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6.7k · Apr 2016
Let Me Love You in Silence
Heather Moon Apr 2016
Let me love you in Silence,

I want to watch you,
observe all your pores
and spots where fine wrinkles have settled.

I want to see you
dance daintily like a flower
or grunt and hoof your way through space
like a grubby animal.
Either exalted or  halted,
I want to hold you,
to cup your soft surrendered hands just like a clam shell,
and to cocoon
your weary beating body.

Let me love you in silence,
from afar
like a deer
hiding in the forest,
peeking out at the mysteries of the world.

I want to love you deeply
like the ocean loves the land
as she kisses its gentle shores
and runs away all too soon,
called by the moon.

I  lay on the dusted hardwood of our home,
your washing the dishes and the fragrant smell of soap fills the air,
I lay underneath the door frame
tracing my eyes up and down your sweet body, your strong back hunched over.  Hard working arms cleaning,
oh the little love secrets I keep to myself.

I want to run through meadows picking the most vibrant wildflowers
so I may lay them at your feet,

This yearning in my soul
words do not know this love,
these intangible feelings exuding.

I want to bathe you
in a claw foot tub
and in the silence
watch your eyes grow wide,
I want to see the wonderment
of a whole galaxy of stars glimmering inside you
before noise ushers such things away
before noise pulls me from this fantasy.
This dream that we are living,
it exists,
I know it does.

You can live it too, please please,
just close your eyes
and let love linger for a moment
feel loves sweet breathe
as she breathes in silence,
as she breathes
inside of you
and inside of me.
4.4k · Feb 2014
Heather Moon Feb 2014
So my father,
he goes into the store to buy his $10 a pack for cancer
while he still attempts to hide his addictions from my sister and I.
Now I don't think it would bother me oh so much
but his frugal attempts to sweep the dust under the rug is like using a mop instead of a broom...
We see the crumbs leading to your door from the cookie jar.
Yes, we all have flaws, but you,
weave shamefully through the under layers of darkness, devoid of any resemblance to a heavenly nature, you fall like a night creature weaseling through crooked creaky cement alleyways, your gremlin spirit set ablaze.

LIFE, I revel and roll within the taste of each second, I run the grain of life across my tongue until saliva fills the creases and far reached corners of my mouth. I tap my finger to my lips like a true virtuoso, a connoisseur of life. Life.

My father's addictions completely derail me,
not even so the notion itself, I mean yes, but his blatantly obvious ways of avoiding confrontation not only from us, but also from himself.
Like Pinocchio's nose, my fathers back gets hunched more and more, his breath quickens when we draw close.
Father you are not prey, in fact if there be a predator, it is you unto yourself. I can no longer help but to roll my eyes when you tell me for the fourth time in the day that you must take out the trash so as to have a smoke.
I am fed up, excuse me sir, the trash will still be there no matter how many times you take out the "trash" .
The only "thing" that won't be left after you're repeated offenses of the benign chore will be you're dignity because you are so naive and ignorant in the way you dodge truth. How can you live respectfully when you don't respect yourself? Nor do you value what you are spitting out to your own daughters.
I am addicted to life,
I breathe it in with passion,
I embrace the truth within me
and have an eagerness to expand my wisdom.
How come father you do something that you know is a betrayal to yourself? How come you hide away in that old bar, the one with the flashing(flickering) light on the outside, dingy worn out red leather(plastic)booths on the inside, the bar located in some musty  little hole in you're brain and a blind spot on you're heart.
You sit in the back in a lonesome booth slumped like some chump, stuck in a stump, you ooze and wheeze not even grasping for air, no fight left within, you are like mucus, a toad melting into the ground. Sinister and swindling in the greed of you're gut. Your ***** mopey yellow eyes and the shameful acceptance as you indulge in the baths of life's luxuries whilst you poison your body, trash what you hold dear and continue to block out that little annoying voice.
The voice with the cracks in it,
worn out from you're games, the voice that nags and pleads. The one that catches you before you order another round, take another smoke break, the one that pulls you, tantalizes you with it's simple sweet natural charm in hopes of distracting you from your self harming ways.
The voice that chimes in the second you raise your fist to punch me. The voice that is screaming at you when you lock eyes with mine and can see my fear.
Yeah that voice, the little punk one that returns even after the crime of your actions has been committed.
After the music stops and it's just you and the world.
but even then
I don't think you will hear it.
You're living on the edge of the pavement father.
No you wont hear that voice, not when you're twisted and contorted into the sideways way of things. You killed that voice long ago, when you wound yourself deeper and deeper like a clock in time,
when you twirled yourself into that little empty pub, with a quiet pool table, with no hope, a sanctum of greed.
Yes, you're guilty, yes it was you.
It was you who killed the voice inside of yourself.
You killed it when you traded
your dignity and your truth
for yet another
$10 dollar pack of
and forfiet.
3.2k · Mar 2015
Heather Moon Mar 2015
"We´re all a little mad here" he says,
wide eyed, letting the words lip slither off his snippity snake tongue.
We smile and we laugh in unison.
In unison our heaves,
ins outs
match one another,
as belly moves,
up and down we synchronize,
What does he mean?
how silly!
Then deep thought unlit
hide behind our bodies rocking chair movement
snip snapping hip
We´re all a little mad, are we not?
as ego wears a crimson feathered mask
and covers in gold to hide
the deep dark coal
secrets that slith and creep
like crocodiles,
sewer nights in paris,
smelly grotesque,
we hide.
"We´re all a little mad here" he says
as our bodies move in unison.
Our bodies move in unison.
In unison,
while echoes
tap my animal soul.
3.0k · Feb 2014
Pizza, Pizza Daddio
Heather Moon Feb 2014
There's something majestic, yet also extremely gloomy, about a streetlight at night in the rain. Something, some unplaced dimension within the echoing cars and within the particles of water, as they spray...into oblivion*

Mother, do you recall that rainy day?
The day my gumboots soaked through,
I beleive we were waiting for a bus. It was one of those city rains, when all you could dream of was home or the warmth and comfort. When all you wanted was a bath and hot-chocolate or another item of food, steaming with love. Mother, I remember holding to you're body for warmth as we sat under that old wooden bus shelter.
I clung to you're body and melted into you're lingering scent, you're falling breath and you're human form.
You held me, you hid you're shivers so as to warm mine.
We watched the cars spray etheral mist into the orange lights of the city.
We watched lovers rush by under umbrellas, we watched rain curve down the cement like a snake on it's own journey.
We listened,
oh did we ever listen, we ate up the noise, the stories within the rain, we cuddled until we felt the warmth from our bellies rise out of us like smoke or a dragons breath, tainting the air.

I, you're daughter. You, my mother.

You're long hair curling down your breast. Me, like a little berry scrunched up as close to you as I could get. Like our bodies would drip into each other as one, our breath the same. Only my gulps of air came much sooner and you silently resisted my subtle games. When the huddling was done you reached out to me with you're strong hands and you led me along the night of echoes. I can't remeber much else, asides from sitting with you in the empty pizza shop as we both savoured and satisfied our cravings for comfort. Cold-handed laughter as we danced over the most delectable pizza.
Then we caught the bus home, you sat on the red leather, grabbing the creamy yellow bar, I jumped onto the ratty blue seat beside you and leaned once again into you're body, melting into sweet harmonies.
Eating in the sounds of humans and the sound of the bus, splashing through water
and journeying on through the deep
and endless city night.
2.8k · Jul 2014
Heather Moon Jul 2014
"We have come to be danced
not the pretty dance
not the pretty pretty, pick me, pick me dance
but the claw our way back into the belly
of the sacred, sensual animal dance
the unhinged, unplugged, cat is out of its box dance
the holding the precious moment in the palms
of our hands and feet dance

We have come to be danced
not the jiffy *****, shake your ***** for him dance
but the wring the sadness from our skin dance
the blow the chip off our shoulder dance
the slap the apology from our posture dance

We have come to be danced
not the monkey see, monkey do dance
one, two dance like you
one two three, dance like me dance
but the grave robber, tomb stalker
tearing scabs & scars open dance
the rub the rhythm raw against our souls dance

WE have come to be danced
not the nice invisible, self conscious shuffle
but the matted hair flying, voodoo mama
shaman shakin’ ancient bones dance
the strip us from our casings, return our wings
sharpen our claws & tongues dance
the shed dead cells and slip into
the luminous skin of love dance

We have come to be danced
not the hold our breath and wallow in the shallow end of the floor dance
but the meeting of the trinity: the body, breath & beat dance
the shout hallelujah from the top of our thighs dance
the mother may I?
yes you may take 10 giant leaps dance
the Olly Olly Oxen Free Free Free dance
the everyone can come to our heaven dance

We have come to be danced
where the kingdom’s collide
in the cathedral of flesh
to burn back into the light
to unravel, to play, to fly, to pray
to root in skin sanctuary
We have come to be danced
Do not know the author, don't normally post others work but this spoke to me.
2.6k · Jan 2014
Heather Moon Jan 2014
His wan smile folded at the creases. His crescent eyes closing from the gathering wrinkles. I studied his smile as he nodded his head in acceptance. We couldn’t understand each other’s languages but communication existed in many forms. His teeth were yellow and he smelled of fish, typical for a fisherman. His black hair was salted with white. The man tried a first to get me to understand him “Konnichiwa,” he said confidently. After seeing my confusion he did a little wave then stood smiling. What was it that had appealed to me so much about visiting a foreign country, where I wouldn’t be able to grasp anything? The whole time I was with my husband, Peter, I secretly imagined myself doing just this.  Peter’s voice would drone on and on and I realized I was a loner. I realized I didn’t want love, at least in the way I had always received it. I convinced myself of this, all through the divorce. But now, gazing into the kind eyes of the fisherman, my past thoughts melted. I didn’t want anything except to be myself. Something I couldn’t do or felt I couldn’t do for the longest time. Now here I was gazing into the kind warm eyes of the old fisherman, breathing in the smoky ocean, in a completely different environment yet more myself than ever before.
Heather Moon Dec 2013
Breaking water, diving in with my body, head first.
Rippling seams and leaving stitches unfinished.
I dive in to let the purity envelop me.
Cleanse me and my pores,
return me to where I started from.
Release me from wars, unopened doors I wished I turned.
Forget wounds of battle on my skin.
Open me.
Cut me open and leave me bleeding.
Let my blood sink into the earth until there is nothing left,
let me walk this earth for miles and miles, let me feel the pain in my lungs,
the hoarseness of my being escaping from my throat. 

