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Calvero Jul 2014
I wonder if he knew I was there.
My father, that is.
We were not very close at that time.
Typical things
Hair too long
Wasting energy on foolish things
And on foolish friends.
He worked too hard for nothing I wanted
And I worked too hard at nothing.
Words grew sparse with increasing distance.
When the time came that I was not quite a man
And he dwindling away.
I would go to the hospital on my lunch break,
Creep into his room.
At first he put on the brave face
"Gonna fight this bear"
But the bear was tireless and metastasized.
Often when I arrived, ***** and sweat stained
He would be asleep
And so I would sit nearby
And if he woke we would talk.
I would encourage him to eat
And he'd say "I'll try".
But often my time would pass
His eyes still closed.
And I would creep back out.
Decades later, I wonder
Did he know how many hours I spent
Wordless and waiting.
Unaware of what I needed to say
And believing there was nothing worth hearing.
Calvero Aug 2014
These days each night I
See lights dancing with the wind -
Nice firefly displays.
Calvero Oct 2014
she pushes
my buttons
like a puppet
on a string
she plays me
in shadows and in gray
her hands
so easy
I don't see it coming
but I dance
all the same
a trick lucky clown
when she kisses me
that I stutter
and fall
the game
playing me
but i play on
she plays on
until I tell her
I love her
she plays me
in shadows and in gray
Lays on
Calvero May 2014
Sometimes I wish to
To be like my good friend, wind
Calvero Feb 2014
every day presents
a new gift
Calvero Jan 2014
the arid breeze,
fields of wheat when I see
her glow, her gaze.
Calvero May 2014
Just one wish I have-
To have her gentle heart as
My home forever.
Calvero Jan 2014
The movie I watched that day...
was an extremely boring movie
about spies and romance.
Only when the main character's superior,
the lover's father, said this one line,
¨It's when you miss each other, that's when your feelings of love awaken¨...
did my heart quietly feel something.
Calvero Dec 2013
Inside I am hurting
though I am supposed to stay strong
Need to move past
all this romance gone wrong
I felt my heart breaking
I held on to my pain,
loyal to the end,
despite my disdain.
Still with reckless fashion
and burning desire,
I abandoned those dreams,
extinguished that fire.
I would love forever if given the chance.
But I'm weary now, too tired to dance.
Why are things so complicated?
Calvero Dec 2013
My eyes are there.
Please see me as you wish.
It will not hurt.
Something about honesty
Calvero Jun 2014
Rhyme or not, life is
A beautiful verse written
In vivid colors.
Calvero Feb 2014
Like a hummingbird
Heartbeat races at the thought
of nectar kisses
Calvero Oct 2014
there are no heroes,
no demons, no gods,
--no you, no me, no us
Calvero Oct 2014
seeing his children
now all grown up, he wonders:
where did the time go?
Calvero Feb 2014
a glimmer of hope
boys in bars with sculptured hair
girls trip on their heels

where, where are the men?
smear faced desperates lament.
not in the club scene.

and these boys care not
a woman could scar ego
so they pursue girls
Just going off of what's seen in movies and whatnot, I never really experienced the "club scene."
Calvero Dec 2013
I want peace and clarity.

Is that not a desire?

What is acceptable?
Just what is
Calvero Dec 2014
the nun
loves Jesus
but heard the devil was a real looker
Calvero Aug 2014
her playful scowl ruined
her every effort to chide
Calvero Nov 2013
They're a funny thing
You choose things, a word - maybe even a person -
Who you tell yourself really matter
Then you just forget
And maybe what you think matters really just doesn't
Calvero Feb 2014
Life's not a problem
to be solved, but a gift to
be experienced.
(paraphrased from Kierkegaard)
Calvero Feb 2014
Memories of Love,
forgotten not, linger still.
Melancholy Smile
Calvero Dec 2013
Can you just stahp?
Can you tell the truth

  . . . to me?
  . . . at least today?
  . . . maybe tomorrow?

