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 May 2012 Hera Nova
 May 2012 Hera Nova
"It's a universal urge to pair up." They say.

It's 3 words and
Suddenly files are executing
Auto-running and auto-installing.
When you've been alone,
It's like
Every rancid dream inside of you is
Awakened. Hyper aware & readied
Preprogrammed bugs start to run.
Users in remote locations
Triggered by tracking cookies
Wheel- in backdoor worms
And all I have to do is click

I/O corrupted
Cloudy decisions, decisions

Ads for free cars, free girlfriends
Glittering pop-ups.
"Hot guys in your area!"
But **** is for the lonely
A smiling **** Madonna 
accompanied by
Beguiling hooks, fly-paper,

Can't tell if I'm in love or in lure.
But I have to go for it.
And that's the point.

"I love you"
 Dec 2010 Hera Nova
jeffrey robin

she knows


she doesnt need love


water doesn't get thirsty




under the tree


she knows


we take so long to get nowhere

we work so hard to do nothin

we hate in the name of love



and i

 Nov 2010 Hera Nova
Katrina Maria
Eyes sliver open languidly, feel out the corners
Stretched, palms pressed against white walls
Pull the covers high above my head
Building courage to greet the day

Lungs fill with a familiar scent
Smile, reach and caress a glowing cheek
Next to me, he turns, all elbows and sighs
Find him  in a second with tingling toes and fingertips

Untangle the limbs and sheets
Firm and nut-brown, coarse in the right places
Soft in the best places, he's flawless
Dare to disturb the rhythmic breathing

Wake up, I whisper
Coffee, he groans
 Nov 2010 Hera Nova
 Nov 2010 Hera Nova
Can I come to you as I am,
in secret-
brimming with the need to be held?
Can I lay hot whispers on your skin
then taste how they make you feel?
Can I show you how to touch me,
how hard to press?
If I cry
can I hide salty tears
in the soft curve of your neck?
Can I bite, ever so gently,
before I scream?
Can I be your lover,
without you loving me?
Can I, please?

— The End —