 Let me build a moat around my princess castle and then tear it down. Lightning strike me and rip my particles, rip the matter from me like guns on glass. Crack me and tear me.
I will get up again.
I will rise.
And Let me Sing,
until my prayers are whispers.
Forest water, reflecting green, serenity. 

 I have dreams of black claws like raven glass closing in, scratching me bare.
Howling and deep long nails and witchy eyes cackling like the darkness overlapping. The demons within closing in.
I hide from light, unaware of how I’m blocking out love from my life.
Is it just a dream what my heart has seen?
 Now I walk like wind or stones in snow. I trudge along trying to remain strong when the forces pull and tear the ramshackle down to the ground.

I’ve been breathing and living, seeing so many things and it is this compilation of stories that warms my belly
yet it also tears my flesh.

The happiness is what breaks me.

Suspending the never-ending.
I am so close to the grave that I dug but I must keep walking past that linear line that I set for myself.
It is lines within circles. So many flows, I thought I chose the whole. Breathe. Pouring myself out into you. I wonder if I give and give it will fade into the soil and the bottle will empty. Melt like wax. Feed you and leave me. Is it releasing or is it unhealthy for me to give myself away?

I gave myself away.

I have strewn pieces of myself into everything I have touched but I am afraid that one day there will be nothing left.

Nothing left when finally I receive pieces of someone else.

"Excuse me," I would say "I'm not myself today" except that is a fools excuse, how obtuse, how can we not be ourselves, just being is being ourselves.

  The process of seeking deeper is breaking that boundary and that un-comfortableness.

Where did our love go? It existed between skin and bones. It was a facade or something else. I am not sure.

Not lust but colour, it was dewy green like steam from a coffee cup in the morning. Or the rain on the window pane while I slept in your arms and refrained from needing you too much,

It was in you're stride and the way you dressed in the morning it was in our hands when we held them or the way we danced together like two old lovers.

I cannot write about you without tears, write about your skin or your smile, and I am in a confined environment as I write this where such things are not acceptable. I am hiding on the paper,
escaping my heart.

I cried this morning because it was all too perfect.

I am cut open
perfectly imperferfect
I laugh at myself and this funny hole I am in.
Oh the pathetic-ness and the hilarity, when we slip in mud and are covered in filth
when we have nothing left but to cry and to laugh because we are crying because nothing in this world really matters or it matters all too much. Because I don’t know where I’m going and I don’t think anybody does.

We just muster our determination and passion, build up our bones, and we roll with it
Still there is an element of unpredictability no matter how routine we have gotten. No matter how far we have fallen
from our roots.

Excuse me for crying this morning, don’t worry I laughed it off after. I laughed because of life and laughed because I cried, and I cried because I love you.

And now I walk like wind or stones in snow. I trudge on with all my strength. Wisping like whispers caught from the ears of children and passing through the world. Cold like ice on swing sets and little hands clasping them. Red fingers, red noses. Snot on mittens and sharp pain. Winter.

I Wisp like wind in water. I crack like stones of sand and rock. I break like waves on the shores of life. I cry like the trees who fight. Howling to the moon. I open when you call me. I close when I’m falling.
I hide like children at night. I am under the streetlight, orange, alley cats in shadow homes and grey cement, dead rats, broken bones. My eyes are bare, sunken in the light. I suppose I should muster my might. Find peace beyond my fight.Take my fists from sunken floors and instead beat on unopened doors.
Escape distress.
I wish you saw
something more.
          that there was
                        something else.
                                                    =====》Speedi­ng on.====》
Heather Moon Jan 2014
There was a child went forth everyday;
And the first object she look’d upon, that object she became;
And that object became part of her for the day, or a certain part of
The day, or for many stretching cycles of years.

The dew laden grass became part of this child
And the fresh daisies and lightly scented lilacs and
the song of the morning sparrow,
And the crisp air, the mud puddles and the tall, tall tress that rained water droplets, when the wind passed,
And the magic world within the reeds, waiting for a curious someone to discover all the twists and turns and available hiding spaces.
And the yellow skunk cabbage and weeping willows, with their gracious locks—all became part of her

The golden grassy haze became part of her,
And the anthills poking up from the red Earth,
And the shaded creek, loosely singing.
And the freshly picked strawberries, dirtying any white shirt.
And the content busker sharing his music and stuttering his words, in a most peculiar manner,
And the passing grandmother walking hand in hand with her granddaughter
And the Jamaican man kissing his pipe and the funny odor that followed
And the old Italians bantering about soccer outside small cafes and coffee shops, that dotted the street like lanterns on a string
And all the changes of city and country, wherever she went

Her own parents,
He that had father’d her, and she that had conceiv’d her in her womb, and birth’d her,
They gave this child more of themselves than that;
They gave her afterward every day—they became part of her.

Her mother’s care-free ringlets, falling past her breast, her open hands and thin arms hidden behind an over sized shirt, the strength in her voice,
And the youthful, naive nature woven into her giggles.
The father, klutzy and drunk, the sudden change from a hearty laugh to an unsettling yell, the large hands and the lost feeling that showed through the anger. The confusing elixir of love and hate.
The landing in the stairwell, the black dial phone, the old tarnished green oven, the stapled on carpet, the Rug rats pillow cases and the laughter so good it hurt.
Never ending love—the difference in words and the actual inner emotion felt--wondering if dreams are reality--and if perhaps the real world and all its conundrums is a carefully devised skit.  
Who decides a mirage is an illusion, is it the same inhabitants who crowd the streets?
Do the rushing people, passed from one generation to the next, think the same thoughts, do they laugh at themselves or the passed on jokes that follow their age group, and are the sparks of people just mirages themselves?
Men and women crowding fast in the streets—if they are not flashes and specks, what are they?
The bakery windows, row in row, the fake cake in the window, the names of the streets and the differing decals hanging from car's indoor mirrors.
People being within the cars zooming by on the highway, the jingle of the Popsicle truck and the sticky hands following. The feeling of trying to wipe away the stickiness on tall grass, walking across the peeling yellow paint of the highway divider, left to the side of some lonesome road---the wooden train set and the carefully maneuvered tracks,

the orange morning sun, the rising steam from plants and houses, the comforting sleepiness cast over the whole town, settling upon rooftops and curling into closed arms, The mid-day beaming street, seen from the city bus window,
The fresh ocean and the old ferry boat, the smell of oatmeal and scrambled eggs and over buttered white toast. The balance between the clouds and sky, sharing the space, the dry feeling gathering around the eyes, the white waves forming from the ferry boats side, the gentle rocking from side to side,
The cold feeling the window casts as the face, leaning against it, gently surrenders sleep to the lulling gesture—knowing the world is round by glimpsing upon the horizons edge, the thought of explorers who sailed the same sea only years and years ago.
The innocence beaming down from the heavens and leaving speckles of white on the ocean’s surface, the cluster of yellow beaked seagulls greeting the arriving boats, the distinct fragrance of the earth and sea joining together, the salty barnacles and shore mud, the leaning  grass with  crusty sand clinging to its base.
These became part of that child who went forth every day, and who now goes, and will go forth every day.
2.1k · Feb 2014
Heather Moon Feb 2014
It leaked into my skin
Sunken into my flesh,
and occupied
every nook,
It makes me shake
when I realize I still want it,
no matter how much of me
it took.
Dear friend,
I love you fully and wish you well
thank you for
bicycle rides
favourite colours
simple joys
slumber parties
We laughed until we cried.
I miss you.
1.9k · Feb 2015
Heather Moon Feb 2015

Sitting in the blue-grey stillness

Of my bathroom

Temperature set to make a perfect


between hot and cold.

Except I am leaning on the cold side,

Prickly hairs.

Porcelain bowls,

cupids, angels,

catholic saints,


Angelic ivory


toilet bowl

Stained with our animal ****

Over time creating cracks

Of filthy streaks

Just like

how humans carve into

the Earth,

Denying our birth,

Killing our worth,

By overstuffing

our girth

To hide our

true nature.

Ivory bowl

I have just released my blood to you

Blood of my ancestors

Sacred blood

Blood pasted down

in this lineage.

Deep, deep

womb blood

Blood of mistakes.

Blood of stupid conversations and lies

I lived.

Blood of my dear dear
Precious baby

Blood of shame

Further ingrained

Into this white ivory

Blood of the savage within me

Crying to break out

While I stand stout

And pull my bow

Tighter and tighter

Sharpen the peaks

Of my fake smile.

I'm happy

I'm happy

I'm normal, normal,

While inside drums cry

To be beaten

Battles rage on

in explosive contemplation

My bodies ovulation

Of fertile

Then the immunization

I try to move to the beat of the nation

But it's a boring station

Feeling my souls frustration

With this numbing radiation.

The baby in my body wails

I am NOT(!!!!)
To be born
To a ship that
The sails.

I am sitting on this

Cloy toilet bowl,

a mirage of all that's wrong

Ring wrought


rung wrong

Throughout me.

I've been living so long

Killing my song

Killing my dear
Sweet, sweet baby

Hiding demons behind flesh

An obsess

to hide the less

Only ever the best

The best, best,
Best, Best!!

And now I sit,

In porcelain stillness

A full release of the wild woman
woven deep in my bones and blood

Now I sit

Smothering myself

in the mud

I was born in.

Once too ashamed to accept the actuality

of this physical form.

Now I sit

In the silence after
The storm.

Miscarriages, miconceptions
Flopped contraceptions
Illusions, lost directions

Miscarriage means:

a foiled outcome

Of something planned,

Lost dreams,

So strongly bound

Into my bone.

Now I'm feeling


They say you must be empty to be free...

Pulling the scattered pieces

Off of the wall

Reshaping after

The fall

Courage. Courage.Courage

Courageous heart

How I let you fall apart

I'm here

I'm now

I'm ready

to grow

Run free
run strong

And let blossom

The seeds
you sow.

--thank you--
.. sweet blood..

