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Morning Star Sep 2016
Come into our sea of hope

A little comfort to help you cope

If you think you cannot swim

We'll hold your hands and guide you in

No hate no pain no judgement here

Just helpful skill to calm your fear

And if you happen to shed a tear

To us your pain is crystal clear

You cannot drown in our sea of hope

We all reach out untill you float

Occasionally you may yourself capsize

And feel all troubled and lost inside

That is when yourll find our anchor

We will keep you grounded safe inside

Until you live and dont need to hide

After the silence always here at your side

So awaken let go learn to glide

Fallen Angel
Written for after the silence
Morning Star Jan 2019
Begin again write it still
You capture lose the will
Quiet thoughts enter still
Waters edge be still
Gather paper gather stone
Empty room quiet storm
Efforts their hopes lost
Eager to but tied to start
Aching in the empty dark
Morning Star Jun 2020
A gentle loving smile i see
A tall man  stands calm at the side of me
Softly puts his arms around my heart
Words so gentle kind you say I'm smart
All the sadness now he leaves behind.
7 years of wondering why
Now so clear you never said goodbye
Pictures of you fill my heart with joy
Years of  times where full of fear
You say you had the best of me
once your heart had set you free
Forget the years that followed in despair wondering I thought you didnt care
Only memories kind and gentle warmth can capture a picture clearing of the storm
You were my sweet an gentle person
For that im truly blessed
Il always remember feeling safe and loved when i was small and I knew i was loved
Sleep now my lovely friend
For guiding me through sorrow
Giving me a strand to hold
Then cutting me like a spider weaved his web you let me in half me safe then took me as your prey
No help for me now you flew away
Morning Star Apr 2020
my place of prayer
i feel like our lady is in my heart today ,
the sun is shinning through my window
I'm am not afraid today
i have a little corner
in my room where i like to pray
were i have a little statue of Mary from Litchfield,
a wooden crucifix from litchfield cathedral

a stone from john Bastille church in turkey ,
a rosewood rosary from Malta
and a candle from not re-dame
some pictures of Mary
and one of me when i was young
,i blessed them with the water from Marys house in Ephesus
its my little chapel,
its my place of calm
. i also have a statue of her under my cherry tree
in the garden
my garden of prayer
with a smaller statue of a fallen angel
its wonderful there,
i forgot how much Ive loved those little pieces of her i have
like symbols in a church
and now i have a cross to hold
to pray with everyday
gift from a kind person
who thinks alot of me

by[funny girl]
Morning Star Feb 2017
Alone always but good to know
we are all the same or didn't you know
So if we are all alone at least we are in this together
So we are all together being alone
Morning Star Apr 2020
The birthing of a new day.

It's was all happening down at the stream river corve nature theatre this morning, two and a half hours of entertainment  ....

the ravens and the magpies put on a high speed arial display of chase me you between hoiking sticks to build nests like over enthusiastic Bobby dog.

The squirrels performed treetop acrobatics like those little furry pull along magic worm/snake things kids play with on the end of invisible threads.

The wood pigeons are alternating between  banqueting on the ivy ready to start poomageddon season over the car any day now.

Wrens everywhere like little brown ping pong *****.

Fearless robins pecking round my feet.

Seagullls came for a visit singing their song to remind me what it sounds like at the coast.

**** are just hanging about in a relaxed manner generally everywhere  

Hoping I might catch a glimpse again of the kestrel that came through the other day like a jet plane going through the Corvedale on its way to Wales

