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Henry Akeru Oct 9
I once knew a land of open skies,
Where hope was bright, and dreams would rise.
Now hunger fills the streets with dread,
And empty hands reach out for bread.
The cost of living steals our breath,
In this place now shadowed by death.

The jobs we cherished now have fled,
Leaving the youth with futures bled.
Once bustling towns are silent, cold,
Their stories now too tired to be told.
The struggle lingers like the air,
In a land that’s lost its will to care.

The high cost of life breaks every heart,
Tearing families, worlds apart.
We sell our days to scrape and fight,
But darkness overtakes the light.
This isn’t the country I used to know,
Now sinking deep, lost in its woe.

My former country, where have you gone?
Your promises fade like the morning dawn.
What happened to the dreams we shared,
The hopes for which we once prepared?
Now we just survive, broken and torn,
In the ashes of a nation worn.
Henry Akeru Oct 6
In Africa’s heart, where the sun burns bright,
A thousand and half questions take flight.
In the soil where truth was meant to grow,
Lies weave shadows, hiding what we know.

In Nigeria’s streets, where the rivers bend,
We ask where justice and honor descend.
Yet silence speaks louder than the cries,
And we wonder, who measures the skies?

Whispers of promises lost in the night,
Candles burn out, leaving no guiding light.
A thousand and half answers drift away,
As hope and truth walk paths of dismay.

Still, we ask, though answers remain concealed,
In a land where lies are hardly revealed.
Will tomorrow’s dawn clear this endless haze,
Or will truth, too, dissolve in its blaze?
Sadly truth about how we Nigerians live under the spell of bad government
Henry Akeru Sep 26
Where did all the oranges go?  
The sweet and ripe, their golden glow,  
Now scarce as dew on desert sand,  
In a world that’s lost its careful hand.  

The maidens once in gentle bloom,  
Now shed their petals all too soon.  
The blush of innocence, so rare,  
Dissolves like mist into the air.  

No shame remains, no modest blush,  
The world now moves in careless rush,  
And men, once bold with strength to lead,  
Now chase the easy path of greed.  

Lazy hands that reach for gain,  
Without the toil, without the strain.  
They flock like birds to fleeting fruit,  
While roots are bare, the ground’s gone mute.  

Where are the keepers of the land?  
The ones who till with steady hand?  
Who cherish harvest slow to grow,  
And reap what careful hearts bestow?  

But time will turn, as seasons show,  
And seeds will find their way to sow.  
Though oranges may seem so few,  
In time, the trees will bear anew.  

And when they bloom, may we recall,  
The price of letting virtues fall.  
For what is sweet is not so free,  
It’s earned in love, in dignity.
The Rapidly changing world. Now lacking any form of Modesty.
Henry Akeru Sep 26
I used to fear the fire below,  
The endless dark where sinners go,  
But then I learned—how strange, how bright—  
That Hell and Heaven share this light.  

It’s here on earth, in what we give,  
In how we choose each day to live,  
Not flames or clouds, but what we make,  
In love we show or hearts we break.  

The tales I heard, of sin and shame,  
Of wrathful gods who curse and blame,  
They lost their hold, their bitter sting,  
When truth appeared, a gentler thing.  

For death is not the final door,  
We rise again, return once more.  
The cycle spins, a life renewed,  
To mend the ways we once pursued.  

Now Heaven’s found in every face,  
In acts of kindness, threads of grace,  
And Hell is in the hurt we leave,  
The hearts we crush, the webs we weave.  

So I don’t fear the judgment bell—  
I used to be scared to go to Hell.  
But now I know, it’s what we sow,  
That shapes the world, the highs, the lows.  

Reborn again, we rise, we fall,  
In love’s great dance, I’ve seen it all.
Religion is for fear and fear is for Order.
Henry Akeru Apr 20
Why not follow me?
My pen bleeds rhymes
My heart pumps blood like red wine.

Why not follow me.
Let's hide in poems
Like a child in it's mothers womb.

Your likes and comments
To inspire my craft.
Poetry is my art
Hello poetry is my canvas.
I desire to grow on here.
Henry Akeru Apr 18
You mindless thwarts. Repent from your unbelieve!
See the genius in fiction and bow to its supremacy.
For haven't the mind conceived so many great things?
Even the world was born out of Fiction....
For your unbelieve I pray you :
Wonder off the savanna. Reek to the world in shame !
Or else kiss the feet of the Mastery of mind.
For even that tiny space
And you clutching within onto breath,
Are figments of SOMEONE'S  imagination.
Let there be Light! And there came trillions packets of photons.
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