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Jun 2021 · 376
Love without borders
hiba sajid Jun 2021
Love who you want to love,
And  if there are others who cannot comprehend your love,
they are weak themselves and need love in their life .
Because love is the strongest force in the world,
and love is the only thing that makes sense without making any sense,
this world needs more of love,
love above all,
love beyond all.
Because Love is love.
Love without borders, love is love. Happy pride month
Oct 2020 · 221
hiba sajid Oct 2020
Random words coupled together
like a jigsaw puzzle
until they seem to fit perfectly
and ultimately create a visual perception of your thoughts.
Oct 2020 · 178
Unforeseeable future
hiba sajid Oct 2020
Can't see you now and that's all right.
I'll see you in time.
Oct 2020 · 581
Summer romance
hiba sajid Oct 2020
The sky looks cheerful, maybe it had a good day.
I began to have a good day too
as she enraptured me with her presence,

Across the horizon she flaunted her charm.
Captivating is her beauty,
even across the magnificent sea.

The sea commands his waves to dance in a rhythm so divine
as if to express his sincere gratitude
for the lovely colors bestowed upon him.

And the birds soar high and wide across the sky in tranquil
as if to please her majesty for the radiant show.
I smile back at her to thank her for this day,
A day that felt like a tangible summer romance.
Sep 2020 · 180
A Raw Symphony
hiba sajid Sep 2020
my words
float around
in my head,
waiting for its turn
to play along the melancholy of my thoughts
like the keys of a piano.
Penning down thoughts, raw.
hiba sajid Jul 2020
Stone cold monsters
burn with fumes of anger,
stomping down the life of all
who rise above them.
Humanity is fading away
in a chaotic rhythm
21st century pandemonium All i hear everyday is violence and disorder. Feels very inhuman. makes me sick
Jun 2020 · 520
Biting reality
hiba sajid Jun 2020
Is happiness a mere delusion?
A brief distraction
of pleasant emotions,
to escape from the bleak realities of life?

Are memories a mere illusion?
An allusion
to reminisce about the happy past
& escape from the bitter realities of life?
What is happiness? why do you want to be happy? why does your happiness make someone else sad or envious.? Love above all, kindness beyond all
Jun 2020 · 370
Oh, what a lovely night!
hiba sajid Jun 2020
I watch the fireflies dance about
and gleam the flora around me
Just like the stars above,
that sparked up the night sky.
Oh what a lovely sight !

The crickets trill in the distance
as if they yearned to be heard.
I inhale the warm breeze that flew towards me,
with a grin so wide,
it made my eyes sparkle.
And all my troubles seemed to disappear
into the enchanting night.
I feel magically light,
as if I'm floating.
And I bemuse myself,
as I float into the mysterious night sky
dancing to the rhythm of the breeze
Oh, what a lovely night!
Nature is therapy
Jun 2020 · 838
Police brutality
hiba sajid Jun 2020
One day I had sworn to serve the people of my nation.
To protect them from harm,
Keep the city safe from harm,
Wore my uniform in pride,
And the people of my town looked up to me with trust and honor.

Now I do the devils work
Disguised in the same uniform
And I hurt my people.
I hurt the young and the old and everyone who thought I would keep them safe.
I don't know when it began or maybe I do
I've lost conscience about my wrong doings.
You do not know who I am anymore
I do not know who I am anymore.
I'm deeply saddened by the brutality shown by police officers. Too bad and too sad.
May 2020 · 386
Run towards light
hiba sajid May 2020
Run away from hatred
Before it comes to feast on your heart

Burn your ego
Before it slowly burns you.

Run away from your yourself
Run away until you see only love
Love and hope for all
Love and respect for all.
May 2020 · 162
A lovely creation
hiba sajid May 2020
With hearts full of love
and eyes to look out for us
We call them mothers
Happy mothers day to all the lovely mothers out there. You are amazing!
May 2020 · 210
Bittersweet memories
hiba sajid May 2020
Once a happy time,
now a memory I mourn
every now and then.
My first haiku attempt.
May 2020 · 315
Hidden gem
hiba sajid May 2020
You are infinite,
like the universe.
Very mysterious and unexplored.
I find solace being around you.
Yet I cannot unravel much about you.
It's like you are infinite,
like the universe.
You pour out drinks for everyone,
but bottle up your emotions.
Yet your charm makes me stay on for a little longer.
You are my universe.
May 2020 · 154
A beautiful mind
hiba sajid May 2020
A beautiful mind
like the universe,
Vast and heavenly,
With galaxies of undiscovered potential.
Countless unique and unruly thoughts,
That align like the billions of stars in the sky.