1.9k · Feb 2014
Heather Moon Feb 2014
Oh Sea Goddess
you're beauteous form
reflecting in the inhabitents or mystic creation.
Dolphins and mermaids.
You're hair like the wind of a diving gull.
Temptress and betrayer, smooth or chopped.
Sun like a melon, you're favourite company.
When you send whales through the air, sea foam wisps. Washing gently to the shore and softly kissing stranded driftwood and drying seaweed.
Playful like a boy, who still takes the moment of reading in the sunlit air and breathing in the pleasures of you're holy mystic presence.
Salty sweet scent, gentle symphony.
Oh Sea Goddess, how I live for and love for thee.
1.5k · Jan 2014
Break Water
Heather Moon Jan 2014
Black crows fly above me in the sky. They fly like the wind on a whisper less winter day. They fly in the stream lights of sun, the crisp chill that makes people like chimneys, taking the heat of our internal being and freezing it into steam.

I recall Vancouver at this time, when flimsy white metal iron fences were too cold to touch; when I could see the ***** of frozen water on them, little ice drops. I remember that old Chinese lady, unusual to be a chain smoker but none the less. Outside in her plastic sandals from an Asian dollar store and her hands rubbing briskly as she smoked away. She was older, white haired even. She had some Chinese dolls, golden cats adorning the sides of her door and cement lions greeting faces at her gate.  Her house a “Vancouver special” with red shingled roofs and a flimsy little yard. The chilly morning smog of the city nestled in corners, lingered over sleepy buildings, settled into back doors of coffee shops or swept in a dance with a broom over the awakening shops doormats. Most ladies of the area gardened in their yards or I would catch them sweeping the water off of their back decks but she just sat all day, nothing more to do, just sat, smoking.

The Asian community in Vancouver is vast and big. Chinatown was a mystery to me when I was little. The dragons and fortune cookies, the rows of heads sloping down the hill into the city, the streetlights designed like black gum droplets, gazing at the passer-by’s. My little head opened wide as I held my father’s hand and got lost within the dizzying crowd of fantastic colour and pungent smells like fish or other scents of unknown origin. The unfamiliar language spitting off the tongues of faces I didn’t know. And finally the descent, the bus ride back, the warmth from the heater, warming my little hands that wrapped around a lychee fruit juice box and that golden sun gleaming through the city bus window and strutting on the sidewalks. I would watch the artsy people pass by on the streets, Mohawks, colours, art galleries, and also sophisticated gentlemen in suits or business woman in blazers and heels. Gazing out and seeing each person. Each house each building. Each human, living life so differently yet how similar they all were, we all are. I wonder if I was I just a crescent, a slip in the corners of these people’s eyes. Or perhaps they too recall a similar scene, and in that image within their minds there walks a little girl, ample with curiosity, lost in the wonder.

The crows laugh on electric lines, a time has passed and light drizzles begin to wash over, fogging lines of car windows, drizzling and spraying. The school bus home kind of rain, the one that stains cement and makes sing-song sounds as it drips down the gutters and drainpipes. The rain that makes the colour red pop out, the one that shivers hands and rests on pink cheeks. The crows laugh at my dreaming, as I sit in some old neighborhood leaning on a dumpy alleyways wooden garage door, stuck in some memory. Or rather they laugh because some woman is standing alone in the rain, getting drenched by nature’s eternal bath.
Heather Moon Oct 2013
I always felt words didn’t fit, the emotions
My mother told me I was mistaken
when I spoke the sounds instead of the words
I tried to comply by rules
I couldn't
I told people that they were just a boundary and I didn’t follow limitations
They told me I was incorrect
That you must know the language and then you can "play" it your own way
you must live in the bubble
so that you can play what you want to
within the bubble.
except in the end
your still in the bubble
And I thought it was great
To learn and learn
To know many things
And I thought it was great
That we are on this earth
And that these things exist
And there’s so much to pursue
But sometimes the words didn’t match the emotions
And I didn’t want to be misplaced
I didn’t want to be lost
but its hard
when lost
is their word for found
I controlled my reality
yet never did I puncture
that bubble
I conformed to the limitations
I forgot the memory I once had
Of the eagle
Flying way, way up
And I forgot the dream I had
The feeling
Of free
I was in a paralysis
Of numb
I followed the system
I swallowed the drugs,
That made me feel anything
But human
Blind to the integrity
Only the warmth
Over me
Like bread from the oven
I surrendered to it
Some how it felt like I had ***’d my pants and my mother was telling me it was okay because I was wearing a diaper
And I lulled in this feeling
Feeling like I was that age again

When is it time to awake from that state?

At first I was hesitant
To swallow what society said would make me normal
only because I knew better
My mother told me
It was so I could be nice and normal,

So I would stop having these feelings.

These feelings of freedom?

And the man on TV said
Over and over
America is a free country
And I was spoon fed the lies
To mute
To catch the part of me falling out of my drooling mouth
The part of me that stood up,
The one that knew its rights
The one that cried with all its soul
The one that smiled like the fresh sun over a mountain top
The one that felt
Really felt
Drooling to the floor
I was a zombie
“Free” he said
With a thin layer of fire in his eyes
And for a moment I saw beyond that layer
I saw the universe within him
I saw all of his impurities
And all of his beauty
I saw how before bed,
He would grasp for breath the same way he was doing now
take off his slippers
And crinkle the sheets of the mattress
Beside the wife he never truly loved
Except for some high school dream
Of normalcy that chained him
To the bed he now lies in every night
I saw
The wrinkles by his eyes
How he to, would accept it
He would let nature take him over
Though he might not understand it
Like a beast
He was fighting to live within this world he was stuck in
The world I was stuck in
This plastic paradigm
As we repress the animal in us.

His human qualities
breaking out of him
for some answer
to the questions that lacked the meaning
He was on the border of breaking out
But was too clouded
With stupidity
The actual government watching behind the scenes
Letting him play
And checking every now and then
The invisible safety net
On the borders
Of existence
The man would laugh
If he was to actually be free
he would see it as a joke
He didn't see he was fighting himself
He was like those
That never believed the world was round
The ones
That believed woman would never get the vote
And so it’s taken different shapes
And those men now laugh at the men of the past
But what differs between them
Because I know I’m not free
Do you? Mr. TV man, do you?
And you cry it out
Sing it to the world
But something behind your eye lingers
Some sort of a lost boy
And I can see for a second there
That you question it too
You question the words you’re spinning into substance
You see for a split second
How far removed you are from the earth
Living in some concrete castle that man has created
Away from all the luxuries of a free world,
Only the numbing ones
The ones that wash away the soul with a gentle wipe
So with a sleeve I removed the drool
I turned off the TV
I walked out of the house
and I left
The train tracks that led me here
Didn’t hold anything
But weakness
And I know my heart
And I know
You’re not free
If you have to hear it from a man on TV
1.2k · Dec 2013
Heather Moon Dec 2013
Silent Queen
You sit in your majestic tower
Of the tree house, your brown hair gleaming down
Your strength and integrity bound
So deeply within you
Never did I notice,
Apt to the silence of your manner,
How greatly you tried
Your effort denied
It’s funny the way one can live
So within their own space
They forget
That interacting is also receiving
When we were young
I was the one to run
To climb the trees
Steal all the Popsicles from the freezer
Soil my hands and stain my shirts with blackberries
To be the teaser
And you would change my shirt, save me from a beating
Accept my ferocity
And wipe the blood from me
You weren’t the one
To fight away the demons
You were the one
To keep them at bay
With silent protests for a better day
When we got old
And wrinkled,
Just a little.
When I hid my face
And you did
Age with grace
I noticed then
How ample you were
How you held yourself
With a profound rooting
To the earth
How grounded
And stable you had been
And the regret washed through me of the times
I secretly was ashamed
Of the way you walked
And how dissonant I thought you were
And so at a party a group of us sat sipping wine
And mocking the time
Across the table I heard you laugh
And never did I notice your voice before
And I could see between the lines
As you
And me
As me
Afterwards I laughed
I cried
At my new realization
What a burden I was
To you
So wild
And carefree
But what struck me was
That you held me
Just Like I was still a little girl
And I was making a fool of myself
But Still
You shushed me to sleep
A grown woman
And right before I closed my eyes
a final tear
For good
You whispered
How jealous you were
Of my experimental whirl
Eating life in
Like sauce on my fingertips
And I told you how jealous I had been
Of the way you wore long skirts
And wrapped your arms to your chest
Always knowing what you wanted
No need to want more
To explore
And like two old witches
Or sisters
We laughed
Until the moon was gone
And the sunlight streamed through
Our cauldron
Bubbling to the brim
With the new strength found within
Rejoicing we found
We are each in the air
Yet solidly,
implanted on the ground.
1.2k · Dec 2014
The Bath
Heather Moon Dec 2014
Washing Kai in the sauna,
The kerosene lantern set on a box
      outside the ground-level window,
Lights up the edge of the iron stove and the
      washtub down on the slab  
Steaming air and crackle of waterdrops
      brushed by on the pile of rocks on top
He stands in warm water
Soap all over the smooth of his thigh and stomach
      “Gary don’t soap my hair!”
      —his eye-sting fear—
      the soapy hand feeling
      through and around the globes and curves of his body  
      up in the crotch,
And washing-tickling out the *******, little ****,
      his ***** curving up and getting hard
      as I pull back skin and try to wash it
Laughing and jumping, flinging arms around,
      I squat all naked too,
                                          is this our body?

Sweating and panting in the stove-steam hot-stone  
      cedar-planking wooden bucket water-splashing  
      kerosene lantern-flicker wind-in-the-pines-out
      sierra forest ridges night—
Masa comes in, letting fresh cool air  
      sweep down from the door  
      a deep sweet breath
And she tips him over gripping neatly, one knee down
      her hair falling hiding one whole side of
      shoulder, breast, and belly,  
Washes deftly Kai’s head-hair
      as he gets mad and yells—
The body of my lady, the winding valley spine,
      the space between the thighs I reach through,
      cup her curving ***** arch and hold it from behind,  
      a soapy tickle                a hand of grail
The gates of Awe
That open back a turning double-mirror world of  
      wombs in wombs, in rings,
      that start in music,
                                          is this our body?

