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Henry Akeru Jan 1
Oh, 2023, a fleeting year in time,
Now replaced by 2024's chime.
With the turning clock, a new chapter unfolds,
A tale untold, in the book of life it molds.

The echoes of yesterday softly fade,
As the dawn of a fresh era is laid.
In the canvas of time, strokes anew,
Patterns of moments, both old and true.

Resolutions and hopes, like stars align,
In the vast cosmos of possibilities entwined.
Oh, 2024, with your untrodden ways,
What secrets lie beneath your cosmic haze?

New beginnings sprout like spring's first bloom,
In the garden of fate, where destinies loom.
A chant of moments, a rhythm profound,
As the hands of time continue to astound.

Let's cherish memories of the past,
Yet embrace the future, vast and vast.
For in this transition, a chance to explore,
The untamed wonders of 2024.
Earth has completed one full spin around the Orbits of the Sun.
Henry Akeru Dec 2023
In Nigeria's political theatre, a tale unfolds,
The Hausa-Fulani’s, in power they hold.
For years, the ruling class they've been,
Yet education's light, they've scarcely seen.

Unwavering they stand, a united force,
Dominating cities, charting a course.
Enterprising minds, business savvy and bold,
In the market of life, their stories are told.

Marriage bonds woven within their tribe,
A tradition upheld, where sentiments imbibe.
Ethnicity and religion, threads of identity,
In the mosaic of Nigeria's vast diversity.

Through the corridors of power, they navigate,
A web of connections, a potent state.
Unity binds them, a familial embrace,
Supporting each other in life's challenging race.

In the embrace of tradition, they find strength,
A tapestry woven, a cultural length.
Love and support, a pillar so tall,
Hausa-Fulani’s, standing proud, standing tall.

In the heart of the nation, their legacy thrives,
A paradox unfolds, where wisdom derives.
For though uneducated ratio may be high,
The bonds they share reach up to the sky.

A political dynasty with tales to unfurl,
Hausa-Fulanis, a complex swirl.
In the dance of power, a rhythm unique,
A story echoing through history's mystique.
A Tale of a very Tactical tribe In Northern Nigeria- The Hausas
Henry Akeru Dec 2023
In the land of Igbo, where stories unfold,
A soul bears burdens, both young and old.
"Why always me?" the heart does plea,
In the rhythm of life, a poignant decree.

Beneath the palm trees, where breezes sigh,
Ancestral echoes in the crimson sky.
Through the hustle of markets, tales untold,
The query persists, a narrative bold.

Is it the weight of history, a heavy chain?
Or destiny's dance in the pouring rain?
In the dance of kola, where traditions blend,
"Why always me?"—a query to comprehend.

Through the bustling cities and village lanes,
Resides a spirit resilient, amidst life's strains.
In the echoes of language, a melodic plea,
"Why always me?" in the Igbo symphony.

Yet, amid challenges, strength does rise,
In the tapestry of struggles, where hope lies.
Through the echoes of ancestors, resilience we see,
A vibrant spirit asking, "Why always me?"
The Struggle of a grossly Marginalized Igbo eastern tribe of Nigeria.
Henry Akeru Dec 2023
The plot was to make us cower is fear.
But now they have made the youths very angry.
Anger kills fear just as light kills darkness.

20-10-20: The new tribal mark on the faces of every Nigerian youth.

All I see is blood.
Blood of the youth
Blood of dreamers
Blood of freedom
Blood of justice
Nigeria is bleeding:
Fresh vibrant blood

Henry Akeru Dec 2023
If there is ever a time  I can be free
Then that time should be now.
I wanna be a tree in the wild
Sorrounded solely by my redolence.
i wanna be like the night bat
Free to roam the ethreal essence.
I wanna drink like a sailor
And read every line like a geek.
Like a breathtaken borned butterfly,
I'll dance samba in  the zithering zephyr
I wanna be  free; free to be me!
Jumb of a cliff and bounce on the cotton clouds

But these are just wishes
For every time i am awake
I'm trapped within these stuccoed walls.
I really wanna be free .
They say get better dont get bitter.
I'm working on switching them letters
They say pain hurts and fear hates..
I say pain strenghtens and fear draws faith
When am free i will wash away every doubt
I will take my time..Maybe this time.
A note to myself.
Henry Akeru Dec 2023
Will i go into my Casket
with a stranded beam of light?
Will there be laid a Basket
Of fruits and assorted to ease my flight?

I wonder which expression to wear
A grin, a smile, a frown, or a Smirk
Maybe tight lips to aid the fear,
Of being abandoned in a world so dark.

Perhaps I should acquire a shovel
To burrow into the earth a grave?
Buy a tipper load of gravel;
Decorate the epitaph on which my name's engraved

I wish my remains be burned.
I dread being trapped in a box.
Dust we are so to the air we belong ...
Let my ashes be free to scatter eastward.

The true and pretended weeping
Of loved ones and those indifferent
Did nothing to ease my Passing
Smile and cheer let your energy not be Spent.

Check my Vault and you will find
Nothing but memories previously stored.
The sun shines on vanity; all the time be Kind
Love is Key. My floating ash smiles at you all.
Tribute to death. A compulsory phase for all mankind.
Henry Akeru Dec 2023
A mystery woven in threads unseen,
Stars above hint at a pattern keen.
Time dances, a chance so fine,
Yet fools attempt its intricate line.

Paradox veiled in a shroud of mist,
Secrets exist by nature's twist.
The fool, unafraid of the unknown,
Tries to grasp what can't be shown.

Through time's corridors they stray,
Chasing echoes of an elusive display.
Destiny, a riddle, a story untold,
Only fools seek its secrets bold.

In folly, a grace still finds its place,
Daring spirits in the fool's embrace.
For in the quest, though plans may shift,
Wisdom blooms in the sands adrift.

So let fools dream till the dawn,
On Destiny's nature, pondering on.
In the pursuit of the divine,
Only fools find treasures in Destiny's sign.
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