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 Sep 2015 Helen Wilson
Day by Day I sank
And today I shall drown..
Am tired of this life... I hate it so very much.. It's so horrible..
 May 2015 Helen Wilson
I'm as cold as ice, and
As warm as heat,
Depending on what mood
I'm feeling. No wonders
Are observed, just the way
You mistreat me. I have
Eyes and ears, that see
And listen to your exaggerating
misleadings. Maybe I'll be warm;
But for now this heart
Is not beating. My soul is
Ruined because you said
"You have no meaning"
So my heart is set straight
To all those words you said to me,
Knowing it was irritating. Again I'll say
You killed me; but I'm here
Showing you that maybe
They'd call her Long Gone Sally.
A lost ship, that has long since sailed.
They knew she had a heart of gold,
but still they'd tease
they'd cause her pain.
Yet still she'd face the darkness.
A lighthouse on a lonely chair.
Something you could focus on,
something, that is always there.
The loneliness
The sorrow.
The way we try to stem the tears.
All written on her ageing face.
A face well weathered from the tears.
Poor old Long Gone Sally,
will she ever really find?
The love that melted everything,
the love that breaks,
the heart,
the mind.
I'd give up my left arm to always be right beside her. My right arm for her to know she's what I have left and both arms to be able to hug her when's she away. I just don't think I have enough to give to get the courage to tell her when she's here.

— The End —