Just waiting for the sun to turn on my chandeliers (have to wait till afternoon for that visual delight few pics at the end from the other day to
Morning Star Jan 2023
On once the cold crip of winter ends
will death and grief subside
and hopefully snowdrops and tiny shoot will be as spring survived
sunshine will warm once more and rebirth if life begans
For in such grief I am as heavy as a Robin with broken wings
And if in time I can go steady
I'll lift into the wind
As life must cast a shadow
to show that in the dark
A glimpse of light is shining  will soon be bright once more
If holding on and walking through with slow brave step make
Will soon allow me breath and sight of life I hold so dear
Then in the sunshine soon in March
I'll see the spring begin
sadness will be smaller
fear a little less
of days that cut and scars still raw
Will be less painted far
More lightened strokes less chill The core
And summer sounds will sore
Morning Star Dec 2020
The sky  light covered a crimson glow of pain
Amen of all sin nations sigh
Look up to who they once adored in sorrow
Yet poppies they will all indudure tomorrow
Tears of rain cry from the heaven above
They slowly fill the rivers with his blood
Yet still the mighty have not understood
Silent in their shallow reverie
Eyes are open yet still they do not see
The simple love and peace of humanity
Cross blood sea
Morning Star Sep 2016
Search inside fall your sleep
Visit before endless sleep
Bright sunshine happy girl
Tale of swirling creek
Know the nothing fear the dark
Remove the anger fear
Wrap it up into a square
Place it out under foot
Stamp the hell out of the face
Open up evil veins and
steak knife plunged in heart
They won't breath  again
Take the essence heal hold tight
Never leave in dark of night
to the beach lead her heart
Lay in summer endless heat
Allow the waves to heal and frame
Allow the tears to hug like rain
Hold on tight to every grain
Safe to hold your self again
The only one who trust remain
Together only way your sain
Morning Star Nov 2022
The beauty that surrounds her
The ****** and the dove
Protection all around her
Centers of their love
The little deer she struggles amongst the tangled Bush
But soon the way to forrest clear
She will scramble through the wood
There is no fear only light the moon will light the way
Until the morning comes once more
And painting words can she portray
Morning Star Apr 2020
The sun's warmth a golden crisp of time
Melts the cold ice inside of you
No more broken winters bite
No more tears by candle light
No more burns of frost at night
No more chills the winds of fright
Only warmth if summers glow and song of birds
And trickle of the stream now flow
Gentle waters warm a fragile heart
Till strong a smile and eyes they see no dark
Yellow is now all that melts your day and ice cold blue it melts away.
Be happ free dont let the walls now climb
Only honey suckle light to gaze upon.
Open up a flower of new light
The spring still has a whisper in the night
Take a gentle brush its colours bright
On a new canvas now you write...
Morning Star Jan 26
Hope is all She has right now
Everlasting light and how
Learn to calm the pain inside
Ever trying to leave it behind
Noone sees her noone can  
Everything is dark again
No way I'm letting go
I decide to be brave
Count the swords yesterday
Knight will come to rescue me
Morning Star Apr 2024
Hope is all She has right now
Everlasting light and how
Learn to calm the pain inside
Ever trying to leave it behind
Noone sees her noone can  
Everything is dark again
Morning Star Apr 2023
She has a dance and sings it well
She shines her light in frozen he'll
She turns her back on shadows tall
She run to hills and misty Moor
She can not will not shall not see
The depths of his depravity
As she has love and warmth and trust
And friends to hold her through and trust
That she is safe and free from harm
The time will pass and she'll be calm
Once again the flowers bloom and gardens green and full the moon
She has a light shine all the way
Be a bright star every day
Write it happy lead the way
For you belong to some one
Believe that they are there
Writing for your day to listen
Believe they truly care
Morning Star Apr 2023
She has a dance and sings it well
She shines her light in frozen he'll
She turns her back on shadows tall
She run to hills and misty Moor
She can not will not shall not see
The depths of his depravity
As she has love and warmth and trust
And friends to hold her through and trust
That she is safe and free from harm
The time will pass and she'll be calm
Once again the flowers bloom and gardens green and full the moon
She has a light shine all the way
Be a bright star every day
Write it happy lead the way
For you belong to some one
Believe that they are there
Writing for your day to listen
Believe they truly care
Morning Star Nov 2016
Body alive cannot sleep
Fall now the danger deep
Feeling like i have no free
Just breath another twenty one
Playout another day you won
Just breathe get through the day
