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hiba sajid May 2020
One fine summer morning,
I took a stroll through my local town park.
There I stumbled upon a rather rusty dagger.
Though not very sharp or lustrous,
it had an intricate hilt
that caught my attention.

Without further introspection,
I decided to steal the dagger.
And just when no one around was looking,
I hid it gently inside the pocket of my jacket.

But can you really call me a thief ?
It was a weary looking old dagger.
Not much of any good use.
"What if any youth had found it first and put the dagger to misuse?"
I walked back home with a smile,
reflecting upon my good deed.
Be careful of backstabbers and deceitful people. It's hard to notice them until it's too late.
hiba sajid Apr 2020
Time stood standstill,
As you hypnotised me with your eyes.

And I stood transfixed,
As butterflies rushed about in my belly.

To your love I surrender,
Now I'm caged me in your thoughts.

And I clip my own wings,
'Cause I don't want to flee.

There is no escape
from this endless love.
I don't want to escape
this endless love.
There is no escape from this endless love
hiba sajid Apr 2020
I'll walk away from this land,
Where nothing good ever happens.

When the sun shines in pride,
I see anger bloom all around.

When the wind laughs,
It takes away my joy.

Heavy rain of silence,
Left to drown me in remorse.

Chains of burden,
hinder me from leaving this land.

I feel dead and drained from unearthing  escape routes,
Perhaps my afterlife will be more promising.

Drifting off into a day dream,
Appears to be my only escape,
Where I walk away from this land,
Where nothing good ever happens.
No matter what grief or depression you are going through, it's not the end of the world. You will come out of it.
hiba sajid Apr 2020
Your soul astray in darkness,
Like a demon put out its light.
No spark of life within.

Fire-up your soul,
Let there be light.

Let the fire breathe out sparks,
And strengthen your soul.
Let the flames soar high,
And fuel every inch of you.
Let the fire burn your past mistakes,
And pave way for new light.
Let your worry turn into ashes,
And heal your soul to its core.

But don't let the light fade away,
Don't let the spark die,
Let there be light,
Let there be some light to guide.
Often times we give up. We stop believing in ourselves and halt our dreams. Let us not give up. Let thre be some light to guide us.
hiba sajid Apr 2020
Each sunset is like a poem
echoing thoughts,
reflecting smiles,
radiating happiness all around.
Watching the sunset while sipping my tea at the moment
hiba sajid Mar 2020
One day I'll wake up to a different day,
as I bid farewell to my past.
I'll wake up to a different sky.
A beautiful day.

You'll see my eyes grin
as the warm sun kiss my face in joy,
And my hair dance to the tempo of the breeze.

You'll find me hop past the pink meadows like a merry child.
And then you'll see me run.
And I'll run as fast as I can,
like a firework in the sky,
rejoicing every stride towards freedom I take,
in this beautiful maze called life.
hiba sajid Mar 2020
Women make it all look easy
walking on a tight rope,
balancing all their struggles,
whilst juggling with work and a domestic chore,
motherhood and inequality,
abuse and other troubles.

Yet they have a warm smile,
like a daffodil garden during March.
A heart filled with kindness,
like a picturesque sunset by the river.
And a mind fuelled with passion,
ready to conquer the world
& inspire the women of tomorrow.
Happy International women's day
Women have to work twice as hard as men to be seen as half as good as men, yet we make it look all easy.
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