothy!
© Hilda July 15, 2013.
Hilda Dec 2012
No one lives in glass houses
Where you'd see their ev'ry move.
You'd love your family more
If houses were glass.

© Hilda December 31, 2012
Hilda Jul 2014
Time hath ceased.
All clocks stopped.
Where you passed by
in dew kissed meadow,
void of thy presence.
We hear no more
at our door
thy gentle knock.
After thy passing
and before
persistent loud cry
of Whip-poor-will.
Now that is still.


© Hilda July 4, 2014
Hilda Feb 2013
Sweet Valentine's Day
dissolving into blackness
another day gone

© Hilda February 15, 2013
Hilda Aug 2014
Slowly fades today
lost in chronicles of time
only memories

grey ashes of yesterday
haunting me with pain

tomorrow so futile seems
stabbing me with fears

longing  brokenly for hope
and lost yesterdays

hoping God may somehow blend
morrow with sweet yesterday

© Hilda August 24, 2014
Hilda Apr 2013
So busy was I ne'er a poem written
The reason my sorry heart is smitten
His poems consist of such variety
Admired much by our family of three
Lovely poems written exceedingly well
Industrious pen's task does never fail
Although birthdays come only once a year
May God brighten your others with glad cheer
Gladdening our hearts when we feel so down
Happy though late birthday Timothy Brown!

© April 26, 2013.
Hilda Jan 2013
Happy Birthday Tim!
Sweetheart and Husband So Dear
Sunshine of My Life
Bringing Comfort and Warm Cheer
God Grant you the Best New Year!*

Tanka. For my dear husband, Timothy! It's his Birthday today!
© Hilda December 31, 2012
Hilda Mar 2013
Belated Happy
Birthday Madison Sweet Friend
Sorry This Is Late

Hilda Mar 2013
Happy birthday Marian
A thousand mem'ries of you
blow across my mind
tiny miracle of life
held close to a mother's heart

Today you turned twelve
still I see my sweet baby
smile into my eyes

no flute to give thee
harp or cello have I none
chilled by poverty

hungry mouths to feed
our furry little darlings
their eyes beseeching

if I had more time
I would play croquet with you
and dress dolls again

hear a mother's heartfelt cry
baking loaves of bread and rolls
planning simple meals

May this humble poem
a token of my love prove
my dearest daughter
Hilda Mar 2015
Fourteen years ago when I held you in my arms, it seemed surreal. So fragile you were and like a tiny doll. Only God knows how much I miss being able to pick you up and hug you tightly close to my heart whenever I feel depressed.
And yet I love you now all the more. You are so special to me and always shall be. Our family has shared so many joys and so much heartbreak through the swiftly passing years.
You are sunshine and daybreak and iridescent rainbow hues.
The baby has been replaced with a very special friend.

Happy Birthday Sweet Daughter!

Much Love,
From Your Mother
copyright  Hilda   3/20/15
Hilda Apr 2013
I have the sweetest friend who is so dear
Gladdening my life when days are drear
Sparkling sunshine on gloomy days bleak
N'er after her own pleasure does she seek.
Great poetess and cook she makes work fun,
Sure way to win the heart of any one
Intelligent and kind she doth so prove
Honest token of sympathy and love
Wise about government and sundry things
Whenever talking with her my heart sings!
So Happy Birthday Lori, friend so sweet
May you never suffer gloom or defeat!
© April 26, 2013
Hilda May 2013
Though miles may separate us dear friend,
And days fly quickly with each irksome chore,
Our bond on such trifles does not depend,
Only serves to enrich our love the more.
Although skies may darken with clouds of grey
Dispelling happiness with blackest gloom,
Glad sunshine dances in sparkling ray
When mem'ries of you flood as sweet perfume.
Melody of robin and woodthrush blend;
Gentle breezes through meadow grasses sigh.
I am reminded of my lovely friend
Causing worries and grief from me to fly.
I am so happy to call you my friend!
Happy Mother's Day Wishes I do send.
Happy Mother's Day to my dear friend Lori Callahan!!!! <3<3
Hilda Jan 2013
I feel thy heartbreak sweet Marian
losing cherished cuddly housecats
all of them very special
May God protect each one
guard them tenderly
every day

To Marian and some of our precious housecats taken to a no **** Humane Society cat house. My first attempt at a nonet.
Hilda Jan 2013
May the silv'ry fluting of wood thrush
awake you to rose stained skies
and honeyed rays smile upon you
when you despondent are
may the plaintive mourning of the dove
weep in sympathy with your bleeding heart
and the woodland trees shelter you
from blazing noonday heat
may breezes in rippling meadow grass
whisper secrets from the breath of God
and soughing through lonely trees
blend with your sighs
may Heaven's tears of rain
mingle with your own
and may a rainbow of shimmering hues
dazzle after the storm*

A special tribute to my husband, Timothy! :)
© Hilda January 1, 2013.
Hilda Jul 2013
I sought Him in temples where anthems swell
Stained glass windows and polished sermons suave;
Yet here I knew He did not dwell,
While poor child of dust creeps to his grave.

I sought Him in churches rustic and plain
Eager to drown my heartfelt sorrow,
These mockery so futile and vain
As I searched for a brighter morrow.

In meadow alone, a breeze touched my face
Whispering of days bygone, yet still dear
When life flowed at a leisurely pace
And I felt His presence - O! so near!

Bittersweet weeping of the mourning dove
Awakens me to sad pleading eyes
Shattering my heart with vials of love.
Forsaken man and beast hold God's disguise.

I see Him in each rippling blade of grass
When dew of morn glistens with His tears.
In moaning of wind I hear Him pass
Through aromatic pines and lose all fears.

God does not dwell in temples made with hand,
But speaks to us through each soughing pine.
Proud wealthiest mansions o'er all the land
Mocked by His majestic Hand divine.

© Hilda July 31, 2013.
Hilda Dec 2012
On a balmy afternoon,
In the whisper of tall grass,
And faint sigh of breeze-stirred trees;
I feel His presence.*

© Hilda December 21, 2012
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