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Nov 2013 · 575
The Short Love Story
Helplessly Nov 2013
You feel that sometimes
You think it sometimes.

I'm here watching
until you sleeping.

You are my life
You are my hero.

If you not here
I'm not here.

I've been rescue by you
Now you're the one that haunted me.

I think you are the one
But now you are the person that I should stay away with.

I love you until the death
It pain to risk.

I'm still going to go.

Nov 2013 · 497
It Will End
Helplessly Nov 2013
There was an empty moment
Where we all sits quietly
We'll never know when it will end
But strange that I didn't want it end

You walk to take a cup of coffee
Then you'd look at me
I would turn away
Looking at the window

There's a girl
A little girl
She is holding a teddy bear
She is waiting

Then, there's a man
A old man
He takes her hand
And suddenly they're gone

I realize something
They're family
Just like we all here
But we never talk to each other

We scared to take a chance
To change.

Nov 2013 · 751
Helplessly Nov 2013
It is me.
Watching the sky.
Lonely in the car that is not moving.
You can see it all.
You can see the flowers, peoples and the beautiful clouds.
I turn off the air conditioner so I can feel the fresh air outside.
I smell everything.
Whether it stink or perfumed.
I can assume
You can see the birds.
Flying around the sky like it was their house.
They are free.
But sometimes they're not.
They would be caught and never gets out.
But it still a birds.
A scared little birds.
A homeless little birds.
Its a birds.

Nov 2013 · 1.8k
Black Pearls
Helplessly Nov 2013
We are none and unlucky to be together.
We don't know how it hurt but we know it is hurt.
Starting day like a normal person,
End the day with none mission.
People could see us.
People could hear us even though they far.
We still unlucky and hopeless.
We not special like black pearls.

Nov 2013 · 794
Vampire Love
Helplessly Nov 2013
We are two hollows that full of hearts and souls.
We both know nothing stops us.
We never stop holding hands.
We kiss too much and we didn't care.
We walk on dawn and run on the lights.
We're like vampire love.
We never dies.
We both young and strong to know that,
we will dies.

Nov 2013 · 782
Crush On You
Helplessly Nov 2013
I know.
I know that you likes her more than me and I accept that. I'd try.
Everyone doesn't know you story and my story.
We never talk and never meet and that's unlucky.
I try to talk to you but I'm scared you know.
I wish I could get you out of my head.

I read a books, try to watch funny movies, walk on the park would never help to get you out of my head.
I wish we can start again and undo everything.
I wish you can forget her.
I wish you can move on.
I wish you like me back.
I wish you knew.

I wish you hear, see, know that I have a crush on you.

Nov 2013 · 438
"You Are The One."
Helplessly Nov 2013
I guess in my heart that you are the one.
Because you perfect and always there when I'm alone.
Even though we never talk
You always there smiling.

You are the one  because I think you are.
You're my lyrics in my songs.
You're my sky to my birds.
You are the one.

Just a little heart,
"You are the one."

Nov 2013 · 745
Last Letter.
Helplessly Nov 2013
My hands was cold because of air-conditioner.
My eyes are too tired because I stay up all night.
I can barely breath because my nose is too cold.
My lips are too dry and hurt because too cold.
My head is ache and pain until all I see is nothing.

I stay in the car and watch outside.
I'm tired and dying.
Watching you walking out the street with your hands in your pockets.
You wear your favorite shirts.
A white stripes t-shirts.

I don't want you too see me like  this.
I close my window.
I walk inside the house and that moment I realize I can't live.

Nov 2013 · 422
Story Of Us
Helplessly Nov 2013
You never knew what is like to lose somebody you love
You met my eyes, not me
You smile at me
You walk next to me
You look at me
You staring at me
You follow me

You came next day
You still the same
We never talk
You smile, look, stare at me
But you still never says "hi."

Oct 2013 · 629
Helplessly Oct 2013
I don't know who I am since the first day I was born. I'm a little pathetic girl.
I'm tired of looking at the window and try to see a ghost. I'm tired of pretending of being nice. All is being wasted and nobody ever cares.
I was too scared to reach out and call people for helping. I'm a girl that read a books in a room. I'm a girl that listen to a same sad song over and over again. That makes it all better. It makes me feel gone away from hurts. I'm a girl read romance novel and hoping it'll be true.