The hidden place of seed
The veins net flow across the ribs, that gathers  
      milk and peaks up in a ******—fits
      our mouth—
The ******* milk from this our body sends through  
      jolts of light; the son, the father,
      sharing mother’s joy
That brings a softness to the flower of the awesome  
      open curling lotus gate I cup and kiss
As Kai laughs at his mother’s breast he now is weaned  
      from, we
      wash each other,
                                          this our body

Kai’s little ******* up close to his groin,
      the seed still tucked away, that moved from us to him  
In flows that lifted with the same joys forces
      as his nursing Masa later,
      playing with her breast,
Or me within her,
Or him emerging,
                                          this is our body:

Clean, and rinsed, and sweating more, we stretch  
      out on the redwood benches hearts all beating  
Quiet to the simmer of the stove,
      the scent of cedar
And then turn over,
      murmuring gossip of the grasses,
      talking firewood,
Wondering how Gen’s napping, how to bring him in  
      soon wash him too—
These boys who love their mother
      who loves men, who passes on
      her sons to other women;

The cloud across the sky. The windy pines.  
      the trickle gurgle in the swampy meadow

      this is our body.

Fire inside and boiling water on the stove
We sigh and slide ourselves down from the benches  
      wrap the babies, step outside,

black night & all the stars.

Pour cold water on the back and thighs
Go in the house—stand steaming by the center fire  
Kai scampers on the sheepskin
Gen standing hanging on and shouting,

“Bao! bao! bao! bao! bao!”

This is our body. Drawn up crosslegged by the flames  
      drinking icy water
      hugging babies, kissing bellies,

Laughing on the Great Earth  

Come out from the bath.
Gary Snyder, “The Bath” from Turtle
By Gary Snyder

Garry Snydeeerrr ******* rocks my socks!!!!
1.2k · Jan 2014
Electric Energy
Heather Moon Jan 2014
I’m sick of this electric energy
sub ways and motorcars
crumby rain and distraught smiles
empty faces gloom
shadows lurch and hang in dead air
untouched is the love that has collected dust
fallen into the synthetic mist
racing  speeds
                                                              and then it ends…
I want that electric energy
To show its impurities
To become raw
To become real
***** braces and zit cream
backwards living and hand sanitizer
***** breast enlargements and diet pills
***** not smiling
Afraid to appear too forward
***** smiling because you’re afraid people will think you’re negative
Afraid of what?
Just hold onto yourself and do as you please
Simply  because you enjoy It, because it sparks you on fire igniting your passions
Feel the rain
Let it fall onto your skin
Free of products
Free your skin from these creations
Made by man
Man craving more and more
Greed and hunger
Do not feed that man
Let him
The level he is at
Let him learn to feel satisfaction
And how it works in opposition
The more you feed the hungrier you get
Let that rain penetrate deep inside of you
Notice the nature
The beauty
Close your eyes
And stop
Nothing is anything
And nothing is everything
Don’t be locked in chains your whole life
Only you hold the key
Forget the ideas
That made you feel
Anything but yourself
And remember
The wisdom you gained from hardships
Negativity is a sinking boat
Hold onto that flying power with positive thoughts and creations
Let your spirit soar high racing through the clouds let you become you
And please
That electric energy
1.1k · Feb 2014
Inky Caps
Heather Moon Feb 2014
The bones on bead shells hang on cemeteries,
left behind from the washing tide pushing to the open ocean. I too, left in the bay,
walking railroads and lost in the forest and the trinkling springs
of yesterday's rain.
I've been cleansed, I've been strong.
A mountain man soaring the world on an ancient feather's wind.
Halk feather soaring through infinite vastness.

I've felt deeper things.
Farther than the oceans surface, beyond the green of the cedar.
The smoke, cleansing.

And now,
the silence of the rivers.
Raged and battled, done and fought,
until next Spring.

It is dawning upon me
whether to keep walking this track,
or perhaps this road is empty,
holding nothing.
Old trucks, trees growing from red sawdust of old logging sites,
they too abandoned and left behind
like cabins on desolate mountain tops.
Beaming, vibrant,
for a season or two,
then surrendered to moss and lichen,
going down with rock and stone,
a jar of apple sauce still in place.
Damp, musty rusted iron,
dust on splitting wood.
The grey sky.

Numb on my neck hangs the bones and shell,
stolen from the cemetery.
Am I moving this thing forward or am I falling behind with it?
Forgotten in the breeze and the rush of cattle,
footsteps, as caravans and horses, men, women, echoes, laughter, shadows,
ran from these banks.
Have I become the grit on the gravestone,
my bones ashen and weary as I live this life,
elsewhere moon clouds and sunshine,
drums beat.
For me,
it is the silence,

like a gentle tide
washed my flesh
from the grate
and now I hang in the wind,
like a pale sheet,
flapping slowly
to and fro.
1.1k · Mar 2015
Heather Moon Mar 2015
Hands that hold to speak
quiver in this moonlight
awaiting slipping moments peak
to cry to the heart
Trembling its darkened dawns
dusting away at the pieces
of myself that have been
left to the wind.

Emptied caskets
fill the spaces of
energetic flesh
on my breast
Gashed and still
in this wippity whimperous moment.
Do you hear me?
Do you hear me when I make silent calls between two worlds,
Do you hear my voice calling to you?
Then gapes a girl curious to explore the world
"I think I hear you" she says,
all the while raising an ear to snippits.

I just want to love you so, so deeply
I want to cleanse you
I want to make you shine with a radience like sunlight
liquid dancing flickers on flowing river songs
creek beds of bliss
Do you hear me?
Do you hear me?
Do you, you , you, you, you hear me?
I´m pleading to that smile
hidden by mental chitter chatter
hop off the train, empty off your platter
of burdenous fruits
release all of that matter

Do you hear me?

Hey darling, moon belly seastar
I see you
I love you
I am you
Do you hear my long echoing cries for freedom?
Do you hear my gentle sighs,
gateways to divine skies
Do you hear me?
A drop of arms
A rising breath
an emptied teth
"I hear you¨" she says,
"I hear you, I hear you, I hear you!!"
her voice roars on
"I hear you, I am you"
Wild ravonous wails
I hear your nightingale calls,
I hear the ups and downs as heartbeat falls,
I hear rambling nectar
rollin smoothly off our soul
I hear a lovebirds
sonnet roll
Oh mother, oh Great on in Me in You in We,
I hear you, I hear you, I hear you,
I hear you

and I´m ready to listen.
1.1k · Nov 2013
don't smile, i love you
Heather Moon Nov 2013
I am twisting these
Words simply because of the intricacy
that can be held by muttering together letter after letter
The language formed
The communication
I was going to ask if you remembered that time, but I know better
You know
You remember
When the winds were blowing hard
And we were to go our separate ways
And there I was pounding my fists within my chest
Wailing out
How badly did the desire stained liquid quench feeling of lust want to escape
Built up inside of me
Dying to break out
To be fed
You knew it
You knew I loved you
You stood there
Waiting patiently
No you wouldn’t interpose anything
And the little fists within me would keep beating and pounding too afraid to break the rhythm they had formed
You stood tall
It was winter I think
Or perhaps late fall
Definitely not early spring though
Because I know too well
The scent of spring
And the feeling
And the time didn’t match with that
Your eyes glimmered
Secrets within
I so smitten
So afraid to interpose upon you
So afraid
To stand tall
Not wanting to burst our friendship
With anything more
But the desire had become too much
Insatiable with a simple hug or smile
You stood there
Only waiting
Yet I didn’t know it then
And after the years
When it all clicked in
I remember your gallant way of standing
And even now
Sometimes you smile at me
You smile at the deeper root within me
You see the grounding connection between us
You feel it too
But you see my weaknesses
And without doubt
My fears as well
I wish I could show you my strength
Although I know you know
It exists
And rather mundane now
For the time for these thoughts has passed
And now they are just meaningless specks
On the image
Of our youth
And I know you know that I feel I have to prove it
And I know you know I know you know
That it is unnecessary
Sorry for my hesitancy
But that time of year has come again
The rain
The wind
The dividing factors
Pulling away at my skin
At my scarf
And I can ever so clearly remember the prudence
The day
And I realized
For just once
So I can fill my gut
With the fulfillment
That you know
How deep I go
Don’t smile, I love you
Heather Moon Oct 2014
Entry 1# I'm not suicidal am I?

This city reeks. I love it and I hate it.

Sat by the window. Light fazing out like a lonesome child defeating homeward in twilight walks after a long winded winter day of school. Hard breath, red cheeks, cold icy hands. Yes.. it's like that scene, the cloudy glow of a hidden sun is sinking over the edge and I sit in this partial darkness, able to see but losing visibilty as day turns to night.

Drizzling rain.
I watch the orange alleyway flicker, from my ghetto townhouse window I can hear an ambulence wailing in the distance, can hear cars, and can even hear and taste the wet, cement grit.

I can feel the old spirits, the dusted away spirits settling back in.
I miss that laughter. Remember when we played hide n go seek while adults sipped wine on hardwood floors and ate expensive cheeses. We, like circus performers waving to the adoring public with a seal balancing a ball upon his nose as we showed off your golden retreiver spiffed up in the outfit we had picked for him.

Remember how we danced in play, imagination and all, until the last possible moments. Until it was time to go home again, my parents at the door and you and I hiding under your bed.

Its one of those nights again, the long rainy screechy kind,only your dead and the garbage pile outside my house stinks extra hard.

Cozying up to the window, I am a cat, a fat grey house cat who spends the hours water eyed listening to specks of gods droplets tinkling upon leaves. Its good to be home, to be blanketed in a cuccoon of comfort. Of familiarity.

Scraggly memories crawling from behind my ear I hear the rangly cuckas of the jungle and its ancient misty spirit. I miss its danger and exotic excitement. I miss my smile, the genuine one.

I put my things away so I could sit and write in peace, placed my guitar in the corner where it belongs, and hid my now empty backpackers backpack under the bed. I don't want to see it, my spirits greater than my mentality.
Like air, like wind, I'll sweep away, I'll run for hours just so I can feel that high. I'm not grounded, maybe I have issues.

So then I sat in frustration listening to the rain, its like an annoying tap. Creativity gone.

Pulled my mess back out of the box and scattered it everywhere. You know when your young, when your a child and you just kind of do things?

I thought back to when I was little, to the moments of my greatest joys.
It was always when I was at the top of a tree, at the peaks of death, or when I was running, running away from the world my conciousness was born into,
  it was when I jumped out the window and got the ministry phoned on us. Although the latter one wasn't a joy, more so an annoyance on my freedom and a burden to my family.

