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Heather Smith Aug 2012
I leave you resting in a slumber so deep
Your eyes dark like your soul which is gone.
I walk slowly, backing away from your presence,
Knowing what will happen to me next.
Crying a river, drowning in my tears,
Sitting on the dusty bedroom floor,
Watching death take over you.
People come in to cover your body
With a cloak as white as your skin
Taking you away to the dark depths underground.
As I watch your body leave the decaying room,
Your presence fills my soul; now a part of me.
I am now you and you are now me.

(Written in 10th Grade)
Heather Smith Aug 2012
Made of dark and dreary things,
Clouding pictures in your thoughts
With frowns slowly growing on your face.
Pain making your stomach ache.
Sounds come from deep within you;
You notice a voice saying it will never end.
Tongue wiping the tears from your lips
Not wanting to show the fear.
It will bring out another side of you,
It may never disappear.
Soon the misery will fade,
Pain will soon decease.
The wind dies softly,
As does the misery with it.

(Written in 10th Grade)
Heather Smith Aug 2012
Through the years you have been hurt,
I have tried to heal your pain.
The memories of your past,
They have put your mind to shame.

The pain that you have been caused
Hurts me more than you will know.
I've tried my best to help you,
But the sadness you still show.

Looking at your desperate eyes,
It just makes me want to cry.
The hardest thing I have done
Was trying to save your life.

I promise I will be there
When you need me as a friend.
If you want me more than that,
I will love you till the end.

(Written in 10th Grade)
Heather Smith Jul 2012
WHY do I have to be teased?
Made fun of everyday for what I AM!
Losing faith in myself to go....on.
Pushed around, pushed away, pushed through life,
Tears fall down MY face trying to fit in...
“Stupid, dumb, ugly, weird, Annoying!”
             Calling on me; these names
first through sixth, on and
                                           on and ON.
Ignoring the voices, even now I try to block them out.
Annoying,....the title that was made for me...
                    NEVER will I change!
This is who I AM; this is who I'LL BE.

(Written in 10th Grade)
Heather Smith Jul 2012
Voices speak to me
Screams come from the dark of night
I awake smiling.

(Written in 10th Grade)
Heather Smith Jul 2012
Bright light shines out of the sky,
Blinding many people's eyes.
Though you can't look away.
For it shines in the day.
The sun still comes as a surprise.

(Written in 10th Grade)
Heather Smith Jul 2012
A little girl, green eyes so bright,
Wonders if her mother will ever be alright.
The sadness slowly grows upon her innocent face,
As she thinks how her mom got sick in the first place.

She can't take being away from her mother so long.
In her subconscious she knows something is wrong.
Screaming and fighting with her father till she cries.
He finally gives in and takes her for a ride.

The girl, her father, and brothers drive away from their home,
To a new place that gives off a chill and where dead bodies roam.
She walks into the hospital as her heart beats fast,
Knowing soon she will see her mother at last.

The visit goes well as her mother smiles bright,
But her eyes look cold and not filled with green light.
Eyes glide over her mom's pale skin, then looks at her sleeve,
To find her dad cover up tears saying “it's time to leave.”

Screams of terror and tears of sorrow fill the whole floor,
She calls to her mother saying she wants to see her more.
Her mother sheds a tear as she turns her head away,
Whispers “I love you,” hoping to see her another day.

The swelling around her eyes turns red from the dried tears.
Her family leaves L.A., knowing they despise it here.
Months go by, and soon her father won't let her go.
The little girl and her brothers fight, still he says no.

The little girl's world is not what it used to be,
The sky is now black like the dark depths of the sea.
Her grades start falling, but doesn't even care.
The once best student is now going no where.

Her sadness slowly fades as she thinks for a while,
To think what she'll buy for her mom to make her smile.
She buys the presents and wraps them with care,
Hides them somewhere special, so no one can see there.

“Christmas is coming,” she shouts in her head.
Tries to find presents hidden under the beds.
Thoughts about her mother fly in and out her mind,
Thinking of seeing her mother just one more time.

Her dad is not happy, by the look on his face,
Shows no sign of a smile, stares at her and waits.
He slowly walks into a room with very dim light.
She follows him knowing that something is not right.

The girl shows him a smile, but her father says no.
He then tells her a story of sorrow and woe.
The tragic news he tells her, shatters her ears,
She is now blinded by the blurs from her tears.

The little girl's mother is gone, which she cannot believe,
Things like this don't happen on the night before Christmas Eve.
Even though the little girl does not understand,
She knows that her mom will never hold her hand.

As she got older she understood it more,
Why her mother left, this she knows for sure.
This incident that happened was a terrible cause,
But made her stronger and wiser like her mother was.

(Written in 10th Grade)

— The End —