We are higher than we think we are.
We are infinite.
Tiny infinite minds
searching for answers deep within our soul and all around us.
We are a beautiful mind,
in a beautiful universe.
hiba sajid May 2020
Nobody knew about my new favorite possession.
I hid my precious dagger well from everyone.

The dagger gave me a sense of pride.
A new level of confidence to please one and all.
A wicked sense of charm
that  brought everyone I wanted under my spell.

I slowly slid my hand inside my jacket
to reach for my source of power.

And with calculated introspection,
I stabbed them all from behind.
Feeling a sense of exhilaration,
after each ******.

I can feel my hands soaked in sin,
but I'm too far ahead of myself to retrospect.
I'm a slave of the dagger now.
And I don't wish to be saved.
Be careful of backstabbers and deceitful people. It's hard to notice them until it's too late.
hiba sajid May 2020
One fine summer morning,
I took a stroll through my local town park.
There I stumbled upon a rather rusty dagger.
Though not very sharp or lustrous,
it had an intricate hilt
that caught my attention.

Without further introspection,
I decided to steal the dagger.
And just when no one around was looking,
I hid it gently inside the pocket of my jacket.

But can you really call me a thief ?
It was a weary looking old dagger.
Not much of any good use.
"What if any youth had found it first and put the dagger to misuse?"
I walked back home with a smile,
reflecting upon my good deed.
Be careful of backstabbers and deceitful people. It's hard to notice them until it's too late.
Apr 2020 · 397
Endless love
hiba sajid Apr 2020
Time stood standstill,
As you hypnotised me with your eyes.

And I stood transfixed,
As butterflies rushed about in my belly.

To your love I surrender,
Now I'm caged me in your thoughts.

And I clip my own wings,
'Cause I don't want to flee.

There is no escape
from this endless love.
I don't want to escape
this endless love.
There is no escape from this endless love
Apr 2020 · 324
Prisoner of despair
hiba sajid Apr 2020
I'll walk away from this land,
Where nothing good ever happens.

When the sun shines in pride,
I see anger bloom all around.

When the wind laughs,
It takes away my joy.

Heavy rain of silence,
Left to drown me in remorse.

Chains of burden,
hinder me from leaving this land.

I feel dead and drained from unearthing  escape routes,
Perhaps my afterlife will be more promising.

Drifting off into a day dream,
Appears to be my only escape,
Where I walk away from this land,
Where nothing good ever happens.
No matter what grief or depression you are going through, it's not the end of the world. You will come out of it.
Apr 2020 · 207
Light your soul
hiba sajid Apr 2020
Your soul astray in darkness,
Like a demon put out its light.
No spark of life within.

Fire-up your soul,
Let there be light.

Let the fire breathe out sparks,
And strengthen your soul.
Let the flames soar high,
And fuel every inch of you.
Let the fire burn your past mistakes,
And pave way for new light.
Let your worry turn into ashes,
And heal your soul to its core.

But don't let the light fade away,
Don't let the spark die,
Let there be light,
Let there be some light to guide.
Often times we give up. We stop believing in ourselves and halt our dreams. Let us not give up. Let thre be some light to guide us.
Apr 2020 · 343
Evening hour
hiba sajid Apr 2020
Each sunset is like a poem
echoing thoughts,
reflecting smiles,
radiating happiness all around.
Watching the sunset while sipping my tea at the moment
Mar 2020 · 261
hiba sajid Mar 2020
One day I'll wake up to a different day,
as I bid farewell to my past.
I'll wake up to a different sky.
A beautiful day.

You'll see my eyes grin
as the warm sun kiss my face in joy,
And my hair dance to the tempo of the breeze.

You'll find me hop past the pink meadows like a merry child.
And then you'll see me run.
And I'll run as fast as I can,
like a firework in the sky,
rejoicing every stride towards freedom I take,
in this beautiful maze called life.
hiba sajid Mar 2020
Women make it all look easy
walking on a tight rope,
balancing all their struggles,
whilst juggling with work and a domestic chore,
motherhood and inequality,
abuse and other troubles.

Yet they have a warm smile,
like a daffodil garden during March.
A heart filled with kindness,
like a picturesque sunset by the river.
And a mind fuelled with passion,
ready to conquer the world
& inspire the women of tomorrow.
Happy International women's day
Women have to work twice as hard as men to be seen as half as good as men, yet we make it look all easy.
Feb 2020 · 1.1k
A magical kingdom
hiba sajid Feb 2020
Once there was a land
full of wonder
that hypnotized every other sedulous person
to trade their soul
to live in its deceiving bubble.