I could spend hours staring out this window at night, I did it once too. My first all nighter at the age of 5, when I simply had to see each snowflake fall. And then it was sunrise and the neighborhood was pure white.

I miss my mom, shes still here but not as young. I miss spirit, I miss soul, I'm getting older but am I wiser? I think I was smarter when I was little. When I would run for freedom, when I would pit up a fight. Not submissevly recline to my other side as to ward off any inner resistance.

Now that my ***** scattered all over the room I find it easier to write. At least thats something I've always known, everything has a home. My guitar is happy on my bed and I've always been happier on the edge of a cliff, flying high with my heart in the heavens and my head in a cloud. Just waiting to jump.


Oh the misery of an air spirit.
848 · May 2014
Heather Moon May 2014
Rain and all its forms
Blurred Mountains seeping into the borders
A little village
Grey on the horizen
Ocean way way below the village
Down the mule trails
Scraping in coils
Pebble linings
Down to the mediteranean sea
In this village
Cobble streets
Coloured roof tops
Crumbling houses
Empty clotheslines
Except a few wet clothes hanging
Forgotten faded red shirt
Hanging from one season
To the next
Water drips and dances bouncing from stone to stone
Wooden shoes clack quickly
As they rush over the street
A lady
Wearing hand woven clothes
warm fresh flat bread
Wrapped in cloth
And in a basket.
A young boy follows her
His sweater held over his head
Eyes obscurred
He walks as though in a maze
Then they are gone
Empty streets
A round woman, hair ******* with a faded white rag cloth
Empties out steaming hot water
From a copper ***
Soapy steam
In the rain
Alley way
Side door
Not much activity
A girl sits looking out observing
Watching the rain
Smelling the warmth
Rising from the bakery down below
She remebers the hustling market, the colors when in the sun
The shuffling people
In sunglasses
New people
Sun season
Different apearences than the ones she knows
The ones shes used to
The skin foreign to her.

She likes her room
With the elephants in the rug
Little marchers
Within the mandela sequince
She likes the bakers down below
Aunts and uncles
Unsure of who's family
By blood
And who's family
In spirit.
She likes the old man
Who sits with his cane
In the little sitting chair
In front of the bakery
He who treats her to a cookie every now and then
Or slips her a piece of sweet bread
He, who wears an old black cap
And puts on his coat
And hobbles down the little street
She waits for him sometimes
She sits perched outside and looks down the street
From right to left
Until she hears the familiar clatter
The sound of his wooden cane on cobblestones
Each who carry their own divine essence
Or sound to which they bring
A memory of her father comes to mind
How differently he sounds when he walks
Gentle and slow
Heavy and kind
Compared to her mother
soft and light
Swift like a feather
in the wind
Sweet like a berry.
The girl sometimes likes rainy season more
Although she misses the hustle and bustle of market day
In the sun
When the lively noises fill her ears
The wild smells
When the bakery arises before the crack of dawn
And the smell of fresh bread awakes her
Smells of new special treats
Made larger and larger
Just to apeal and to please
The large crowds.
The sounds of bakers
Yelling orders back and forth
Clanging pots
A madness of creation.
Grand cakes
Thousands of tarts
Each one delicatly made with care.

When the people make extravagant delicacies
When goats are roasted
And fresh tomatoes
Made into scrumptious sauces
With fresh basil.
Olives pickled and handed out on toothpicks
By yelling merchants
The best olives in the region shouts one
Across the street, the bestsest shouts another.
Most this
Or that
In her mind the images play
Like moving dolls

In full vibrancy.

For a second she forgets
Her placement
She has returnes back to the heat
And the memories
Of men in white undershirts
Smoking outside
Playing cards and waiting for the sun to dry
the rest of their clothes
The bantering ladies
From window to window.
She gets lost,
until the sound of a door loudly shutting in the streets awakes her
Jumping up
Looking out the window
Still silence
Nothing in sight.

Drizzles of rain
The sound it makes
When it slides down the roofs
She misses the heat
Of the bustling summer day
But in secret
she likes the rain
The silence and comfort it brings.
She likes the rain and the lonliness.
The solitude.
the sounds of her parents sleeping
a distant kettle whistling,
A neighbors.
The desolatation.
Patters of rain.
She likes to have both seasons
One season to live
And the
other to dream.
813 · Oct 2013
The Moons Child
Heather Moon Oct 2013
The Moons Child**
She sweeps the world
Like an old broom in a dusty corridor
If you slow your pace and take a breath
You will see
Her smile is anything but empty
Her emotions glimmer through her eyes
Like light filtering through glass
The Suns child radiates the light from every pore
She takes the warmth and shines like a diamond
The Moon’s child is cold and crushed
Serene and still
Yet she has such honest serenity
A patient understanding
She holds her ivory hand
To her heart then crosses her arms
Across her sweet chest
She smiles with reason
Her eyes are wide
She can feel the Earth
But she is the Ocean
The Moon’s child is deep and blue
To understand her you must seek deeper
For she exists in me
And she exists in you
796 · Feb 2014
Heather Moon Feb 2014
Oh mama we're broke,
Yes we're as broke as the August drenches during a drought. We're as broke as the old jar on the mantle, the empty one with the dust and flies that used to hold our spare pennies.
We're broke like the rust on pa's chevy or the must on the ripped leather seats
or broke
like the missing tooth in Ronnie's crooked smile.
We're broke like the clothes that no patches could repair, Lindie's dress scraggled at the hem like a piece of crinkled paper.
We're broke like the cupboard with the peeling paint,
limp lifeless and bare.
We're broke like the old mutt of a dog that has surrendered to the unmopped floor.
We're broke like the work on my brothers back or like the young un's toys, soiled with the earth.
We're broke like the old tin that once held coffee,
we're broke like the spoat but the tap ran dry.
Oh me, oh my , we're broke.
We're broker than condiments, broker than the pots of watered down soups, broker than pa's tobacco pipe, broker than my overalls, held together by twang, or broker than the dried out grain of our raspy field.  We're broker than the pitchfork, the ones thats missing two teeth.We're broker than the wintertime potato stew kind of broke, the one that brings a frosty bite.We're broker than the fight or the struggle, we're at the bottom of this cascading chain. At the core of our selves. We're broker than this dry ridden soil underneath my nails. Broker than a frown, now only a smile, we're broker than the layer of dust at the bottom of the barrell. We're broker than resentment.
Oh man were broke Mama!
So won't you please come home?
Heather Moon Oct 2016
I choose to go alone this time.

I choose to grind the rind,
off of my bones.

I choose to go deep this time.

I choose to sing and cry
the best words I have ever spoken,
to go broken
into this forest womb.

I choose to let the alcove of soul secrets
rip themselves from my gloom,
and be free to the wind.

I choose to shatter
the box of illusion
and listen
through echoes of time
to the deep dark woods.

I choose to fall
until I hear
the comforting call
of wolves wailing
wisdom to the moon.

I choose to listen
to the ancient sound,
reverberating harmoniously,
through the ground.

I choose to walk alone this time...
naked toe's
One trusting
step at a time.

I choose to go alone this time
so I can really listen
to where spirit
meets flesh,
where air meets breath,

and then I shall find
my true path home.
784 · Aug 2015
krishnamurti quote!~~
Heather Moon Aug 2015
Who is the person that you call an artist? A man who is momentarily creative? To me he is not an artist. The man who merely at rare moments has this creative impulse and expresses that creativeness through perfection of technique, surely you would not call him an artist. To me, the true artist is one who lives completely, harmoniously, who does not divide his art from living, whose very life is that expression, whether it be a picture, music, or his behaviour; who has not divorced his expression on a canvas or in music or in stone from his daily conduct, daily living. That demands the highest intelligence, highest harmony. To me the true artist is the man who has that harmony. He may express it on canvas, or he may talk, or he may paint; or he may not express it at all, he may feel it. But all this demands that exquisite poise, that intensity of awareness, and therefore his expression is not divorced from the daily continuity of living.
741 · Feb 2014
To a Water Bug
Heather Moon Feb 2014
It was back in those days, the elementary school days,
when we were all friends, characters to one anothers plays of nonsense.
When we reigned over puddles with galoshes or brightly coloured gumboots.
When we wore capes and knew all the sing along songs.
And yes, I do recall, fondly so, that big park.
We were all there, whether in soul or in spirit,we explored the butterfly gardens, our parents and teachers were there too,
a school trip of sorts?
Just a vivid  but fotgotten dream?
Who may answer these questions but ourselves by eventually succumbing to the universes natural way and forgetting the questions and finding and accepting the universes other answers.
The flowers of the light May day were in full bloom and that glass greenhouse, the one that intrigued me so, stood just like a castle.
After lunch, when the children were running throuhg green grass or wiping sticky hands from oranges upon the damper grass of the shade and while our parents and teachers sat on their coats dilly dallying, I stopped.
Stopped from my playing like a bunny caught in someones eyes. Was it a hand that grabbed mine or mine that reached out? Lead to a rivers edge, a little stream or pond. Ducking under willow and stepping over bushes and creeping through imagined dens of foxes or coyotes. My companion, my little friend, the face on the memory is blank, perhaps we had even more company.
We held hands.
We held hands like friends in our childhood innocence, before the concept of cooties, before the playground held terror. We sat hunched up by the pond poking sticks and reeds into the stream. Poking at the river flies and mud. Lost in a mystic realm of childhood unknowingness.
And then it caught me. A glimpse that magnified. The little water spider, gliding on the surface as though the surface were glass.
Oh water bug, from my bright eyes  and blurred warm memeory you stood out to me. Majestically skating in the reflection of my face. As though you were that man mentioned in grandfathers stories from the book he said he beleived in, that man himself, walking on water. Such grace and beauty in you're perfectly casual stride, a quality I later noticed and looked for in people. Oh water bug, slipping your little bug fingers through glassy streams like a figure skater on an ice pond.
Do you remember me little bug? I was the one, the one with the little hands reaching out. I tried to hold your magic in my hands.
I was the one that in awe
reached out
But like a snap dragon,
in a blink, you were gone.
Heather Moon Sep 2016
The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock

         S’io credesse che mia risposta fosse
A persona che mai tornasse al mondo,
Questa fiamma staria senza piu scosse.
Ma perciocche giammai di questo fondo
Non torno vivo alcun, s’i’odo il vero,
Senza tema d’infamia ti rispondo.