Truth hurts, truth soothes.
Truth is change.
Sad man
Calvero Feb 2014
verily I say
there is no truer moment
than the one right now
Calvero Jul 2014
Pride runs deep
in the response to critique
believing truth is yours to speak
instead of accepting the thought is complete

Pride creates vanity
when we portray personal perception of sanity
as a means of clarity
to support our desire to shape humanity
ignoring our own profanity
that exists in one's own mind

You reek of pride
hiding behind your glass wall
thinking yourself to know enough
when you know nothing at all

Oh Babylon you sit
on your thrown of ancient stone
will you forever sit there
until Christ has you overthrown?

Leave me alone.
Calvero Jan 2014
When I'm older...
I'll think back to this moment.
It will be like those fireworks appearing all of a sudden,
then disappearing.
And it will leave
a memory in my heart.
Calvero Jul 2014
I miss my voice.
I miss speaking clearly with precision.
With words attempting to paint a vision.
Consistent monotonous syllables pouring
from a mouth connected to a brain that
functioned at a quick pace and found
each word a place.
A learned habit.
Diligently sought.
Quickly forgot.
But I celebrate.
Words will flow freely,
my brain will think purely,
words will be sublime.
With ease I will speak,
with the display of tender
and meek,
reflecting the God I seek,
proof that Christ makes
the strong from the weak.
No worries.
No fears.
Knowing love.
Crying joyful tears.
Calvero Oct 2014
you can carry them with you
wherever you go
drag them across the earth
but they will only take
where the soil is right.
it can be years of looking
and prodding
before you find the patch
that's right.
but when you do
the roots will take immediately,
and you'll grow again
you will grow.
Calvero May 2014
when I fall asleep
I dream of being with her
morning light wakes me


go through the motion
of another empty day
I can't think of her


if she were still here
we'd spend each moment for love
our time so well used
Calvero Jan 2014
Running, almost I
Can see the school from here-
Sweetheart is waiting.
Calvero Oct 2014
shy hand
played slow blues tuned
to you
skip a beat

up for


deep decades

aching tooth

broke off in saying
i love you
Calvero Jun 2014
Working in the field
The hot sun beats down on me
I hear the whip crack
Calvero Feb 2014
peaceful snowflakes
calm the raging campfire
Calvero Nov 2013
Your insight is a book the asleep can read,
And your wording is a message the angry can receive.
Your innocence brings the influence of a child tugging at your sleeve,
So know, wherever you find yourself, you were brought to lead; born to be all the good that's rare to see.
Calvero May 2014
if i could i would
skillfully navigate through
though it causes pain

i'll get there somehow
by hook or by crook they say
paddle up-river
Calvero Aug 2014
they say it's about now that i'd hear:
"learn to be a man"

he must still be learning
Calvero Jan 2014
Chocolate given on February the 14th can have many meanings...
They can be a form of love letter...
A kind of insurance, or even bribe, to ensure continuity of good relations...

And then...

There's the kind that I've got my eye on... might call itself "chocolate" and it might taste sweet...but it's more like a bomb.
Chocolate gifting on the 14th b/c of love, courtesy, or social obligation, is a popular custom.
Calvero May 2014
The biggest *******
Confesses he's an *******
Over and over
Calvero Dec 2013
I should do something
It's not going to go away
Time lasts forever
My procrastinative mind knows no bounds
Calvero Jun 2014
I think she is great.
When I see her face I see
the face of kindness
Calvero May 2014
Something we all know-
A simple smile is pure gold
When you are lonely.
Calvero Oct 2014
surface tension-
a drop of rainwater
caresses a leaf
Calvero May 2014
claims that is the ladies room
but it stinks in there
Calvero May 2014
Sun is moving west;
dark clouds are going east. Then,
the sun disappears.
Calvero Jul 2014
the weight of friendship,
like a cement feathered bird,
will you show me yours?
ehhhhh. noot right
Calvero Sep 2014
Like a work of fiction, this is something that just isn't true.
Calvero Oct 2014
walking through forest-
i close my eyes and enjoy
birds and wind singing
Calvero Jun 2014
shallow roots
the slightest breeze
a torrential event
Calvero Jun 2014
feeling too much makes you weak
men are dogs, I see

confirmation needed
who this is, is hard to know
preciseness please god

My gods are living
my gods breath, guide me softly
then abandon me
Calvero Aug 2014
her trite words,
forming trite sentences,
trite ideas.
a trite person.
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