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 Feb 2014 hellopuffles
he tells me he is reaching
his breaking point
(and) he sighs,
(and) he looks away,
(and) i want to reach out to him
to touch his hand, shoulder,

but i am afraid he will
 Feb 2014 hellopuffles
you said that i
can do better, and i
hope that by better,
you meant
'so you're not into him?'
'nah, we're just friends'
and then he smirked because he's dumb and infuriating and said 'good' and i lost my **** a little
 Feb 2014 hellopuffles
i'd rather you hold
my heart too tightly
than not at
i wish i didn't have feelings because i'm gonna get hurt yet again i just know it
 Feb 2014 hellopuffles
no matter what your teachers
may tell you, your grades are not a
measure of how smart you are, that
has more to do with how you handle your
heart, and i have never seen anyone love
more fiercely or smart than you.  

i have let boys touch me just because
i was scared to lose them; don't let them
lay a hand on you without you asking
them to, you are worth more than that.

people will walk away, but you've known
that already.  keep your chin up so that when
they turn back one last time, they know that
you don't need them.
you don't need them.

i hope you find somebody that holds your
hands, even when you're nervous and
they start to sweat.  if they pull away,
you come find me and i swear,
i won't let go.
i just love her more than words
The world yet to be;
change is imminent.

The world as holistic;
change is traumatic.

The world as wondrous;
change is fascinating.

The world as oppressive;
change is institutional.

The world as idealized;
change is self-discovery.

The world as conceived;
change is forgotten.

The world as impossible;
change is unimaginable.

The world as finite;
change is death.

The world beyond conception;
change is māyā.

The world as a memory;
change is time.

The world as continuous;
change is nature.

The world in utero;
change is birth.
A contemplation of the circle of life.
 Feb 2014 hellopuffles
i don't know why i still love you
you've put me through hell and back
all i know is that
i can't stop thinking about you

you make me smile
you make me cry
you make me laugh
you make me wish that i'd never even met you

sometimes i wish that i could go back in time
to stop myself from falling in love with you
but then i realize that this is not possible
because one way or another
i would have fallen for you
I want to hold her hand as we walk through the park.
Sit under a tree in the summertime, and watch the clouds forming figures,
trying to see what the other one sees.
Go to my rooftop pool at night, and gaze at the stars.
Lay in bed with her, facing each other, and just lose myself in her bright, blue eyes, holding her near me so she never leaves my side.
Wake up before she does, with the first rays of sun shining through a slim opening on my courtain,
illuminating her as I admire her natural, god given beauty as pure as it is.

I just want to hear her, sweet, warm yet shy voice say "I love you.".

— The End —