LET us go then, you and I,
When the evening is spread out against the sky
Like a patient etherized upon a table;
Let us go, through certain half-deserted streets,
The muttering retreats         5
Of restless nights in one-night cheap hotels
And sawdust restaurants with oyster-shells:
Streets that follow like a tedious argument
Of insidious intent
To lead you to an overwhelming question….         10
Oh, do not ask, “What is it?”
Let us go and make our visit.

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.

The yellow fog that rubs its back upon the window-panes,         15
The yellow smoke that rubs its muzzle on the window-panes
Licked its tongue into the corners of the evening,
Lingered upon the pools that stand in drains,
Let fall upon its back the soot that falls from chimneys,
Slipped by the terrace, made a sudden leap,         20
And seeing that it was a soft October night,
Curled once about the house, and fell asleep.

And indeed there will be time
For the yellow smoke that slides along the street,
Rubbing its back upon the window panes;         25
There will be time, there will be time
To prepare a face to meet the faces that you meet;
There will be time to ****** and create,
And time for all the works and days of hands
That lift and drop a question on your plate;         30
Time for you and time for me,
And time yet for a hundred indecisions,
And for a hundred visions and revisions,
Before the taking of a toast and tea.

In the room the women come and go         35
Talking of Michelangelo.

And indeed there will be time
To wonder, “Do I dare?” and, “Do I dare?”
Time to turn back and descend the stair,
With a bald spot in the middle of my hair—         40
(They will say: “How his hair is growing thin!”)
My morning coat, my collar mounting firmly to the chin,
My necktie rich and modest, but asserted by a simple pin—
(They will say: “But how his arms and legs are thin!”)
Do I dare         45
Disturb the universe?
In a minute there is time
For decisions and revisions which a minute will reverse.

For I have known them all already, known them all:
Have known the evenings, mornings, afternoons,         50
I have measured out my life with coffee spoons;
I know the voices dying with a dying fall
Beneath the music from a farther room.
  So how should I presume?

And I have known the eyes already, known them all—         55
The eyes that fix you in a formulated phrase,
And when I am formulated, sprawling on a pin,
When I am pinned and wriggling on the wall,
Then how should I begin
To spit out all the ****-ends of my days and ways?         60
  And how should I presume?

And I have known the arms already, known them all—
Arms that are braceleted and white and bare
(But in the lamplight, downed with light brown hair!)
Is it perfume from a dress         65
That makes me so digress?
Arms that lie along a table, or wrap about a shawl.
  And should I then presume?
  And how should I begin?
.      .      .      .      .      .      .      .

Shall I say, I have gone at dusk through narrow streets         70
And watched the smoke that rises from the pipes
Of lonely men in shirt-sleeves, leaning out of windows?…

I should have been a pair of ragged claws
Scuttling across the floors of silent seas.
.      .      .      .      .      .      .      .

And the afternoon, the evening, sleeps so peacefully!         75
Smoothed by long fingers,
Asleep … tired … or it malingers,
Stretched on the floor, here beside you and me.
Should I, after tea and cakes and ices,
Have the strength to force the moment to its crisis?         80
But though I have wept and fasted, wept and prayed,
Though I have seen my head (grown slightly bald) brought in upon a platter,
I am no prophet—and here’s no great matter;
I have seen the moment of my greatness flicker,
And I have seen the eternal Footman hold my coat, and snicker,         85
And in short, I was afraid.

And would it have been worth it, after all,
After the cups, the marmalade, the tea,
Among the porcelain, among some talk of you and me,
Would it have been worth while,         90
To have bitten off the matter with a smile,
To have squeezed the universe into a ball
To roll it toward some overwhelming question,
To say: “I am Lazarus, come from the dead,
Come back to tell you all, I shall tell you all”—         95
If one, settling a pillow by her head,
  Should say: “That is not what I meant at all;
  That is not it, at all.”

And would it have been worth it, after all,
Would it have been worth while,         100
After the sunsets and the dooryards and the sprinkled streets,
After the novels, after the teacups, after the skirts that trail along the floor—
And this, and so much more?—
It is impossible to say just what I mean!
But as if a magic lantern threw the nerves in patterns on a screen:         105
Would it have been worth while
If one, settling a pillow or throwing off a shawl,
And turning toward the window, should say:
  “That is not it at all,
  That is not what I meant, at all.”
.      .      .      .      .      .      .      .
No! I am not Prince Hamlet, nor was meant to be;
Am an attendant lord, one that will do
To swell a progress, start a scene or two,
Advise the prince; no doubt, an easy tool,
Deferential, glad to be of use,         115
Politic, cautious, and meticulous;
Full of high sentence, but a bit obtuse;
At times, indeed, almost ridiculous—
Almost, at times, the Fool.

I grow old … I grow old …         120
I shall wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled.

Shall I part my hair behind? Do I dare to eat a peach?
I shall wear white flannel trousers, and walk upon the beach.
I have heard the mermaids singing, each to each.

I do not think that they will sing to me.         125

I have seen them riding seaward on the waves
Combing the white hair of the waves blown back
When the wind blows the water white and black.

We have lingered in the chambers of the sea
By sea-girls wreathed with seaweed red and brown         130
Till human voices wake us, and we drown.
715 · May 2015
Heather Moon May 2015
we are the wizards of this fairytale
contrived of stardust
With lunar pieces
woven into
our anatomical configurations in such a way
that it makes no other sense
than to dance
in the rain
to dance
with love
To Dance
for all its worth
until we feel father sun
kiss rainbows into our souls
695 · Jan 2015
Heather Moon Jan 2015
We are the wild cats
We are the black winged ones
We are the light soaring ones
We are the free ones
The jungle vine swinging ones
With deep souls of fiery passion

We are the howlers
the grizzly sizzly growlers
Prowling our desires
We are yearning with an ancient burning
We are fire
Sacred fire
Untamed fire
We are risers
We are seekers
We are destroyers

We are the branch twisting
Tongue hissing
Wild ones

Roots that tear rocky granite open
To stretch into the innermost
To reach into the bubbly
molten lava
Of our cardinal sins...


Electric galaxies
Zapping through veins of static hair
We are the witch sisters
Stormin' swarmin' transformin'  explorin' roarin'
Stirring up a *** of sinister magic
We are the atrocious
We... are the wise
We are the... ruthless

We are...
A different kind of guardian

We are cats
So, so hungry with longing
For the deep, deep,
Soul quakin'
Earth shakin'
Mountain movin'
Screaming volcanic eruption
Of untamed Passion

We are the ones
who caught hold of the sun,
left flaming
in our courageous hands.

We are
Restless hearts with lighted torches
Who shall run
For centuries upon centuries
our feet into the soil

We are the feathered tips
That wing into the crying sky

We are the ripe
Laughing ones
Free ones

The adventurers
the adventerous
The unquenchable
The mysterious

The stalking
The silent

The Venomous,
whose bite
will make you one of us,
Very Thirsty..

We are blood lustin'
***** stompin'
With never ending desire

We are the cape wearing
With flaring bats

We are absolutely MAD!!
to the bone!!!


...all alone...

Scaring away those afraid

Of what lies at the centre
of that storm
Oh but we primordial spirits know
We have been versed in this dance
We have sung these songs
We have spun these flames
Even if
we cannot fathom,
Our bones shall unwillingly guide  us
Pull us
to that place,
To the center
Of this storm.

For that is where
the truest light exists.
There lies,
The absolute,
The unquestionable,
The silent
She waters our fires
(A gentle sizzling hum),
She melts us,
into her soothing oceans.

We are ( I say in earnest whispers) the wild ones
who run
until starry eyed skies
make love
to daybreak

raspy sunrises
fold over yawns
Like soft warm blankets

Kittens once again
Bathing in the great
Of all

in the
677 · Nov 2013
Heather Moon Nov 2013
like chocolate.
lingering on my breath
like a kiss
wanting more
to consume
roll around in it
soak it up
drink the juices
oozing out of the book
in my hands
in the late hours
after all the work is done
all the other work,
the one
that takes attention
and dedication
after my routine
seems to have taken a  sigh
when I can finally breathe
guilt free
or guiltily?
as I revel
within the words
the temptations
the lucrative state is over
and now
I sit
and eat away
eat away the hours of the night
and lick the pointed tips of  my fingers
eagerly turning page upon page
the candle wick burns on
and the wax melts
curious and greedy eyes
I study the text before me
and melt like the candle
taking on the words
of others
washing myself
in the tears
that have streamed
down others cheeks
swimming in the ashes
of someone else’s fire.
671 · Feb 2015
Heather Moon Feb 2015
I waited.

By the secret creek with
the porceline bird bath
and misty ivy trails
of love that led us
to a place in time
So forgotten
Yet still a grain
In the backs of our rushing lives.

I waited.

Young hands unkowingly
heavy weights
Naive hearts
In trust,
In hope.
A memory comes to mind
Of children
On that grey fog beach
Silent wolves
Light driftwood
A Child
making sand castles
To reach that sun
hidden behind grey clouds.
Pails pounding,
"C'mon, c'mon!"
The child is left alone
By the sweeping shores,
Dreams too mighty for this physical form.

I waited.

Barefooted laughter
Ripe plum Blossoms in coats
As we crossed the gates
into the ancient silken
Paradise of awe.

I waited for you.
"Maybe in a year, or two,"
We would say
As rambling minds
Chased other tails.

How it flickers before
the eyes.

I love you.

I love you.

And so cattle run
Over mother Earths
Vast plains
White buffalo stampeding over sweet grass
And cars speed onward
Into unknown horizens
Pink skyline reflections on gold rimmed aviators
Radio fuzz and zipping highways
As we distract ourselves from
Our souls story.

I waited.

I waited in the garden
Where we,
two young lovers,

First gazed so deeply into one another
That we changed.

I waited
In that dewy
ivory green

Came and went,
Other pictures
filled my minds eye

but my heart waited.

"We were young, we were foolish."
You said as red pain flinched and pinched
Inside of me.

I grew old.

My Ringlets
as I
Folded more
and more,

I love you.
I love you

I didn't want
To wait
I released you
So many times...

But my soul knew its destiny
better than I could ever imagine.

How many distractions do we occupy ourselves with,
A dinner of Momentary pleasures
As the deep spirit in our belly
Begins to give up on our truest song.

