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Apr 2022 · 191
Pain in the back
Words. Typical poems. All the same. But this one?

This one's different.

Why you might ask?

You tell me.

Does it make your hair stand on end? No

Does it make you wonder about right or wrong? nope

Will you wake up in the middle of the night wondering about it?


Because I am you.

We seek eloquent truths bottled in used ****** prescriptions
but we're all only limp ****** laying on the side of the road covered in mud.

Jan 2020 · 116
Ripped and torn my patience thin.
The redness of my eyes set in
I am your world,  yet I scream and yell
The bags under my eyes. They swell

Don’t you see? I don’t mean to scream
Your two years old and I still seem
like the child who can’t compose himself
I lose my temper, I lose myself

Your five years old and want to read
“Not tonight” even though you plead
"I’ll do better tomorrow", I always say
How many days has it been this way?

What would it take to be the dad?
The dad these kids deserve to have?
I quit drinking, that didn’t work
***** wasn’t the reason I’m a ****

How did my parents make it through?
Did they too yell when I was two?
Have they done things that they’re not proud?
In MY face and getting loud?

Am I doing damage every day?
Man it hurts to feel this way
Are the memories all going to be
Of dad just trying not to scream?
Rough days at the house
Oct 2019 · 216
live once
If I only live once then this is my best bet
To live the life I want
Not to suffer from regret

Waiting for salvation isn't in the cards for  me
I will do what I think is good and feels good,  what I believe

I will run my body in the ground with drinks and drugs and fun
I will stay up till dawn and push it, lie every day, crispy in the sun

I will love with my heart, choose the one who makes bad decisions
Because that is who I am and the one I want to live with

I don't need another parent or someone who would be best for life
I need a companion for the ride, a truth, a love, a wife.
Sep 2019 · 247
Today I began all the projects I’ll never complete.

The toolbox is out

Everything is ready to go

Annnnd goodnight.....
Aug 2019 · 211
my Lovely
I love you but you died

You flew out of my life forever

A casket with wings, never to return

You still live in my walls, our books, and the kitchen table

Your fragrance on the tip of my nose when I see your picture
Aug 2019 · 498

said, my father

I'm my own person

said, I

I'll never be like you

What a wonderful surprise

I was wrong
Jul 2019 · 365
a whisper of a scent when you walked by

I knew

I followed your passion

I died happy

Thank you
Jan 2019 · 237
Be yourself in a world of fakes
Walk alone  and let it grow you

Be undone when everyone is together
Some strings are better left loose

Be true after all the damage has come and passed
Let your eyes speak the volumes they hold

Be alive in the day and well into the night
Keep the fire burning
I'm on a train.

One of those red ones with black trimmed windows you can imagine rolling through the suburbs on the way to NYC. Not a subway car but a classier vintage with proper rows of cushioned seats and a lever to pull if there is an emergency. There are sparse shrubberies on one side of the tracks and the ocean on the other. Young trees and bushes stroll by.  A little wind is pushing off the ocean, massaging the car ever so gently back and forth as we move along. A gentle click-clack is on the tips of our ears.

We got on together. I hadn't known you for very long but the connection was stronger than anything I had ever felt or have since. You practically sat on top of me for the first few miles. Couldn't keep your hands off me,  staring in my eyes like you were searching for something lost but you couldn't remember what. The edges of your lips turned upwards permanently as if you were always at the verge of a laugh. You interlaced my fingers with yours and held on like you would be ripped away if your grip loosened for even a second. Slender fingers holding so tightly that they were becoming red.

You were excited to to be riding with me, about where we were going and all the things we would do when we got there. I would see you peer out of the corner of your eye, then lean over to brush your soft cheek against my budding stubble. Kissing and gently biting my lips insatiably. The suns rays coming in at an angle and lighting up your perfect smile and dimple.

I had to remind you we were in public.

I was lost in your blonde curls and the incense of your neck. I had fallen incredibly hard and so fast that my face hurt from smiling and my heart beat with vibrations I had never known. Not even a whiff of anxiety or neurosis. Some of the best memories of my life, as fleeting as they turned out to be.

I yawned and you put your finger in my mouth. I bent over to tie my shoe and you would poke my **** and laugh with your own reflection in the window, like this was the first and best joke of all time. Maybe it was and maybe it is.

The waiter came and informed us that a thing called "the bar car" existed. We both jumped at the idea. I didn't exactly notice at the time, during our excitement, but that's when the train started going faster and everything out the windows began to blur.