Oh! how she wished
she was brave enough
to step into the enchanting wonder
that stood before her.
The grass always looks greener on the other side. Everyone has their own struggles and everything comes with a price.
hiba sajid Feb 2020
**** me out this world in your spaceship
and let me be free
from the handcuffs of this materialistic sphere,
that drowns me in hardship.
Veer away till they're nowhere near.

Take me to a place afar,
where there is no hunger or war,
let me escape from this modern reality
filled with arrogance and negativity,

to a place where money doesn't matter
and dreams are not shattered.
Where only peace shines on
and there's love above all.
Feb 2020 · 298
Wedding rings
hiba sajid Feb 2020
Do two souls need two rings
to seal their bond
of soulful connection?
What do these rings do?
Are they powerful? Can it keep us together?
Can it make us whole?
Is the force of the ring stronger than two soulful connections?
When love can speak volumes without having spoken
and lovers can find warmth in each other
I need no ring.
As long as there's a haven in my lover's heart
I need no ring.
our love is more dynamic than two rings.
Two souls don’t need two rings to seal their bond of love
Love is above and beyond all that.
Aug 2017 · 855
The White cotton candies
hiba sajid Aug 2017
As I look out through my window seat,
I can see vast tiny blocks and green
Bushes through the white cotton candies,
As I’m rising higher…I can see them faintly.
They are slowly fading away.
Now all I can see is a huge land of
White cotton candies amongst the vast blue kingdom
I can see them move past me,
It’s purely pleasant and picturesque.
I can see them move past me,
calm and peacefully.
I can see them below me ,
I can see them above me,
I can see them from miles apart too.

Each one has got a unique form,
Some are quite..,
Some are rushing along it’s infinite boundary.
Even though it’s beside me ,
I cannot sense it with my bare hands.
I wish I could feel them  with my fingers,
I wish I could jump into one of them,
And travel across it’s ocean of serene beauty.
Could it be icy like snow ?
Or steamy like gases ?
Will it lead me to a castle undiscovered?
Or maybe heavens above?
Oct 2016 · 563
hiba sajid Oct 2016
She is an immortal queen ,
held in captive.
She sleeps ,
in places where she is overthrown.
She lives under the  shadow
of her enemy.
But mistake not her idleness for weakness,
'cause she is indulged in  her master plan .
Ready to reveal the misdeeds
of her enemy  in the light,
Verily, she is determined to be heard.
And she wont surrender ,
no matter how long it takes.
Sep 2016 · 546
hiba sajid Sep 2016
His name was eby,
he was like her teddy.

Far away was he gone ,
and made her feel so lone.

To be back together she wished ,
his kisses which she missed.

Thinking of the happy times she lost ,
remembering it was pain that caused.

Sleepy was his eyes ,
yet she found them nice.

For hours they talked ,
together they walked .

So beautiful their life had been ,
with nightmares not forseen .

He was an elixer to her,
meeting him was an err.

Then she was all broken,
with nightmares she was woken.

was as if she was stabbed into the heart without a miss ,
thinking what she had done to deserve this .

She felt all crushed,
with her tears all  rushed .

Forgetting was more pain,
so wiping her tears in the rain .

Brightly then the sun shined,
chucking away her thoughts in mind.

Moved on like a boss,
'cause an *** she was .
Feb 2016 · 591
The sky
hiba sajid Feb 2016
Everyday I get garbed,
in different colors nd patterns
My mother, a renowned artist ,
sketches my long and stretched body,
smudging the colors in various blends.
To various complexions I get transformed
On her mood everything depends .
Sometimes into a serene blue shade,
Or into shades too appealing to express.
Attimes im ravishingly groomed with a golden pendant,
Or to even darker shade with  bright glitters ,
That shimmer along the lustrous pearl at the centre ,
For the long night that awaits me.
Feb 2016 · 1.0k
hiba sajid Feb 2016
There stood the wallflower,
Against the wall like a cover
From there she watched,
As all others danced
Though she wasn’t evil,
Yet seen this way by the happy devils
Who danced with  ecstasy
She watched them with jealousy
she had never been praised
And loneliness was all she faced
Wishes to be treated like a fairytale queen
But can be her only dream
Ignorant she felt
Silently she dealt
Was it a mistake she was born?
Why did they treat her with scorn?

— The End —