Night will pass your on the way
Just let go of yesterday
Just hold tight not hear them say
Breathe just let time feel the way
Morning Star Jan 2019
So you take all crush so small
And Say never speak at all
Let them see me as a freak
To hell with u
To hell with them
I will never speak
But not because I'm forced
But because I choose
Because it's not yours
You took all u could
Now I'm free not because I'm silenced by fear
Not because I'm trapped in here
Because I choose to be free
Not speaking the truth
Sets me free
As now you cannot control me now
For silence is what consoles me
The universe can take care of you
As silence took care of me
But know this you twisted order
The universe with take care of you
As it has taken care of me
Time will take you too
But unlike you I won't want or need to watch
As it rips the life from you
One day I will sleep
You don't have to speak out or tell you just have to heal yourself
Morning Star Apr 2023
I am a hare soft carefree gentle yet strong.
Mother earth is my home a place I truly belong.
The moon my closest allie .
The starts they see my True.
The flower in the meadow whisper songs to you.
The stream a gently flowing down to the misty Mill.
The deer gentle wait till dusk until they wonder through.
The lake it gently glistens in the midday sun and if you open your eyes gently
You'll see the story's one.
Bring in the gentle butterflies and captivate the dance
You'll see a life before you
If only at a glance
Morning Star Feb 2022
The castle walls stand tall and still
There's no way in
There's no way through
Kept the fall  
Too deep the cript
Just till morning
Don't Run to it
Hold on just another night
Just till morning
Don't let it in
Morning Star Feb 2022
Was it chance or is it fate
Was I too early
Am I too late
If I go and spill the sword
It cannot return the wall
If I wait till all is gone aground
it's too late to carry on the break
How can I know if it's not shared
The fall I am not prepared
They would take me up for sure
And they would find me
Take once more
Not worth the chance to speak a word
But one a day voice will be heard
One day they will be buried gone
and then the truth comes undone
Then the lines can be written fast
The deer free
The meadow glass
As fire is gone and snow will come
One day you can walk on
One day you can write on the wall
But if you try to speak it now
you'll fall into a frozen hell
If they dont get you
Death will for sure
And your life will not be yours
So keep the river still
Keep the winter's chill
Stop the clouds from moving
And capture the sun
Untill the day you run
Untill your safe
Morning Star Nov 2016
I sat today i watched your way
Some so cold hurried away
A man asking for a pound
To buy his food or ride again
Men in smart clothes to work they dash
No time to sit or eat a snack
Ladies smiling others lurk
Little children looking up
Seeing adults mess it up
Beggars forraging for **** ends find what kind of life they walk behind
Street so full of every kind
Different spoken words so true
Arguments between a few
Lads in crowds having fun
Girls giggling while they run
A man stealing goods from shop
Running from the alarms no stops
People queing for the bus
Dropping paper cleaning mops
Police men walking taxi fares
People meeting others stares
Mindful people walking slow taking in the citys glow
Sad and lonely souls i see looking lost and cold not free
People of all nature here
One race called human kind
All together in my window
Unaware of the picture i see
Old young short tall
Dark light strong small
A city full of people all
Full of love i see them all
Just a moment i sat today
Yet a life time of people i saw walk by
Amazing city now train i take
Back home to a lane a country gate
Total silence falls the night
From country to city a different life
I saw the poverty i saw the poetry
I saw the street painter
The flute being played
The rich the poor the lost the together
My day in the city
A moment to treasure
Morning Star Apr 2023
I love him though he may never know
I walk with him through place we may never see
I am captivated by his words his kind hello
I love him though he may never know
I try to be there when his words he speaks
Wishing for his love to be recieved
Yet he may never really know
How much I long for us to grow
I love his eyes so warm and true
His tall presence warms me so
Hands so kind not harm to me they bring
And love his smile so welcoming
I hold him close so close it hurts
Knowing he may never be mime
But in the night my dreams are mine and he is there
Holding me speaking words I long to hear
That I am truly loved by one so dear
Just knowing I can see him and speak to him at times
Can capture a life time of love and kindness
In my mind
I can not find the words to tell him as he may fly away
So just to love him from afar
Will have to do for now
I love him always will but he's happy there
So nothing I can do
I just wish he knew
Morning Star Dec 2024
Colours burn into my mind
Twisting turning open wide
Rain is beating in the heart