The bar car was a wild ride and we took advantage of our lo'cal. All kinds of fine wine, liquors and illicit substances were available. We tried them all. You were beautiful, your laugh infecting everyone around you, I was charming and held a captive audience.   It was a dark, loud and glorious blur. We were the life of the party and it chugged on till dawn.

We woke up in our seats, disheveled and discombobulated. It was dark out already. Did we sleep through the entire day? The train was slowing down, maybe approaching a station. The party was amazing but we were certainly paying the price for the black out. You moved over to the seat across from me to have some more space and lay down. I saw myself in the reflection. My hat, charm and smile from the night before had vanished. I must have left them in the bar car the night before.
      You had changed, beauty uninterrupted but different somehow. I couldn't put my finger on it. Irritated maybe? I invited you to cuddle and battle the hangover together but you ignored me. Like you couldn't hear me or didn't want to. I decided to let you be.

I got up to use the bathroom and thought I would go look for my scattered belongings. Maybe I could find a scrap of leftover dignity while you rested. I inquired to the conductor who directed me to the bartender in the bar car. He hadn't changed a bit, somehow untouched and unaffected by last nights antics that had effected me so dramatically.  Same black suspenders and white pressed shirt with impeccably slicked hair. I asked him what happened and if I had an open tab. While slowly polishing a rocks glass he looked up and made eye contact for a split second before looking away.
He said:  "Oh the bar car takes its toll. In the end we all end up paying one way or another". I still don't know what he meant by that or if he knew.
      I asked him if he found my hat and he said he would check the camera. We walked in to a small back room, while he was reviewing the tape, over his shoulder I noticed a tragedy.

We were drunk. I was going on to a group of new friends on one side of the bar, they were hanging on my words and I was eagerly explaining whatever nonsense they were drooling over. You were in the corner wearing that red dress I love, with your hair up in a tight bun. A few curls had escaped and brushed your high cheekbones, a thin line of pearls dancing delicately across your perfectly symmetrical collar. You were stunning and inebriated, swaying with each bump and motion of the train. A man wearing my hat put his hand on your side to keep you from swaying over and then he left it there.
I took a sharp breath.

It looked like you put your hand on his hand to move it but then it stayed and you both swayed together. As the air left my lungs and the blood drained out of my face I watched your lips touch the strangers. A small piece of my soul slipped away forever. I couldn't watch any further. When I asked the bartender how long it went on he fidgeted for a moment and uncomfortably muttered "quite some time". I never found my hat or the other part of me that left that day.  

The train slowed. I walked to the back, as far away from you as I could get, in utter disbelief. How could you? I thought to myself.
I mourned the loss of the you as I knew you yesterday, quietly and to myself. A tear  escaped my eye and rolled down my now fully formed stubble as I fell in to a random seat in mild shock. There were a few passengers back there so I had to pull together relatively quickly. After gaining some composure I knew it was time to get off. I knew we could never get back to yesterday morning though I would have said or done anything to do so.

The train had stopped. I went back to my seat and you were sleeping. I took my coat and gathered my things. The conductor looked at me confused as to why I would leave something so magnificent, I assume he had no idea what had transpired.   

I walked to the rear of the car and slid the door open slower than required. I stepped to the stairs and put one foot down on the step and the other on the ground. I stopped, rooted with my hand on the railing, lingering between two very different paths.
     I knew that it was time to get off, I knew this was the sensible thing to do, that I couldn't get past this offense regardless of how I had felt earlier the day before. The whistle screamed from the locomotive. The conductor looked at me and shook his head, I'm not sure if he was trying to tell me to stay or go but a decision had to be made.

The train lurched forward and I watched as the station slip away slowly. I sat in between the cars for a while and watched the ocean and birds. With a heavy heart and shoes I walked back to my seat. You were waiting. Crying. You knew. The bartender had told you. You didn't mean do do it, didn't realize what you were doing and thought it was me. He was wearing my hat and the whole world was blurry and dark.

I believed you. Self anguish mixed with alcohol was dripping from your pores. I knew you didn't mean it and were drunk, but could I ever forgive you or trust you again?

I loved you still.