I waited.

I waited
You birthed
A seed within me
That started to grow

A magnificent flower

Faded winters
Faded windows
Wilted flowers.

I waited for a spring that never came.

like puzzle pieces.

How come you waited,

Until I was gone
To come kiss my fragile body
And tell me you knew?

You knew
a force of great power
played a hand
In the magnificent tale
We were assigned to

You knew.
I knew.

We knew.

We knew
as a thousand
feelings sparked
Through our
When we first held hands
And all the times we touched

We knew.

And we waited,

We waited
fear pulled us
from that
great power that
between us.
We waited for a strength to arrive
that lived inside us all along.

Fairy winged
and laughing,
we ran through
orchards of apples
and lilac blossoms.

We knew.
We knew.

But did we listen?
Don't wait
when love comes knockin'
Dive deeply
Into the mysteries before you.
662 · Feb 2015
Heather Moon Feb 2015

­How long do we stuff our thighs

With evolutions lies

I watch on as another tower

Hits the skies

And I'm singing

the blues



for what do I know

But that your taking the land

Stopping seeds to grow

so you go

And build a supermall

So we can continue

To stuff our faces like pigs

That's evolution

We need to create jobs for the economy

So therefore we need to eat ****, use ****,

and cause children in poor countries ****

because we are so enslaved

to this system endoctrined within us

Engrained in an empty train

Of ******* ****.

We're a tribe of too many

Listening to some rat pack  

Who has no clue

What to do

why not freedom and trust

Wipe away the rust

That lingers on this falling world .

Who am I to know?

Of course there's more to it,

It's really quite complex

I don't know what's next

But I think it's time we stop living **** lies

Supermalls on the rise

And stop the poverty

Hello food sovereignty

Breathe Heather



I love you all,
Let's do this <3
My intentions are not to blame a singular person, we're in this together and together shall unravel into a better way.
Written in anger and frustration at a 5am car ride into the city after spending too long hiding in the country.
660 · Feb 2015
how I spend the full moon
Heather Moon Feb 2015
Mysterious nights
Wandering gypsy

A Chinese restaurant hucks hot water
Into darkness,
Steam curling into grey-orange skies

I imagine diners inside,
the cheery laughter and the loudness,
Someone else's life plays out in picturesque scenes.
while light mist falls outside, they sit inside, recalling old memories, warm fuzzy smiles,
Blurry images racing and rambling around in my brain.

I continue onward.

Crackle-painted doorways
Metal stairways
Prayer flags,
Hanging trinkets
Gypsy delights
Colorful this and that's,
And the occasional stretch of silence.

Full moon,
Black cat

At the crescent slip
I met a wrinkled woman
With a crow
On her shoulder.
A bizarre night it twas
654 · Jan 2014
Heather Moon Jan 2014
I was there when you were
Washing the tides of moon dust
in your paint speckled pants
Hitting the high beams of the football structure.
I was there in that autumn breeze
while you tossed everything you knew
into the air
Pigskin soaring over metal framework
The empty field
in some city outskirts
I watched on by the red berries,
the holly tree,
my scarf waiting around my neck for some hands to tug it,
make me drop my school books at my sides
I fell  rapidly,
you intrigued me.
I stayed to watch you
Use all your might
Watch how you grasped the world
And  watched how you threw yourself
and every speckle that danced within your heart and any mark
upon your white canvas into the millions of space particles before you.
Putting your soul into that little oval ball
By yourself
A fetch game
With no dog to retrieve the loose end
But you
Holding the air.
654 · Jan 2014
Only The Puddles
Heather Moon Jan 2014
The process but not the finished item
I wanted to learn but I didn’t want to continue
I enjoyed
The process
The mistakes
Because there was no pressure for perfection
No questions of infinity
No senseless thoughts
No shapeless ideas
They were what they were
They were accepted and cherished
I could laugh without judgment
It wouldn’t be so permanent
Like building sand castles
With the knowledge
That soon the ocean would deface them
But still, hours would be spent
Before the mighty tides washed away
The creations
Free of thought
But filled with being
Do not let this harm you
Because we learned
Crying ourselves to sleep
Clutching hands
As we jumped the mountain
Into this new realm
Of endless possibilities
We fought the storm together
And we made it
But that does not mean
We will fight every storm together
New scents will linger
And we will discover more about this world
But we will not have
The same naive charm
As we once did
So take this
As a weapon
Not a ****** dagger
wounding flesh
Create and evolve
Into this world
Release yourselves from the womb we created
The air is fresh
it stings
But soon the scar will heal over
And you will smile
At the nonsense
Because it packed your bag
Now ready
Surge through
The thousands
  And remember to love for all it is
650 · May 2014
hum hum...
Heather Moon May 2014
I'm loving this rain.
Listening to it hit the tin roof of this wooden jungle home,
dreaming of the little grey island back home,
The familiar sleepy feeling found in all rain,
feeling it cast over houses,
dreaming of a scene where I am thinking
whether to put another log in the fire and snuggle back into bed beside a man,
a man I love
with three days of stubble on his face
And to just lie thinking about things.
Or whether to start a *** of coffee
or just keep sleeping until the sounds of silence,
of finished showers,
awake us.
I lie dreaming
of family,
of chickens and kindling, of sweet angel children
soflty sleeping with baby hands in little fists
and resting under little quilts.
I dream of witch hazel, good soap,
and claw foot baths,
of lush mossy rocks and strong red cedar, of rich abundent apple trees,
they too sleeping in the rain,
black gumboots and puddle green fields,
of forest walks, warm eggs and organic chai tea,
I dream
of the ocean in the rain,
or the city in the rain,
all the different umbrellas.
Everywhere cast under Mama Earths spells of comfort,
of big yawn sleepiness
that follows a morning like this.
Oh my,
oh me,
if I didn't have chores
I could lie forever like this.
Heather Moon Feb 2015

Sobbing into palms on the front porch.
Is this our story?
Highways, rushing speeds, is this our story?

Little Marra's wide eyed opaqueness.
Is this our story?

There's a line in a song, it's Pink Floyd, not their best song, I'm sure a Tibetan monk words it better but I'm lazy. I do not wish to search the google gods to find a deeper way to say it.
The song is "I wish you were here"
The line goes:
"We're just two lost souls swimming in a fishbowl, year after year, running over the same old ground what have we found? The same old fears"

So I'm sitting on a mountain facing new realities.

Is this our life,
Layed out over the back table
like the time **** played memory games with the cards, sprawled over white plastic,
That wooden deck,
winds blowing cards into ruffets of thin air.

Is this our lives,
As we try
to apply
Ourselves to these forces before us,
As we move our bodies to rhythms
Only to deeply aware of
The disposable landscapes

Is this our earth?
As ancient hands
Let sands
Through fingertips
Is this our story?
We ask
When death rips
At family
And we run away from the emotions
Streaming from our lips.

Who are we but souls in bodies
Living out picturesque moments,
Gritty unpleasant moments
All the moments

Is this us holding hands on swing sets at twilight?
Using all our might to hold on
When the rabbit hole has opened and we're slipping down
But even when we've hit the ground
What have we found?

A million moments before us, a million shapes we mold into
Running into open blue
Unwinding into
the only thing
This light behind the minds eye,
Looking into you
until you
is me
is you
is we
What do you see?

Is this our lives on a standstill
Ferocious oceans
Or just moving motions
Broken down to a cell,
Is it hell,
Or heaven as well?
Whose to tell?

We just orbit somewhere between
A gazillion worlds
Trying to place it,
Trying to hold on
But this molecular wind
Is moving strong
We're drifting
May as well sing a song
Get lost, so, so, so lost
Get found
Get wound
Round and round

I heard a Pink Floyd song "we're just two lost souls swimming in a fishbowl year after year, what have we found?"
Nothing yet everything,
so just keep on living it
(whatever IT is)
For all its glory
You get the pen,
It's your story.

I don't wish you were here
I've let myself fall
Until I'm not me at all
How can I wish when
I go swish swish
At the speed of light
Your on your own flight
Diving off the deep end,
Somehow we're still in the fishbowl
No matter how many times we roll
Out of this moat
What's it all about ?
Trying to stay afloat
Or releasing
as this boat
Rocks us deeper
And deeper into
absolute nothingness.

This is our stories

Splayed before the minds eye

So cry all you can cry

And live it for all its glory

Feel all you can feel

You get the pen,

Now write your hearts story.

Early mornings
Trip through my phyche
Drip drops
642 · May 2014
Heather Moon May 2014
Morning of poetry
how it echoes in dimensional chambers.
When I was young,
I recall a dark eyed girl, clutching a strawberry doll,
Hidden behind our parents legs.
silver stillness, eyes of fierceness,
watching me like she might run in an instant,
or like a black jungle cat,
leap out instead.
Silence like ice, stilling the breath,
the air between us cold and heavy.
She was the one to tell the monster
to go away,
I was always the one to let it rest
under my bed.
Let life be,
demons and all.
633 · Jan 2015
a bunch of Silly!
Heather Moon Jan 2015
---The yogi walked into the zen pizza parlor and said: "make me one with everything." The yogi got the pizza, he gave the proprietor a $20 bill. The proprietor pocketed the bill. The yogi said "Don't I get any change?" The proprietor said "Change must come from within"---

The spirit guides say "**** doth happen to us, too. This is why we channel so much of it through you.

Life is sexually transmitted!

My reality cheque just bounced

Clones are people, two

Always try to be modest, and be proud of it

My life has a superb cast, but I can't figure out the plot

I've taken a vow of poverty. To test me, please send money.

" Forgive, O Lord, my little jokes on Thee, and I'll forgive Thy great big joke on me."