like tears of years untold apart
Hoping someone soon will come
Hold the sword bring the sun
Take away the shadows there
Pull me up from  angry glare
Soft the hare runs on by rushing low
the open sky
The deer sits to scared to move
As the sword is near the hunters loom
Little one has found a dream to captivate to stop the scream
She reaches out and with his light
She enters into a new life
Anchors tight they pull her back
She fights and braves the open door
But still she hears the voice the chill
The evil broken heavy still
Still calls but no one comes and never will along as storms are crashing through
Until you she sees and all is still
Written by
Morning Star
Morning Star Sep 2016
Twist its colours on a page
Beauty drives the hands remain
Fast the strokes of pastel fun
Dash about the page your done
Deep then the edgees turn
Powder of the pail still yurn
Bring the best you can't return
More the oil less the burn
More the colour less the turn
Morning Star Apr 2021
The ice cold castle winter's chill of death
Come cashing down
where winter's steel cold cript
Dragons make the night seem less cold
With fire of eyes and wings out swept
Looking out she awaits her fait
His steps now close
He gathers speed creates the fear slays the dragons she hides in shadows but he sees her there
Captivated by her loving stare
He takes her to the lake once more holds her but she does not feel his touch
Talks but she does not hear his love
In the morning he wakes she is gone into water deep she enters in
Captured by the tortured timeless spell
Untill the night fall once again she hears  his call but turns to shadows storm
Castle walls cannot hold her safe
Only dragons her hope now take.
Searching for the lady of the lake.
Shallow waters her escape
Morning Star Jan 2019
Dark lane move slow
Scared to feel to let go
Another sound another voice
Ripped apart crimson rose
Total fear no control
Taken back
Hollow creek
Cave cold dark feet
******* in a twisted wind
A heavy presence starts to speak
Screaming silence claws the skin
Frozen stillness slices thin
The ice that grips your stolen ore
The fear of never finding land to grip
Surround a blanket colour full
Holds you tight by a fire warm the silence is not fear but a place to go no one is here
Safe to see a fires warm glow
Snow take the wind and takes the kick
Snow takes the crimson rose
Snow takes the Thorn snow takes the twisted thorn
Wake years away from here wake and live new life will appear
Morning Star Apr 2023
Step down deep stone into holy ground
Hunger and a thirst you cannot explain
Tight the rope sore the skin
Ripped  to two a question mark
Read the words upon the page
Burns into the skin
Broken candle rope s and breath the whole of you
Lights are dim red candles upon the stone wall lay
Be tight your eyes don't speak a word but read with no delay
Words be read to end of book the pain it's stops your body free
But fear of painful death still lingers from the face
Don't speak a word don't shed a tear don't show you can't survive
Be still and follow all the rules of someone laying there
float up above into the air puncture veins a thread
Then once the shadows disappear
Your safe now to return
Along as you are silent and never speak a word
Morning Star Sep 2016
Its easy to say let go
To just be free to just let go
For years i tried to stop the pain
The cold the ice the frozen rain
I'm trying now but there's no use
It just grabs hold so hard to lose
I wish I knew what I could do
I just need someone to pull me through
I try to part but it just claws me back
My heart is screaming out the rain
I'm lying here in storm all grey
The doors are closing stairs they fade
Cant push the mist the storm breaks through
Crashing waves and heavy seas
Just hold my hand
Just let me breathe
I don't know where to turn this night
All the fear be still the fright
If I let go i know ill fall
Straight back to the hell
Straight back to the storm
A part of me so brave so true
Not afraid of dark or ill
Just hold on for another day
See what hope sends your way
Just dont give in
Just stay strong tall
Don't leave to fight
Where u before
Morning Star Aug 2016
I feel so shaky i feel so hot
Its so so dark inside
A gripping knot that twists and turns
Inside my body the pain it burns
I cannot breath there is no air
A crushing pain i cant compare
I try to breath but theres no air like im drowning but no water there
Im so afraid i try to stand to reach for you to hold my hand
But if i do the shadows will come
I can not speak only be numb
Then ill be fine and ill be safe
No one can touch me if im not awake
Morning Star Jan 12
If I fall for you will you catch my heart
Or will you let it go
If I call to you will you come to me
Or leave me standing still
If I were to tell you life without you wasn't worth living
Would you turn away from me and be so unforgiving
If I told you I was scared and needed your support
Would you hold me tight inside your arms
And promise not to let go
Morning Star Feb 2022
I wish odd little things:

▪️First job - Selling Rose's in the Street
▪️Current Job -  Nursery Nurse
▪️Dream Job - Fairy Garden spiritual healer
▪️Favorite food- Italian
▪️Favorite dog - wolf
.Favorite fruit- blueberries.
Favorite Moon - Snow moon
Favorite Character-Thumper
.Favorite Tea -Jasmine
.skills - poetry healer
-Strength- Love is everything.
.Belief- Nothing is by chance . You have everything you asked for.
. Favourite animal - Hare
▪️Favorite footwear- slippers
▪️Favorite Chocolate bar - Dark old Jamaca
▪️Favorite Ice Cream- pistachio
▪️Your Vehicle color – red
▪️Favorite Holiday - Greece
▪️Night owl or earlybird – Nigh Owl
▪️Favorite day of the week - Wednesday
Favorite song- You say
▪️Tattoos_ Angel
▪️Favorite colour - yellow
Favorite Tree - weeping cherry
▪️Favorite vegetables - celery
Favorite Flower-
▪️Favorite woodland animal -Deer
▪️Favorite season - spring
..Favourite Film-
.Favorite music- laid back pop
.Favorite passtime - creative writing
.Favorite book-Where love begins
Morning Star Dec 2024
I see you
lay upon my pillow
Each time I am alone
I smell the scent of you so deep
I feel your arms while I'm asleep
For the first time
In a my life it's true
I feel as though I'm held
A beating heart i feel in you
Each moment we are apart
Whispers in the quiet
lay across your chest
Holding you so closely
The stars' alinement quest
Morning Star Jan 2019
No written word no speak no time
No wasted breath on you
No need to raise no need to hide no need to fear what left behind
No wants to tell no need to speak no closing in no death to cheat on be that's all to do just be and let the universe sort the rest just be.....
Morning Star Jan 13
Wild horses
From little streets of sun and play
To learn and be with friends each day
I come from a place of family
Where love was all around me
Happy trips to sunny hills
To castles way up high
To walking up a mountain top
With wild horses free
To blue lagoons and oceans deep
The beauty shone in me
Always up with stars at night and looking ti the moon
The beauty in this mother earth
And sounds you've always heard
The voices of the angels still whisper in my ear
The smell of woodlands secrets
And the smell of blossom in the air
There's so much love around me
No time for winters chill
Let the spring awaken my soul once more
The summer will come through
Morning Star Apr 2023
No time freeze the room now bites winter burn
Slice through the jaged knife I capture sight of you
I actually fear a distant dance the wolves , the air its chill.
The  clash of stairs to throw. a break upon the pillow
I hear the call , an eco of
the wolf who comes to me.
Who sits upon the moon lit hill
to set the badger free.
The hare be still a jumping beat creates a different winters cheat , but still the shadows roam my mind
Octobers gone but once again you creep into my life and severe me
Why once a child to slay I grew
now once again you speak no truth to play your evil game
Take what you will the wolf has gone , the moon won't light the way .
Disappear but when the frost of winter chills appear
I see u still and capture in at fear you can now ****
I can't free the deer now it's too late I'm too lost in fear
No time to freeze the room
Break away ice frozen fall
Wind be listening soon
Now the crimson waters start to flow again and I can hardly sleep
Pull me through for I am not now who I used to know
But stager things do haunt my mind and I'm afraid to go
Morning Star Jan 2023
No time freeze the moon
I actually fear a distant dance the wolves , the air its chill.
The  clash of stars to throw. a break upon the quill.
I hear the call , an eco of
the wolf who comes to me.
Who sits upon the moon lit hill
to set the badger free.
The hare be still a jumping beat creates a different winters cheat , but still the shadows roam my feet.
October once again you creep into my life and severe me
Why once a child to slay I grew
now once again you speak no truth to play
Take what you will the wolf has gone , the moon won't light the way .
Disappear but when the frost of winter chills appear
I see u still and capture in at fear you cannot ****
I can free the deer now
No time to freeze the moon
Break away ice frozen fall
Wind be listening soon
Morning Star Dec 2016
You mess it up everytime

