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helia Jul 10
My heart aches for you, my love
Were it that I could shield you
From every harsh word or bitter truth
This world dare cast your way

I would do it without a second thought
If it meant you would be unhappy no more
With every sob that escapes your lips
Such pain wracks my chest knowing you suffer so

If weep you must, do so in my arms
For though the world might forsake you
Know that I never will
For I love you, now and always
take heart, my love.

february 7, 2024
helia Jul 10
find the pain
seize it
like a dagger
and twist it

let the blood flow
like so many emotions
that we ignore
simply thrumming
inside our veins
feel it. use it.

december 20, 2017
helia Jul 10
Raindrops like gunshots
On my window pane
Burnt out with self-doubt
Seeping through my brain
the silence is loud.
the voices are louder.

december 18, 2017.
helia Jul 10
five, six, seven, eight
we will not cut today

four, three, two, one
we promised we were done

eight, seven, six, five
we'll get through the cold nights

one, two, three, four
we said there would be no more
line em up and count em out.
august 7, 2018.
helia Feb 2021
i so thank the hands that crafted
the masterpiece that is you
and the red strings of fate
that has brought us together
thank the stars.
thank you.

may 6, 2020
helia Feb 2021
You are my sun
And I, your sunflower
My life revolves around
You who shines on me

And yet at times, I feel
Like I am more the moon
Our hearts are one
Yet our minds cannot meet

It feels as though we are
Forever on opposing ends
One always overshadowed
Inevitably by the other

You are the sun
Bold and bright yet brash
Sitting high in the sky
Caring and yet cruel

At times, I am the moon
Bleak and bereft
Surrounded by stars
But equally so of darkness

I wish to hide in that darkness
And wait until the day
For the eclipse that shall bring us
Truly together again
We meet, we part.
Oct 28, 2020
helia Feb 2021
You are my sun
and I, your sunflower
I look only to you
I bloom for no one else

The ardent love
Planted in my heart
It blossoms fervently
Violently for you

You mean the world
And so much more to me
You’re my piece of heaven
Fate has sent you to me

You are the dream
I can hardly believe
Never thought possible
Coming true just for me
My sun, my love.
Oct 30, 2020
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