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Heather Feb 2012
You were never proud
My crys screamed loud
I laid in the shade
Used your rusty blade

Wrists drip blood
Tears start to flood
I cut myself
Feelings on the shelf

Lost all hope
Tightened the rope
Kicked the stool
What a fool

I hung there for hours
Through sorrowful showers
I hung there for a day
The price I had to pay

My heart grew cold
My soul was to old
I dealt with our strife
You still ****** up my life

My decaying body was a sick sight to see
I hope you can tell that you did this to me...
Heather Feb 2012
I'm giving up on you...
I try to make you happy, no matter what it takes
You tell me not to call so much
I haven't called in weeks
You tell me we can't see each other
I haven't seen you since late September
You tell me we can't be anymore
I haven't kissed you since that day
You tell me I can't love you
And so I never speak
Yet still you put me down
Saying things that rip my heart out...
I never complained until now
The words you call me might be true
And that's only 'cause I can't stop loving you
Even thought I don't want to do this
I know I have to...
I'll never call
I'll never see
I'll never kiss
I'll never speak
I'm leaving you alone now
Like you've always wanted
I hope you're really happy
Because my heart is dead!
Heather Feb 2012
Have you ever stopped to look around?
Yes, ashamed at what I found.
When looking around what did you see?
The wasted lives surrounding me.

What is it, sad, that shamed you so?
People who thought time moves so slow.
How did you realize not to waste time?
By seeing how life can stop on a dime.

Why worry about the ones you hold dear?
Because losing my friends is my greatest fear.
How don't you waste Gods gift from above?
By spending more time with the ones that you love.

How do you make each special moment not past?
By living each moment like it was your last.
What do you hope to come of this rhyme?
For people to stop...wasting their time.
Heather Feb 2012
I think I've been in love before...but that was all not true
I really know what love is now thanks to meeting you
Your eyes have sadness that match my heart
Once I looked in them I knew we couldn't part

...I know I'm not the one for you...because you said so
And since you're so amazing I guess I'll trust in you

I might be writing this because I need you more than that
...but at least I have a perfect friend that says they'll never leave

You're the best thing thats ever happened to always will be

Just the sound of your voice or the sight of the back of your head gives me the courage to fight the world.

I wish you could see past my wall that I've put up...I heard you can see the "real" anyone...

So why can't you see the ******* her knees begging to be good to you?

I can't even get a chance...all i can do now is glance

And dream a dream of you knowing what I try to hide...
Heather Feb 2012
Hey! Can you see me? I think I'm invisible...
Hey! Don't you hear me? I think I'm invisible...
Hey! Shouldn't you feel me? I think I'm invisible...
I'm talking to myself...I know I'm invisible...

What do you mean no one's reading this?
What do you mean no one's watching me write this?
What do you mean no one cares about this?
I'm still talking to myself...I know I'm invisible...

Doesn't everyone feel like this?
Doesn't everyone lose friends like this?
Doesn't everyone talk like this?
No one's answering...I know I'm invisible...

I thought all people were alone like this.
I thought all people saw things like this.
I thought all people were crazy like this.
I guess I'm just weird...and that's why I'm...

Heather Feb 2012
It's just so hard, I keep on trying...but never getting anywhere
I keep on crying, feel like dying...something is wrong with the air
Stuck in a rut, can't claw my way out, these days go on forever
Something turning, something shifting, this is much stranger weather
Getting so angry, feeling so alone, your touch feels like sandpaper
Trying to smile, faking this smile, but I need to give into this anger
Writing this down fills me with has not ever truly helped
I've been mad, I've been sad, I've been everything else...but this is something I've never felt
Heather Feb 2012
When I see the snow fall I remember how I fell in love with you...
Still 'till this day our love is so pure and true
The kiss of the flakes meeting the ground
The kiss of your lips against mine.
Still 'till this day my heart flutters and my stomach turns for you
Dreamt of your arms, your kiss, your warmth...
But dreams are only in your head.
Seeing you everyday, and then having to walk away
Walking out into the blistering cold that I felt on the outside and the in...
When love is real, you can't turn from it, so I let the game begin.
I was so scared to be loved by you, I was so scared this dream wasn't true
Every time the snow hits the ground...I remember all of these things.
As scared as I was, you wouldn't turn away and said you were here to stay
Now your arms, your kiss, your warmth are all around me...
and I never want to let it go
Dreams do come true, and thanks to you...
I can do anything!
Your love for me melted the snow in my heart and the sun melts the snow on the ground.
But when it it always does, and the first flake hits again
My mind goes back to that special place where I first felt your arms around me...
And I knew it was finally true
And I knew you were the one
And I knew I'd go through anything for you
The thought of your face, your eyes, your smile, your laugh...just everything about you
Sends shivers down my spine, and it always will...
Still 'till the day that I die
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