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Helpful Anon Aug 2011
Here's to the broken hearts,
The sewn up seams,
The beaten up good guys,
And the many shattered dreams,

This is for all the people who tried and tried again,
Just to bring happiness to those they loved,
Never quite seemed to do it just right,
Those people who were beaten and shoved,
Because what they did was out of sight.

You do many crazy things for those you love,
Do everything their current won't/can't,
They begin to see it,
As you hope for them to see you,
And you wish for nothing but pure bliss,
Something that's soon to be threw,

(S)He will be yours,
Never give up your hope,
Because if fate perceives what it's ment to entail,
Then by god,
Stay upon that golden trail.
Helpful Anon Aug 2011
So here we are again computer,
Sitting side by side one night more,
For once things looked up, looked like they changed,
But guess what life, it's back to being torn,

Those hopes were so ******* high,
It seemed reasonable this time,
and what do you know,
life just laughed,

Took away something I thought was finally going to happen,
Something I finally felt was going to be mine again,
But you took it,
Along with my hopes,
And left me with even more pain,

No matter what she says to me,
I crumble and wait,
Because within sometime, who knows,
She may be mine once again,

"I still have feelings for you",
A thought said by her,
I can wait all I want for this, and pray that it may be mine,
But lets go back to where I was before.....

Helpful Anon May 2011
All I wanna be,
Is what I set out and see,
What I see as normal,
Not what you see as formal,

I wanna look the way I want,
Not something for you to flaunt,
Just be the Same old me,
Instead of being what you want me to be,

So as I sit in distress,
With anger and sadness none the less,
I'll pretend that I love what you've done,
And pretend that I love it a ton,

It's what you wanted,
It's what you received,
So lets hope your convinced,
And I've kept you deceived.
Helpful Anon Apr 2011
Thanks to all those,
Keepin me on my toes,
Makin sure I take the right turns,
And keeping my life from being torn,

You guys make it great for me,
And although I may not say,
You brighten up my day,
Weather it be now,
Or tomorrow,
Or hell even next week,
Remember that you help me,
And that's something most people seek,

I love you all so much,
From the bottom of my heart,
Lifes one hell of a thing,
And now's when it should start.

-This is for all of my friends, and regardless of if they'll read this or not....They mean the world to me
Helpful Anon Apr 2011
Hidden with fear,
Nausea and disbelief,
Not going to be set free,
So why not bring on the grief,

Sit and hide,
With no words to be said,
When you question your life,
What would happen if I were dead,

These thoughts are mere thoughts,
Not realities nor truth,
Just figments of my imagination,
Something that bares no proof,

No feeling of appreciation,
For me or from anyone,
Just wait till it comes back,
And those clouds reveal your sun.
Helpful Anon Mar 2011
So here we go again,
First time in a long while,
That I feel the need to scream,
To shout and not smile,

Not feel the greatest,
And hide it all within,
Hoping someone notices subtle hints,
That are smaller then any pin,

Just in the way I type,
Or the way I spell,
The way I answer things,
Or the way that I fell,

Come and get me,
Rescue me from myself,
So what was once gone,
Brings hate upon ones self
Helpful Anon Mar 2011
Happiness impales the heart,
So much hope and joy
Something that's been recurring,
Something you need to enjoy,

Smile in the moment,
Live it and be happy,
It's been so long,
The thought seems sappy,

Happiness at last,
Something you've always wanted,
Now follow through with it,
And be something you've always taunted.
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