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Jul 2020 · 81
college town
Katie Jul 2020
feeling strangely out of place by the light of the lamp post,
she eagerly walks into the black of the night,
feels the cold dank of the darkness embrace her,
it welcomes her in.

she feels like an unwanted house guest,
who has over-stayed their visit,
in the town she had made her home, made her life in,
for the past four years.

a place which she had now outgrown--
and frowns upon her with a skeptical gaze;
wondering why she dares to stand by the light of a lamp-post.

and each step she takes is a
wedge in her heart,
separating her,
from a former version of herself.
Jan 2020 · 82
Katie Jan 2020
It's been so long
since you've been here.
I think I wish,
I hope you're near.

Days seem to pass
so ******* fast,
but still the thought of you
won't pass.
Jul 2019 · 167
Katie Jul 2019
wrist, lips
hips kiss!
limp dicked
****** kids
Jul 2019 · 136
sexual frustration
Katie Jul 2019
slightly ripe
melted ice cube
shhh... listen now
tremble, tremble, tremble
pink floyd's playing
pour some more
stink of wine
Apr 2019 · 147
Katie Apr 2019
she told the sun
sweet secrets,

he promised
not to tell,

silly girl,
no need to worry!
it's always hot in hell.
Apr 2019 · 118
Maximum capacity
Katie Apr 2019
the lullaby of
your breath
on my shoulder;

it ruffles my hair.
Mar 2019 · 216
Katie Mar 2019
paper cuts on your lungs:
you can’t slow down,
you can’t slow down,
you can’t breathe.
choking, suffocating
on memories.
Mar 2019 · 768
no name
Katie Mar 2019
i am forgotten memories:

smell of the milk
gone sour
in the back of the
bottom shelf of the

sound like the muffled cries
and broken screams
drowned out by the
newest- catchy
radio 'bop'.

feel of the fingernails
and rusty scissor blades
in far left desk-drawer
on skin.

look like the purple
bags on pale skin,
clenched teeth,
red knuckles.

i do not know my name,
it is better this way.
Feb 2019 · 203
Katie Feb 2019
In the summertime,
in Michigan,
I wore my feet bare.

Let them:
Blister and burn
on the sticky black pavement.
Skin broken on sharp
little pebbles.

Let the:
sticky popsicle syrup
mix with blood.
Red and blue-
like the of Fourth of July.

Feel the:
Skin transform,
harden, callous,
an armor of scaly skin.

My brother
caught a snake, once.
Proud little fists,
hoisting in the air.

Proud little fists
squeeze too tight.
Red- like the Fourth of July.
Jan 2019 · 223
Katie Jan 2019
I pick at the
          dry skin
on my knuckles
when I think about You.

"I'm sorry"
hospitals make me
make me tick.

          Little Girl
too scared
(too high)
to visit You.

what can I say
Big Brother?
You make me tick,
make my skin-
Jan 2019 · 161
wallpapered striped
Katie Jan 2019
                                                  used to be my favorite color
                                      i could live
                                                         within its warmth.

                                  but our kitchen was green:
                                 green and white
                                                      wallp­apered stripes.

                and those stripes
                                 weren't warm--
                                              they were filled
                                                                ­    with pain and hate.

      my mother
                               tired from the cold,
                           tore down
                                          that ugly
                                                                ­    kitchen wallpaper.

                        clawing at the walls
                        she broke it
                                     into bits.

              yellow paint
                                       then filled the walls;
                                                         a promise of a change.

                                 but like all good things,
                             yellow too
                                                  seemed to fade.

                      my little kitchen,
                               are you why
                ­                                      now brings
                                                                ­ me pain?
Dec 2018 · 351
Katie Dec 2018
The sound of snow is quite loud,
if you take the time to listen to it.

Much louder than you would expect
from the sparkling peaceful facade
that masks its utter loudness.

A single step upon it send the sound,
in all of its snapping and crackling,
traveling through your foot
and upwards to your ears.

In a peculiar sort of way,
the snow seems to revolt
against the pressure of your weight.

If you listen close enough
you can hear it's cries and protests
fill the air around you
in a frenzy of crackling and snapping.

Snaps and crackles rattle your eardrums;
they are the snow's fruitless objections
to the weight of your step.

Then, with a sigh of defeat,
the snow gives way
to a bed of ice beneath
in a final, satisfactory crunch.

And all the while,
the snowfall continues to pour down
from the sky above you.
As you walk step by step,
Dec 2018 · 472
mother dearest
Katie Dec 2018
dear Mother--

like nails on a chalkboard
the sounds of your
Cruel Words

a biting, pinching, sharp
little hurt.
a string, a twinge.

it felt like a
punch, an ache
each day
You ignored Me.

Mother, did you
forget Me?
your Daughter,
your girl?

your hate
your disdain
your disregard
for Me
feels like ice in My veins.

you've poisoned My heart.

do You remember?
I grew inside You
came from your flesh.

dear Mother--
is this your revenge?
Oct 2018 · 538
Katie Oct 2018
To love him is to hurt,
          to ache,
          to scream,  
          to break.

Big brother
he seems.

To love him is to hate him.
           angry little thoughts--
           sharp and pointy.
cutting away--
            ration and reason.

Bye-bye big brother
             hello hospital
knock-knock go policemen
             come to take him away.

To love him is to fear him
              fear for him
              fear his mind has gone astray.
Fear his mania--
              his psychosis--
              his rage.

But to be his sister is to love him,
              and as his sister,
              I will stay.
#bipolar #brother #family
Oct 2018 · 250
slipping back
Katie Oct 2018
and so It comes
crawling back
on hands and knees
to be forgiven.

It wants you back.

You falter
your judgement slips
you welcome It in.

It's cold hands wrap You
rotten breath fills You.

You and It--

depressed, once more
#depression #slippingback
Oct 2018 · 388
Better to forget
Katie Oct 2018
                            stumbling deeper, trembling
                                  sprawling, toppling.
                                 a clumsy kind of pain


      ­                             warm golden pools,
                        searing as they drip, drip, drip.


       ­                              trapped between
                           the confines of a Memory
                                   tight little space
                                     don’t go in it,
                                        no escape.


                                        my skin,
                                        my heart,
                                       my lungs.
                             carved and branded.
                                      red, raw
                                  push deeper


            ­            constricting of my chest,
                       rapid rising of my breast.
                             everything’s hazy.
            ­                          its bliss.


                        protected, hidden now.
            a simple price to pay, a silly little trick

            ­                       Down
                                                            ­   Down.

— The End —