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Helena May 2019
those three little words
i said them first
you were so nervous
that it almost hurt
you kissed my lips
and caressed my thighs
for a second I thought saw our future
in your light brown eyes
you started slow
and then picked up the pace
i felt a smile creep on to my face
i loved you then
and I love you now
baby I can’t wait
to see you tomorrow
Helena Apr 2019
It’s 4am and I’m grasping
for your fingertips and hoping
to reach your blonde ringlets
and I wake up in a cold sweat
because last night I had to text
you that I love you instead of you
whispering it in my ear and giving
me goosebumps because those
are the last words that you say to
me every single night and I know
that I’ll have you again tomorrow
but right now that just seems too
far away
Helena Mar 2019
I dreamt of you and tried
to will myself back to sleep
just to see how it end up

I would have glued my eyes shut
I would have glued my eyes shut just for one more look at you and me together

I fell in love with you
I fell in love with you when
you were just my friend and
all I’ve ever wanted was for
you to love me too
Helena Dec 2018
the thing about wishes is that
if you tell anyone they won’t come
true but I have waited a few months
and I need to tell you that I wished
for you in every eye lash and fountain
and rainbow and shooting star and
the thing is that they are coming true
Helena Dec 2018
do you remember the day
that you realized that you’re
hopelessly in love with your
best friend?
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