You step into the suns rays Skin blooms roses and pretty lillys Make up your hair Your body is the most beautiful hill Eyes turn into moon and stars Lips are the birds who sing sweetly Your soul is paradise
It seems as though we humans Only remember the days of Important occurrences. It was Wednesday when I told you How lonely I really was And it was a Monday when I said I really didn't love him anymore. Friday we took a test I'm sure I failed because Thursday I did not study. But I don't remember the specific Day you said hello to me Or the day I aced that Spanish test. Saturday I saw you outside of School and you smiled at me Butterflies. I remember the days of things That are obtuse but also acute When we made eye contact, And my sisters birthday. I guess this is good I don't want to struggle Connecting dates and times To special moments. Everything I remember And everything I remember specifically, Are special moments Whether they are tragic Or lovely.
I love taking a photo Or a video. It's fascinating because It's like you'll never die; Your soul will live on Forever and ever In that specific moment And others will Remember that time And reminisce. You'll be alive in people's Thoughts, conversations, In their mind. So truly You can keep on living Even after you've died.
Sleep with a journal besides my bed In case you sneak into my dreams Sparking up memories I have to jot them down Or I'll soon forget What you sounded like
Types of girls: heavy rain drops sliding down your shoulder, customized license plates, smokey motel rooms, black nail polish, dead roses, empty cinemas, expired valentines chocolate.
I really like hands They show how much a person Has been through How old they are. When you hold hands You feel love When you fidget your hands You feel nervousness When someone plays with your Hands or fingers It's a crush. Soft hands Old hands. You make music with hands And touch people with hands Like how eyes are the windows To the soul, Hands are the connectors To our inner self.