I caught a glimpse of my reflection, a weaker version of myself looked back. As if an invisible chip in my teeth had developed and my shoulders lowered. The charming, confident man from the bar car the day before had been replaced. Something was off but not enough for anyone else to notice, just enough to know a change has happened.
       The train started to pick up speed again as we distanced ourselves from the station.  I second guessed my decision to stay but I didn't look back.

I found the man with my hat and punished him with a few blows in the dark. He knew he ****** up, apologized and took the beating like a man. I never got the hat back.

The engineer announced that we would be going through a tunnel soon and to turn on our lights and keep our hands in the windows.

It would be dark.  

We stayed away from the bar car for a while but the draw was irresistible. After a few hours we were there again but you never left my side.  Then you did. I was looking for you but you would disappear and not answer me when I called you name. The tunnel went deeper and darker and I didn't know where you were and I suspected you liked it that way. The train began to slow down again as we exited the tunnel.

I finally found you back at our seat, you had moved one row away from me. I asked you to come back, tried to hold your hands but you pulled away with vehemence. When I came back from the bathroom you had moved another row farther.
I knew I was losing you.
I begged you to return but you told me calmly that it was time for you to get off. At some point in the tunnel you had decided that you didn't want to go anymore . Your mind was made. You were going to catch another train at the next station.

When the train stopped I thought for sure you would reconsider but you didn't. Didn't even give it a thought. You just grabbed your coat and hat with one big bag under your arm. You kissed me on the cheek like a french stranger and were off. Going somewhere else on a different train. Just like that.

I rode the rails for quite some time by myself , many people getting on and getting off, passing me by. Every once in a while I would think I saw you at a station or in a **** though the window of another train. I often thought I could smell you but when I breathed deeper it was always gone. A ghost dancing on the edge of my senses.

A young girl in a headband got on the train. She was listening to headphones and dancing to herself as she bobbed along. She sat down in the seat next to me flashing a smile. She had a wedding ring on and I dismissed her immediately.  She didn't move from the seat or stop glancing my way. Eventually she confessed that she wanted to talk. I told her I wasn't interested but she persisted.  I hadn't talked to anyone on the train for quite some time and after some more mild persistence, I gave in.

We had a lot in common. We were both riding alone, desperately wanted attention and were thrilled to receive some.  After a few laughs she slid her hand in to mine and interlaced her fingers. I left it there. It was warm, comforting and wrong. She was married but I had been riding alone so long it felt good to have some company. She stayed and we talked. She was broken and I had a knack for fixing things. After a few hours of dramatic conversation I fell asleep with her head on my shoulder.

When I woke up  the train was flying up the track on the side of a mountain. Trees and rocks were a blur of green and grey. The engineer must be trying to make up for lost time I thought to myself.

The girl was asleep with her head on my lap. I looked down at her hand and the rings were gone. I woke her briefly to ask where they went. She said she didn't need them anymore and had thrown  them out the window.  She could of sold them, I said, but she said she just wanted them gone so she could be mine and fell back to sleep.  All of a sudden I couldn't breath. This train was roaring down the tracks, the once gentle click clack had become a loud hum. Suddenly too loud. This girl in my lap who had just gotten on the train wanted to stay. I considered her for a while as she looked up at me with big blue eyes, shining and wet, like a puppy in the shelter, terrified of rejection and desperate to be adopted.

At the peak of the mountain, just when the train began to even out, you waltzed back in to the car with a champagne flute in one hand and your bag in the other.

I don't know when or where you got back on, must have been a few stations ago when I stopped looking for you. Maybe you were wearing a disguise, who knows what you had been up to while you were gone. I'm not sure how long you were away but it was quite some time. That you had been through something was obvious, a new wrinkle had formed on your brow and you're once confident stride had changed to a cautious stroll. What actually happened out there I don't know.  I never asked and I don't want answers.

You looked at me and smiled. It was good to see that smile, like sun on my face on a brisk day.  You took a step toward me and then I looked down in my lap at the girl at the same time you did. I looked up. You and your smile were gone.

Everything I had begun to feel for this broken, head banded girl in my lap dried up like a puddle in  the dessert.  I quietly and gently nudged her awake and told her I had to use the bathroom. She put her head down on my coat and fell back into what ever trance she had been in, eyelids gently fluttering, eyes searching beneath them for what I would never give her.

I dashed up the isle and threw open the door, almost shattering the glass. The conductor glared at me and rolled his eyes as I barged past to the space between the cars.

