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Henry Akeru Sep 2017
You can drink me if you want
I am a poppy, I can quench your desires; Thirst!
I can also make your pains go away.
Take a Swig! drink all you want!

I am big and I am Small
I am your daring desire and favorite fear
As heavy as a kite am a memory so clear.
I come alive when you Fall!

I shine bright in the dark
Like venom, I snake down your cheek when you Cry
Am not a regret yet I make you Ask Why?
I am A giver, not a Lack

I make you scream a silent roar
Am your escape and rebirth; Future, now and then!
I am a Dream and a story I can tell.
I am a breach of gravity I make you SOAR!
Henry Akeru Aug 2017
She has smiley fiercesome eyes
She could melt any walls with it.
Her smile has eyes of its own
It flashes like neon and cinders.

From a dense crowed
The aura of her presence could be read.
A silence of her Loud!
In the pureness of Oneliness her soul is lead.

There was a change;
of weather it seemed and a dull reigned
Her face was drained;
Of life and the blossoming therein slewed

Oh if only one could mop
This dew of sadness now rested on Her.
Using an elixir of hope
Maybe her smile will be reborn...Alas!
Henry Akeru Aug 2017
Sometimes things are better shared softly
like powder smeared on a baby's **** lest they go red with rashes.

Sometimes better early tears are shed Slowly
Then left to build and burst forth like volcanoes!

Sometimes a broken bone is cured with a Crack
'Cos when Pampered is left to swell and rotten.

Sometimes life is spent swimming in the pool of the past
And the present existence is left dry and cranky

Sometimes a Lie is meant to Ignite the truth
But the effect is not impressive like a firework!

Sometimes when anger burns like Sulfur
It takes only the ice of patience to quench it.

Sometimes we tend to drink in mysterious light
while our souls lurk in the shadow of myseries

Sometimes an Echo is just a friendly reminder
That the unstuccoed walls do have ears that listen.

Most of the times 'LOVE' is all we truly need
And a bounty of it is stuffed in the stars
Henry Akeru Aug 2017
Not what I said
Well, literally what I said
But I swear you
I meant different!

Not what you see
Well, physically what you see.
But I pray you
I meant different.

Not what you hear
Well, words pry arid air
But I beseech you don't listen.
I meant different.

Many times actions
Break the bond of spoken words
But I pray you hear my heart
See I've always meant it differently.
Always Mis-understood.
Henry Akeru Aug 2017
Like an army of bold stallions
Your memories raised dust in my Heart.
like the golden of the setting sun
You make my smile a sight to behold!
And when the duty roll is called
And i step out with my swinging cord
To swirl and dance to rhythms unheard
And see to the burst of colorful fire works.
In a posh valley we shall seat and drink,
smiling back at our reflections on silvery streams....
i felt a push within me
A familiar life came sliding through;
it was love!
I was not in love for i am its Mum:Through me it was formed.
Out it came coated red like a rose.
It scented fresh like frost in winter.
My Plumped lips parted to a Smile and curved to a frown,
As the horses raced your memories away
A dusty view was all i had,
wishing to see thy oval face again!
Henry Akeru Aug 2017
Okoro, Nwafor, and Ejike.
Three unwise men from the Floral east
Where spurred by an atavistic urge
To visit the Shrine of NWOKE
The Hedonist! The keeper
Of the frothy Necta
That soothes anxiety with oils of pleasure.
At the crack of dawn.
The keeper makes a journey
Far into the blurry thickest
Were he ascending to the heavenly
And communes with the deities
As a Reward
He is blessed with Necta
With which he curses Men.
From ***** crow to sunset
The Shrine of Palmfonds
Is never void of men.
Poor Devils!
Seeking to ease the heebie-jeebies of existence.
But the talisman is temporal!
The spirit only possesses for a night.
It flees by dawn cos it fears the light.
The three unwise men from the Floral east
Made another visit to the Shrine.
They became faithful.
They live only on the poisonous Necta
Nectar is the rich wine tapped from the famous palm tree scattered aboundantly in the eastern part of Nigeria
Henry Akeru Jul 2017
MOTHER! You who prays relentlessly for me
So I don't join the devil and his band of thieves
MOTHER! You whose breast I once clung for life!
My golden arch. My eternal heavenly Prize.
MOTHER! When weary and coated  with frozen fear
You massaged me with the balm of motherly Care

MOTHER! You said to me "love and learn to live happily"
One mute morning  while we drank the February breeze

Again you add  yet a tiny year
The jolly-july clouds match in square .
Celebrating a Gem that's meek and fair .
I sing songs and post poem Everywhere
Marking the birth of my GOLDEN SPEAR!
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