That was me.

Oct 2013 · 426
Helplessly Oct 2013
We still breath and young
We still need somebody to swung

I need to live and life
But you still holding a knife
We need to pack the past
And try to find a cast

I'm going tomorrow
I know you'll be sorrow
But I told you to be fine
And still see the shine.

Oct 2013 · 408
I'm A Girl
Helplessly Oct 2013
I'm a girl who is nice
I'm a girl that makes everything right
I'm a girl that says "hi"
I'm a girl that try

Now I'm a girl that fail
I'm a girl that's fall
I'm a girl that's cuts
I'm a girl that's broken
I'm a girl that's lost
I'm a girl that's die.

Oct 2013 · 752
I Don't Understand
Helplessly Oct 2013
I don't understand.
I don't understand why I can see
I don't understand why I can hear
I don't understand why I can't love
I don't understand why I can't see you
I don't understand why you mad
I don't understand why I'm mad.
I don't understand you
I don't understand me.
I don't understand why.
I just don't understand.

Oct 2013 · 471
Helplessly Oct 2013
Lights is everywhere
But why I can't see it
I'm not blind
There's light in sky
There's light in the wall
There's light in the room
Lights is everywhere
Did I'm in the only one in the dark?

Oct 2013 · 2.5k
Helplessly Oct 2013
It was long and stranger night
I walk
I was moving forward
I try to reach
But all kept holding me back
I know the story
I know the secret
I'm not hoping
I'm expecting
I am stranger
I am stranger to you.

Oct 2013 · 580
Helplessly Oct 2013
Its a love that I never had
Its a love that I never feel
At first I want it so bad
I want you to be around
I want to feel your arm and love me
I want to feels your breath into my ears
I want to hug you straight into the daylight

But when I see it all
I change
I grow
I realize its not easy
Its not going to happen
All I want right now is 'life.'

Oct 2013 · 479
7:00 A.M
Helplessly Oct 2013
Blue sky
People walk
Traffic Jam
Everything just happen at 7:00 a.m
I don't going anywhere
I stay sleep all day
I don't wake up
I lay
7:00 a.m means nothing to me
I don't go to school
I don't go to work
I don't go anywhere
Thats it how 7:00 a.m to me.

Sep 2013 · 628
I'm Loss
Helplessly Sep 2013
I loss a word
I loss a thought
I try to find
But I'm stuck
I try to wake up
But I know I won't
Sing me to sleep
I'm tired and die
Don'y try to wake me
in the morning
Cause I will be gone
I'm loss can you see
I need you but no one cares.

Sep 2013 · 681
Helplessly Sep 2013
During the day I'm fine
During the night I'm cry
I fight a lot
I trapped a lot
I went out
I'm insecure
I wish everything turn out alright
But maybe it just didn't right
Lonely in night
Fake smile in the morning
I can see but I'm blind
I'm hurt
You smile.

Sep 2013 · 523
Forgive Me
Helplessly Sep 2013
It was like buried inside the dirt
And breath outside the world
I scared to reach out
While I know there's way out
I call your name thousand times
I keep late and behind your eyes
I'm alone in the dark
Cause I got caught in the light
Please don't go
But I know you'll go.
Its was the same and the same
Until the story getting old
I'm sorry for everything
I hope you'll forgive me.

Sep 2013 · 1.2k
Is Like
Helplessly Sep 2013
Finding you is like loss my phone
Crazy, miserable and unlivable
Missing you is like trying to get you out of my head
Hard, hurt and pain
Seeing you is like saw a rainbow in a sky
Happy, love and excited
Talking to you is like hearing a song
Melodious, tuneful and sirenic
Touching you is like holding a feather
Soft, warm and cold
Loving you is like addicted to drug
Addicted, loss and non-stop.

Sep 2013 · 447
Helplessly Sep 2013
She can't go a day unkissed,
She felt that she missed,
She walk in the dark,
She run in the park,
She live all alone,
By listen to her tone,
She  laugh so loud,
Just watching in the cloud,
She feel depressed,
Just by her guessed.

Sep 2013 · 637
Helplessly Sep 2013
It was red like a heart,
It was really was hard,
I doesn’t even know when,
But I wish it will end,
He is not realize,
That all was real lies,
I hope it was beautiful,
Because I am really hopeful


— The End —