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I hate the way it curves up
Each muscle in your face aching to be released
I hate your smile
Only because I know its fake
You don't even realize it anymore
You've become so accustomed to it
Nobody can tell the mask from your real complexion
Not even your reflection
I hate your smile
When you hide the frown
I'd rather you let me try and make it real
I hate the way that bright red lipstick
Glues it into place
The way the mascara seems to stain the edges
From every midnight love attempt from your pillow
Ending only in failure when the sun reaches your window
You can't hide from me
I can see through it all
I hate your smile
Mainly because it resembles mine all to much
Driver down the street
Cars running back and fourth
Lives and souls looking around
Bikes here and there
Smiles and tears everywhere
A mother on one side
Protecting her little one form danger
Letting him explore the world
but never getting her sight out of him
She so tired of the work she came from just twenty minutes ago
Yet she happily takes her son out to play
Working harder as a mother than an employee
The sweet love she has not only with her son but with the three of them
All alone taking care of three boys and on the way one girl
Mee. that girl
Waking up to dress the children
going to sleep after work
from 5 am to 12 pm
An example of hard work and mother hood
WHat a special love that only she has
Just like God, who forgave us
she does to when we grew up.
Thank you Mom
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