One Buddhist monk leaned over to another and quietly asked, "Are you not thinking what I'm not thinking?"
627 · Jan 2014
Heather Moon Jan 2014
It was a rainy night
The trees twisted into the purple sky
I saw a deer
Smile at my curvy thoughts
Spirals of anything wandered
Into the mist
I saw something
I never saw before
Rainbows of colour
Dancing to the Beatles
It was still 1964

I don’t like electronics
Unless I’m really in the mood
I don’t like this superficial goodness
And I don’t like all this inorganic food
I just want some bell bottoms
And a guitar
I don’t want a turn table
Brought from afar
We mustn’t support the greed of the nation
Give me flowers
And love
And groovy peace power
No supermalls and expensive clothes
What happened to thrift stores?
Give me nature and divinity
Give me love and set me free
I don’t want to live in confusion
I don’t want no Nixon,
No Vietnam War
I only want the groove
Of  1964
Come on Harper
Move your coat aside
Let someone cool
Come and take a stride
Give me the days
When an apple was an apple
And Mac was my dead grandpa
Give me the days before a Wal-Mart store
Take me on back to
616 · May 2014
Heather Moon May 2014
Love, trust the heart completely. So like hippies we drove a van into the sunset, sweet grass, aviator haze, straw hat chins to the sky, singing from our hearts, barefoot desert land, oncoming moon on the western horizen, crisp of an orange glow left on the desert mountains in the east, moon and stars, dream catcher dangling, quietly breathing, sleep calling me like a child, sorrow and love sinking in, warm cool air, sighs of release, goodbye. Life, simplified, always pursue the heart, surrender and release, deal with you{re stuff, cry, release, yoga, it becomes easier the more pain we release, tension is built up pain. Western medicine isn{t very neccasary, trust, visit death, lose attachment, the soul will never die. Lose fear, fear is opression, surrender to the luminous love light of the one. freedom.
another journal entry, another adventure, secretly miss home.
601 · Jan 2015
Long Chenpa
Heather Moon Jan 2015
“we should cast aside all childish games that fetter and exhaust body, speech and mind; and stretching out in inconceivable nonaction, in the unstructured matrix, the actuality of emptiness, where the natural perfection of reality lies, we should gaze at the uncontrived sameness of every experience, all conditioning and ambition resolved with finality.”
Thank you for taking the plunge
584 · Jan 2015
Heather Moon Jan 2015
"Animals Share with Us the Privilege of Having a Soul"      

I've got a sonoran soul,
a wild cat soul,
a soul that lives for sunsets.
That runs with jagged teeth,
Until one corner of the Earth meets the next.

I've got a feirce soul,
A passionate soul,
A soul that howls,
until everyones been fed.

A red, red, red, orange, amber soul that Rips and Bites and loves so fiercly that often it hides away,

Just like Ernest Hemingway said:
" The best people possess a feeling for beauty, the courage to take risks, the discipline to tell the truth, the capacity for sacrifice. Ironically, their virtues make them vulnerable; they are often wounded, sometimes destroyed."

But destroyed I am NoT,
I've got a soul that rOcks me, quAkes me, and shaKes me from my sleepy grave.
I've got a soul that doesn't give up,
I've got a strong soul,
a tigress, a sassy *****, a roaring stormin fire sista!!

And I've got a spirit...

A spirit that hums like a soft love bird, a spirit that loves to lie in backs of hippie vans and watch the sweet dangle of ornaments.
A spirit that listens, that wraps my arms around my chest,  a spirit that calmly braids my hair,
a spirit that washes me like the oceans tides that roll over vast sands to cleanse the gentle earth.

A spirit that caresses, soothes and nurtures. A spirit that lives for the sunrise, a spirit that coos as the day lifts over mama cedar.

So the soul lives for sunsets, the spirit for sunrise,
and I,

At the stillness of my core,

I live for the darkness
that happens between the two worlds.
570 · Feb 2014
Heather Moon Feb 2014
From the jagged peaks of my warrior mouth
a voice comes, it's screaming out
Abolish those old woes  and leave behind
the stones you never turned,
hold onto what made you strong,
feel fire within you burn.

Theres and ancient warrior within me, a goddess of strength, her flames taint me, her truth woven deeply within. She is with me when I am alone in the forest, the deep serene misty green, or the ocean, the calm sea foamy oblivion.
Etheral wispy spirits.
This warrior, she prevents my fear.
I can feel her wrath inside of me.
I feel her when I run, like buffalo, through plains of unstained soil.
I feel her roots branch from my toes trailing up and through to my soul,
she holds me, she kisses me, and she moves me, moves me like water streaming from the mountains top.
553 · Jan 2014
Faded grace
Heather Moon Jan 2014
Black wings shoot through the sky
1000 lifespans of smooth power
And then
The fall
Black wings cascade to the gritty cement
Feathers of darkness
A solid body
Staggering forward
The orange lights stinginess crushing down
Reaching forward
Long nails clawing at smooth brick walls
Brick walls covered in **** and human filth
The wings climb forward
Reaching forward
Gripping the dusk
Holding onto the new day
Grasping the new feelings
The new concepts
The same world
The same body
552 · Jan 2014
Heather Moon Jan 2014
It s nothing
And anything
I am
A fish
Swimming to the surface
A bird flying from that surface
To the moon
A star reaching the galaxy
It isn’t words
It isn’t anything
Or nothing
Just continuously drifting
Its breaking
Or creating
It is you
And it is anything
545 · Jun 2023
Heather Moon Jun 2023
Look at me
In all my ugliness
Look at me in all my beauty
Lips quivering to overcome
This separation
Do you dare to see me in you
And do I dare to see you in me?
Freeing from the illusion
That we are not of the same essence
Welcoming in
This raw reflection
Boldly growing twisting witch
Primordial tiger
Deer of death
Opening the gateway
The ravens mystery
Be bold
Dare to grow
To this wild witchy hearts twisty curvy song
543 · Feb 2015
Heather Moon Feb 2015
I am not an introvert,
Nor an extravert.
Not a boy,
nor a girl.
Not a this
Or a that.
Not a sloping number
Nor a climbing stat.

I am not
Green, Blue, Yellow, Red!
I am not defined
By pasts I have said

Perhaps I am a fairy
The next day, a butterfly

I am nothing and everything

Just orbiting here
Between Earth n Sky

No need to shape
This essence before me
I am what I am
And I'm not sorry. <3
522 · Feb 2014
Heather Moon Feb 2014
Red rain,

Like suburban sunsets
war has taken hold of Fate,
closed hands in.
red rain pouring down from
lightening grey skies
empty outskirts
of people
walking through
deserted streets
hushling and shuffling inside

a bomb hit the town
the day the red rain came down

people sitting in homes
hiding away in fear
yet some scream
they have no sanctum here
Street children
Are all gone
And little the little ruddy
whose leftover
Is left all alone
with silent cries
afraid men in boots will hear
his empty gafing
into chilled air
he hides in an alley
his knee cut right open
and to the bone

he hides behind a dumpster
in the shelter of the rain
while men in iron clad gear
scuffle past cold metal frameworks
of what used to be a fence
and back out the alley and returning to the streets
where shops sit devastated
or nothing left from where
a building stood
ruins of the castles
that labour built up
now gone to waste
breaking down the empire
a mighty kingdom
Of human sacrifice
hard work
to grind the stone
and put it in it's place
and now gone
by bombs and
cold blooded

A woman,
I saw her scream
she held a child in her arms
behind her there were flames
raging like a beast
and open fire arms
guns like whips
shooting quick
she ran for her life
but still they shot her down,
I think,
or the fire got her

I wish I could reach out and help
but I only knew
that in the end
they would have shot two
If I stepped up to my plate,
had I thought for a moment,
death is better fought in a raging battle
then to meekly grow old
and shrivel like a raisin.
No longer shall I stare
gravely at my hands.
if such a situation
should again arise
I'll put my soul in trust
and pray for heavened skies

And still, to this day,
the brittle lies
of my countries ways
tell me these people
are the enemies
but I can't help but to think
that isn't so
I stood solemn while I watched my insides punch at me
scream at my betrayal
tall I stood
with my chest to the air
I tried to stomp back the truth
thinking I could escape the air
by raising my head tall
but if I stopped
my effort
limp it hung.
I could not grasp
what I had done
I did what they told me,
wasn't that correct?
tall I stood
like a statue
The ones they would make for us back home
and I could not help but feel
That any statue
With my face,
no matter the size
could not bring me back what I lost
When I looked into that
womans eyes

the so called enemies
they share the same filth
The same soul and cells that make up matter
with a being of beauty on the inside,
all striving for something greater,
accepting and living life with flaws
going home at the end of a hard worked day
and greeting their love with a warm exhausted smile
and sitting in a lamplit room
on a rocking chair
covered in a knitten blanket
or by a bedside table
poking through words with reading glasses
sipping at their tea
with parched lips
stumbling now and then
to silently thank for
what they have.
Reading to their children,
fulfilling the little ones
curious and eager desires.

It pains to see the universe within them
when their faces
met mine
and I could see the Ocean
and the moon
and all that is divine,
then I saw it melt away
by the twist of grubby hands
from men who had no clue
what world they were living
when once a work hat was put on
walked away
from all
that they knew

and so red rain
Begins to fall
on the shoulders of
us all
It opens the mud
of the ground
and leaks
into the heart

The great and mighty sky
with clouds of coal
And ashen grey
boil together
lost in a swirl
then they too break out
from all that they held

the red rain
pours down
creating puddles
and dripping like a spoat
the mother
who too
needs a soak
to wash away
what we left on her earth
and what we did to her people

The red rain
It satisfies our sorrow
it cleanses us of our pain
and helps to wash away,
in the wakes of our betrayal,
what we left lying

but even rain
does not take from me
the sounds of people crying

  the red rain it hits                                            
everyones shoulders                
everyones shoulders        
including mine.
Dreaming upon memories of war stories,
perhaps it's this city rain
looking through old family
photos again, a bit choppy.
514 · May 2015
twist me open
Heather Moon May 2015
I am just a bleeding heart
a red fist left fence less in your outpost
I am a secret fire
that hoarsely rages on

I am a farmer
a worker
heading home at dusk
down dusty dirt roads
blindly walking forward
with hazed eyes
sweated brows
soiled hands

I am not a coward

but my will is weak

I am a wounded heart
that wails underneath the heavy iron gates
left deeply locked
in the echo-less chamber of my soul.

And you are just a vein less key
with the magic dialling
that tauntingly turns my iron gates
but never full opens me

You are a cage keeper
and I'm just a bird in love
waiting to be free

my ****** heart
and how it pleads in chirps
to show you it's worth
but time is needed for rebirth
and right now I am just a shell of what I once was
and have yet to become

Freedom exists within

they now say

(perhaps to keep revolutionary thoughts at bay)


I'll close my eyes harder
endure what I can

and try

with all my might

to make these
skyline pleasant dreams

of you

wither away.
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