There you were. Standing on the stairs with your head out the opening. The wind was blowing your perfectly formed curls around your head like a blonde explosion of familiarity. I yelled your name and you dove in to me. My senses erupted, my mind went numb as the train was nearing another station and I inhaled your essence greedily.

We moved to another car. I abandoned my coat with the married girl and never looked back. I hope she found what she was looking for. I  never could have been the answer she was so desperately seeking but I know I  helped steer her towards it.

You told me you had encountered some other people out there on the rails and they had reminded you of what we had when we first left the station. I never forgot.  

The train started to rock and get going again. We were back in the bar car and starting to brown out. We had to get off of this train right ******* now. In a desperate moment we looked at each other and put our hands, together, on the emergency brake cord. I looked in your eyes with your hand on top of mine. You kissed me while yanking down on the cord. Time slowed, the breaks squealed and everything exploded throwing luggage, people and the entire contents of the bar car in to a nondiscriminatory chaos . We got up off the ground, ran to the end of the car, dove off the side in to a soft patch of grass and rolled down a small incline. We watched as the conductor sifted through  the mess and interrogated the passengers, trying to ferret out the party responsible for pulling the brake. He spotted us off the side of the tracks and shook his fist while shouting every conceivable obscenity combination.

We laughed, held each other in the grass and kissed deeply.

We watched the train pick up speed and disappear in to the hills as relief spread over me.

You interlaced your fingers in to mine and we both looked out to where the tracks disappeared into the horizon, wondering how far of a walk it was to the next station.
Mar 2018 · 328
Give it to me, its what I want.
From you, from work, my friends, the world.
Everyone must know that I exist.  
That I made an impact.
My soul didn't just drift away on the wind.
When the lights finally fizzled out
like a match being dropped in a glass of ***** water, something remained. I remained.
    I was a explosion on the timeline, an etching in the granite, not a smudge on a whiteboard.
   Wearing capes and guns, young boys acted out my adventures. Diving behind the couch to avoid the laser bombs exploding from every direction.  Shooting into the darkness at the beasts I have conquered.  Their mothers secretly wishing they could have me alone, fathers wishing they could have my
strength, courage, resolve.
  Giving in to mediocrity is when you are
so sick of painting your house that you leave it beige. 
 You open the filing cabinet again and again, shuffling your dreams in to "to dos" or "another day" category.
At some point you have to admit that you will never be a famous potter, sculptor, wood worker, MC, writer or poet. No one is going to ever read that piece you sent to the New Yorker after reading that article about Anthony Bourdain's success at 44 years old.
You are not him,
you are not that good.

I thought it would be different when I went.
I thought they would have remembered
more of what I did but the truth is they don't.
They won't.
What even makes me-me?  ? Its all bled into the crack of the sidewalk where I fell and broke my mind,
all those years ago.

But wait.
Its not over.
The hairs on the back of my neck spark like a rush of warm air in the summer night. They stand up straight when I think about the two humans we have created. They are hope.
I may not be the best but I am not the worst.
I will resonate throughout the ages through the life I have created
I am immortal
I am a father
Greatness has been achieved.
Significance has been gained.
The ego can rest.

for now
Dec 2017 · 461
This one’s for Francis
In the Blink of an eye its all over again
Since the beginning of time I have been your friend

Time, you see, it's a human thing
Where I come from
there is no winter, no spring
A day or a month,  no effect to me
For me, all I have to do , is be

On this trip around it didn't go so well
You didn't find love.
That hurt. I can tell.
Losing your child, your friends and your kin
When it hurt the most, you dug right in

The mind you had, at some point, was lost
linear thought, abandoned, tossed
most of you blew away out there in the snow
ranting and raving, you had to go

Watching you struggle was pain for me too
I felt as I witnessed life happen to you
If you'll forgive me, please, my intentions were good
You wont understand, I doubt that you could

You pushed through your time, you lived all your years.
Small joys were smuggled in among all the  fears
I have to be honest, I know that its tough
Your best wasn't great, it wasn't enough.