You just cant do it anymore

You try so hard to grasp a heart

Then crash and break apart

I swear you just will never learn

Your such a freak a stupid girl

Why would anyone ever want you

You try so hard then bang your through

Once again your on the floor

No respect for you at all

You just dont learn your on your own

No one will ever take you home

Cut another if you dare

not like anyone will care

You just can't tell another soul

Its no use they won't see you

They just don't know
Morning Star Feb 2022
When your afraid and you lose your way in the moonlight you'll see me guiding  you home
When your alone and feel sad inside
I'll be the blanket that snuggles your tight
When you are cold and wet from the storm
I'll be the sunshine keeping you warm
And after the storm and the rain has passed
I'll send you a rainbow and make its colour last
Go on and be happy
with memories we shared
So walk on with  eyes open
And know that I cared
For Angel and willow
Morning Star Apr 2023
I am a hare soft carefree gentle yet strong.
Mother earth is my home a place I truly belong.
The moon my closest allie .
The stars they see my true.
The flowers in the meadow whisper songs to you.
The stream a gently flowing down to the misty Mill.
The deer gentle wait till dusk until they wonder through.
The lake it gently glistens in the midday sun and if you open your eyes gently
You'll see the story's one.
Bring in the gentle butterflies and captivate the dance
You'll see a life before you
If only at a glance
Morning Star Jan 2017
So warm his smile so calm his words
His loving smile it softly turns
into sweet a gentle flower
Tiny seconds build up the hour
Holding tight not letting go
I fall so fast into his arms
No fear now hes here im free
Morning Star Apr 2024
Hope is what I ask of you
Enter now guide me through
Lend to me your love and care
Please don't let me go
My love  my light it's far too strong
Eventually I'll find where I belong
Morning Star Nov 2016
Hopes strand takes its turn
His deep eyes his gentle light
Opened windows to your soul
His loving smiles his gentle words
Helping small let go
Into waters crimson creep
Into shallows deep
Through the times erased creased
Holding on the till horrors cease
Helping forests undecide
Making room to fall behind
Scared shell tip the state or call
Still not sure of presence tall
Tries to speak but silence captures all
Morning Star Apr 2023
I have to go just one more try
Take a world of trying why
When nowhere you can feel at rest
And she is gone and you can't speak
And not even hear the angry feet
I'm so hurt inside and can not shout or tell
And even though it hurts inside
I just can't do it I just can't try
I'm so alone inside I cry
There's noone there no one to help
My chest it's heavy tight the pain
And I'm so tired and just want to shout there's no one there there's no way out
And I can't do this on my own all I want it to be left alone
I just can't do it anymore
Just want to hide away and never be seen
I'm sorry I can't do this scene
I just can't go back to being afraid
Of not knowing if I will be safe
I don't believe in me at all
It's harder this time because I know how hard I fell
And I can't go back there I can't be her again
Morning Star Apr 2023
He as I is a product of others rather
Yet he holds his head hi while I hold mine in shame
He has a way of coping and refrain
Yet I feel like the door mat lying in a drain
Hi softly asks me questions
I do not understand
And sometime when I'm away from him
How quickly they consume
I have to try so  quick now to be ok and bright
So he won't choose to leave me
Or push me out of sight
So I'll be strong And silent
Present that I'm ok
So he won't see my fear and sarrow
And have to walk away
Just got to be the normal and pretend that I'm ok
Morning Star Jun 2020
In between the waves of truth and honesty reveal
Get captured in the storm that doesn't heal
In between the moments of finding emptiness
Your hit with crash of lighting that pounds against the chest
Inside many jewels they seek but do not find
As always in a hurry
To take and undermind
The quest goes on to find her
The diamond of the sea
But you will never find it
Its hidden deep inside of me
So smash upon the rocks
As many vessel's free
But silence falls her through the night
And brightness fills her day
The storm is all around her
The darkness lingers by
But her lost inner beauty
She dares to see you try
Cast out your best to hold her
Make heavy your request
But in return she'll blind you
And slay you with the rest
Morning Star Oct 2016
Inside i cry.

Im broken inside but i dont know why

i fall but do not cry

I have wings but unable to fly

Im here but inside i cry

Its my inner child you see

Shes locked away cannot break free

Sometimes shes strong can run can see

Sometimes shes lost and claws through me

Just need to calm the storm

Hold still until im held not torn

One day ill be able to hold her tight

Just have to breathe get through the night

Fallen angel
Morning Star Apr 2024
I am afraid that I'm not free
A child so hurt inside of me
Make her happy help her see
A life is still a space to be
Forget the storms the shadow grip
Reach for hands to help to grasp
And soon your free to fly again
In some ones angel wings
Don't give up your light it strings
Morning Star Nov 2020
To the place you fear to where the dark you hear
Go through the waters edge
Call for the fires core
Turn your back and there
There is fear but this is what you requested
This time its your demand
Take it all as if it is the last
Dont hide now welcome as your pass
Let it burn and fill you with the pain
Let's its journey break you once again
For know that if its yours the evil cast
The witches have no place no spell they cast
Become the wizards sword
Be stronger overcome them all
Only then you fear subsides
As you become the sword  to strike
The essence of the night is yours
Morning Star Nov 2020

November, her grasp of darkest storm
Hunts the coldest deepest forest before the winter's snow
Still the small and fragile lie in fear
She strikes with vengeance straight into their soul
Only shallow breath can now be heard
Slayed in night and cold dead waters curd
No one to save the gentle loving smile
No one to take away to terrors bile
A memory's  once forgotten dream
A light of moon a dance once on a sream
A summers day with lazy waves and wine
A love of a child playing in the sun
Now sleep for in your wake the summer comes
And you are safe
For the storm has gone
Morning Star Jan 2017
As she walks softly along the sand
he reaches out to take her hand
into each others arms they fall
love s waves they flow upon her shore
as their skin is brushed with
grains of sand
entwined their love has no
no question of what who or why
just love mutual respect now where they lie
for each and every one will
this light it warms the coldest day
knowing all the warmth they share
an island escape they both now share
you don't know summer till
comes the fall
so until then
enjoy whats yours
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