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Heather Smith Aug 2012
LOVE is more than anything you could ever want.

LOVE is worth no amount of money you could ever have.

LOVE is a feeling inside your heart that pounds like a drum.

LOVE is a beat that pounds harder as you go on.

LOVE is something you dream about over and over again.

LOVE is is something that gives you chills down your spine.

LOVE is something you can reach out for but never seem to touch.

LOVE is everything you could ever hope and dream for in your life.

LOVE is like sand, if you hold it tight it slips through, if you hold it gently it stays.

LOVE is something you want and need but never really try to get.

LOVE is what you need to make a healthy relationship work.

LOVE is something you can't hide or run away from.

LOVE is something that can hurt you but also can heal you.

LOVE is something that will always be there for LOVE???

(Written in 7th Grade)
Heather Smith Aug 2012
When I'm with you
I feel so great,
When I'm with you
I'm on a date.

You hand me a present
I widen my eyes,
I start to open it
You yell “Surprise!”

Upon my hand
Lay a beautiful ring case,
You bend down on your knees
And look at my face.

In surprise
I look at you,
You look at me
I say “I do!”

Now when I'm with you
I'll feel even greater,
Now when I'm with you
We won't have to tip our waiter.

So let's leave this place
And go back home
Cause now we both know,
We won't be alone.

So now I feel
Like I'm in love,
Cause now I feel
Like I'm a dove.

Now I'm flying off
Onto another land,
With you by my side
And holding my hand.

But when I wake up
I give a loud “sigh”,
Cause I just realized
That it was just a dream that flew on by.

But now when I'm with you
I'll feel so great,
And when I'm with you
I'll know it was fate.

(Written in 7th Grade and
the first poem I had ever written
by myself)
Heather Smith Aug 2012
I think of the times that I've been alone,
Lost, not knowing where I'm going.
I search for where I belong,
An outsider...that's all I am.
People have let me down.
Lied to all my life.
No one I can trust,
Love is always lust.
Nothing seems real anymore.
Friends are fake with the masks they wear.
Glued onto their faces, stuck there...
Yelled at, screamed at, and shouted at my face!
Why are people so cruel to ME!
I lose myself, I'm lost, can't find my way back
Darkness closes in around me...
My mind is scared while my body is numb.
Cold, can't feel anything...anymore.
A light shines through a small space
Coming into my life, somehow feeling safe.
For the first time I feel a warmth.
You hug me, forever savior.

(Written in 10th Grade)
Heather Smith Aug 2012
I am outgoing and crazy
I wonder if I'll ever be famous
I hear the world turning
I see life passing by
I want to be seen for what I truly am
I am outgoing and crazy

I pretend to sing in front of millions of people
I feel like I am adored by screaming fans
I touch the fame that's so far away
I worry that I'll never be good enough for anyone
I cry when I know my Mom is not near
I am outgoing and crazy

I understand life is a long road to travel
I say to move on in life and never give up
I dream that one day I'll be known by everyone
I try to expand my voice range to bigger heights
I hope my family is proud of me
I am outgoing and crazy

(Written in 10th Grade)
Heather Smith Aug 2012
My mind wishes you were near,
My eyes long to see your face.
My nose craves the scent you give off.
My ears break when I hear your voice.
My mouth stunned, unable to speak
As you come closer to me.
My body clings to your side,
But you turn me around to hug you.
My heart cries out for you every day,
Screaming your name in the shadows
Knowing you aren't here with me.
I awaken, as does the Earth.
The sun shines through my window
To shine a light on my face.
Dreams, what a wonderful thing.
And yet, terrible, knowing they aren't real.
I close my eyes, my mind flies through dreams.
I see you again; my fantasy.
But never waking; now my reality.

(Written in 10th Grade)
Heather Smith Aug 2012
Waves crash against the rocks
Making them roll upon the shore.
Water makes a splash to mist the air.
Bubbles foam and pop from the force of the blow.
The tide pulls water back to start the cycle again.
The sand softens from the water
To show the footprints left behind.
I walk away from the beauty,
Smiling, knowing I'll be back again soon.

(Written in 10th Grade)
Heather Smith Aug 2012
The memories of my childhood enter my mind.
They are like the sweet sound of a symphony.
I play the songs over and over
To reminisce the times I can't relive again.
Happiness came naturally, no need to fake it.
Running around, free of everything, life was a dream.
But people get older; more mature, and understand things.
No fun enters your life, work inhabits it.
But for me, things are different when I see the world.
I make memories to play for my friends and family
So they can hear the beautiful music of my childhood,
And the sounds of my future. And that will play forever.

(Written in 10th Grade)
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