The grains funneled down in your hour glass
Wrinkles, they grew, from the pain in your path
your soul expanded, you learned to be
Time to take off your shoes and walk with me
Jun 2017 · 611
Maybe if I get a massage or have a drink or another drink or another drink...
Maybe if I talk to the right person, the right friend, the right therapist, the right bartender, have the right drink.
Maybe if I do the right work out, look the right way, I might feel the right way, drink the right workout shake, the right energy drink would maybe help.
If I leave the country, go to the right beach in that special place, get off the right path, find the right exotic people, experience a spiritual awakening, worship the right god.
Maybe if I sit in the right chair and have the best speakers and the right screen and watch the right show and get into the right movie.
Maybe if I find the right cocktail, the right wine, the right expensive craft beer.
If I marry the right woman and raise the kids the right way, buy a nice house on the right kind of street.
Maybe if I get the right job and drive the best car and show all the right people I made it and they can all see I'm not such a disappointment. That I made the right decisions.

Maybe then, just maybe.

I can get some relief.
It seems I'm always looking for something that will allow me to reach this state of sustained happiness. I am a guru of good advice for everyone but don't practice what I preach. I seriously need a good back massage...
Sep 2016 · 750
CEO in the breakroom
I can't resist drawing black marks on nice white teeth.
I'm grown up I thought?
Newspapers, magazines, whatever hot new release
Adulting can't be taught

I'm supposed to be an adult
That's what the company thinks anyway.

I don't care as long as they keep paying me
Apr 2016 · 1.7k
Morning Coffee
I probably should have let you finish your coffee before I spoke.

Sensors off the charts.
An earthquake of raw emotion beyond control.
Tectonic vibrations all over the kitchen.

Windows to the soul stained red from yesterday's burden.
It was there all along, I know you know that I know.

One barely visible membrane of composure is the last thing holding up the whole god ****** building.

Kinetic veracity.


The dam might of held for one more day.

Seriously though, your a ***** in the morning.

Apr 2016 · 451
Was you
Step to me
On the edge of the cliff
At the moment of my death.


Exert like you know I would. Like you know I could. Before I broke. Before You let me .





Think happy thoughts.  With taste though please. No exaggerated rainbows.
Nobody really thinks with rainbows.
Not even butterflies.
Make me feel it.  
Make me taste it on my lips, the tip of my tongue and the edges of my mouth.
I want to taste your breath. 
Just be you and sink in to me
That’s all I’ve never asked for
That’s all I’ve ever needed.
Was you.
Oct 2012 · 11.0k
Three Powerful Words
What if love became so overwhelming, such an inextinguishable force that its true purpose betrayed itself completely?
To the point that even the utterance of those three powerful words, that at a different junction had held such promise, now left a distinct taste of uncertainty on the lips and a ringing of insanity in the ear drum. What else does one say when the most pure form of expression and commitment echo with distain and regret?
Even as I slide into introspection, diving deep to the point of no return, there seems to be no logical path, no penance for the monster I have created. Through my own autonomous actions and neglect I have reached this dark place. Perhaps I indulged beyond a point where thoughts and actions have boundaries. A broken compass , spinning without meaning. All indicators in tact, every cog and point in place, magnetism lost to exaggerated memories, fears and regrets.
Self delusion is a drink that is best served with company. With companionship the mind tends to believe its own meddling. Delusions are mistaken for truth and biased opinions blur with reality.  
All roads lead to pain. Every so often a spark jumps to the surface of my consciousness.  A pin ***** exclaiming hope.  It’s a glitch of my own creation. The belief in happy endings and love prevailing. That love is more powerful than any disappointment, mistake or breech in trust. My reality had been resurfaced and augmented by the media. Love stories are just that. Stories.  A wave of manufactured hope, washing over the beach of the human psyche. Every grain of sand is washed back to the sea just as it has arrived.
Happiness, a flame burning on a tiny wick. Enjoy the heat while it lasts for it is going to be a cold winter. And the power is out.
Oct 2012 · 5.7k
Hope,  A dangerous thing I might think.

Wins wars, Kills thousands, influences stocks, Keeps people alive,

DRIVES GREED, inspires the young, slowly  coaxes  suicide,

starching the past and paves the futures paths.

It can be exploited and Used, broken and bruised.

Shining through the darkness while strangling the few.

Its rain every day.
The lonesome star peaking through the clouds on a dreary night.

It’s the glimpse of sun following the darkness.

Revolution is its son and independence are it its daughters.

Knowledge that there’s more or that it’s all over, Knowledge of the Unknown.
Its leaving the light on when no one’s coming home

Its tears that are not wasted, every drop alive with expression.
It’s lingering scents of distant memories, people and places.

Its wanting. Waiting. Needing.
It’s all over. Or is it?

It’s Hope
Quite dangerous indeed.

— The End —