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Calvero Oct 2014
alarm clocks blink noon
blacked out evidence
finally a day off
no idea what to do
Calvero Jun 2014
My head resting on
Her shoulders-Imagining
A common future.
Calvero Jun 2014
It is not easy
Understanding the feelings
Of unhappy hearts.
Calvero Sep 2014
Between life and death
On the brink of disaster
Breathe in that next breath
Calvero Feb 2014
Insomnia strikes!
Waiting hours, mere boredom.
The result: haiku!
Calvero Feb 2014
at last the sun shines
dark dreary days are over
and the earth reborn
Calvero Feb 2014
clipped wings and encaged
la paloma no vuele
no puede cantar
Calvero Feb 2014
my demons follow
wherever I go. stop that!
leave me alone.
Calvero Oct 2014
everytime I see her
i miss her
Calvero Jun 2014
"Hi" I said-Looking
Back I noticed she was
Not smiling at me
Calvero Dec 2013
And like light
You are a constant in my life
Light is a constant in Physics and is usually denoted as c, hence the title.
I feel forced to note that light only travels at a constant in a vacuum.
Calvero Jan 2014
So let me hold your hand...
so my heart doesn't waver so much.
Calvero Nov 2013
So deep.
Calvero Jul 2014
Don’t spend too much time with clouds
They are merely evaporations
And cannot be trusted with your life
They may dance and play
In the sky all day and resemble many things
But just because you see a cloud
That makes you shout out loud
It is not your prophecy
Be skeptical of those who paint the sky
With every imaginable pattern as they fly
For they know not what they are doing
As they glide from one horizon to the next
What begins as a rocket ship
Could soon become a dinosaur that then
Might release its weight to begin again
To evaporate and create something
Or nothing to which you can relate!
Calvero Oct 2014
she learned early on
it was to be her own coat
that would keep her warm
Calvero Jun 2014
Walk through the park-So
Cold I can almost *******
Next hot chocolate.
Calvero Feb 2014
Nonsensical crap
Written down in worthless prose
Such a waste of time
Everything I write.
Calvero Nov 2013
Genesis is a little *****
A little *cuntnugget
Cuntnugget = Genesis
Calvero Mar 2014
The curve – soft – speaking
fast then slow
then not at all
dancing – whitewalls
jumping – up and out
and so excited
and lifted from the very top
making something
built up
a humming in the ear
cause I can't laugh or sing
that I see
that I dare to see and write
as if others hadn't written before
but dressed as a savage
that does not care to lose
or fight but sing
so funny
a hit of *****
we'll see
written 18th century
like it's new
to have a little fun
in the absence of anything
truly beautiful
that I can undress
and write again
after having a light
and grass that folds over
and a room full of armor
and soft
and moving
towards an end
where I can make it silly
Calvero Jul 2014
dad, he's outside now
under an umbrella, head in his arms
tapping his finger on his muscle

is he cowering right now?

he's hurt and he has been
for a while now at least

but I don't understand

why would he cower
into the confines of
his own arms, his own flesh

does that mean the problem isn't him?

is it us then?
we aren't the greatest of children
little ambition, little to show for what he gave

but i don't think we ever wanted any of this

dad, you had goals, the ambition we lack
you left it all, with no reason, and I know
now you're faced with regret

but i don't think he ever wanted any of this

for brother cares for your happiness,
he's just twisted from the life you gave him,
a life he doesn't blame you for


the sisters love you,
they'd give all they can for you,
but sometimes it seems it's not enough for you

meanwhile these exchanges go on...

I'm just scared that I won't live up
to the life you left behind

having no ambition grants me peace of mind
because then at least I know what I am

having no ambition ruins the clarity of my mind
because then I know less of what I am

and right now, you're cutting your hair.
I only do that to relieve myself of what I don't want to feel

why are you doing it?
one shot, first time trying it out with something lengthier
Calvero Aug 2014
all i have are half-hearted
bets i always lose
Calvero Oct 2014
the essence of love
permeating time and space
eternal music
Calvero Feb 2014
Dusty vases
tell a tale of romance
Flowers left to wilt
Calvero Nov 2013
Permanently limp
Entire dreams crushed
Never to rise up
I remain flaccid still
Loving lost
Entire dreams crushed
Calvero Oct 2014
everything she is
sounds like poetry, music
a life lived in dream
Calvero Jun 2014
Go even long distances
Just to kiss the sea.
Calvero Apr 2015
Three months pass
Shadows growing longer
Head taller than the rest
Calvero Jan 2014
It tasted like coffee... was bitter.
But somehow, sweet as well.
Calvero Sep 2014
yellow broken eggs
super glue cannot fix shells
last year we were friends
Calvero Jun 2014
gentle breeze day
passionate panorama
the trees dance.
Calvero Feb 2014
she laughed
breeze swept her hair
wind tickled neck

lines on his face
every time he saw her
Calvero Nov 2013
I haven't tried
Tried in so long
But everything is fine
everything is fine
and I haven't tried.
To myself more than anyone else.
Calvero Jun 2014
Like a volcano
A heart full of hate can blow
Up without notice
Calvero Nov 2013
Her love - The water
That keeps the garden in my
Heart, green and happy.
Cheesy as ****.
Calvero Aug 2014
her compulsion to lie collided with
his appreciation for honesty
Calvero Dec 2013
Limited palette
melancholy, forlorn
All the blues

What is the difference

Sadness has two twins
while forlorn is left behind
melancholy stays
Forlorn is abandoned or lonely.
Calvero Dec 2013
Just an afterthought
in the story of your life.
Calvero Jun 2014
their ashes,
saints and sinners alike,
- clinging to my beard

bottomless brown well,
drop a stone into my eyes,
- listen for the splash
Calvero Aug 2014
she ******* bit back
i love that woman
Calvero Mar 2015
Tell me you just can't 
but with others its easy... 
Thats just disrespect 

There is a difference between can't and won't.
Calvero Jul 2014
I love free falling in a dream
Floating down at tremendous speed
Not a care and not a scare
Because I know I will soon wake up
But if I don’t and reach the bottom
I’ll just roar back up and do it all again!
Calvero Jul 2014
and so we embark on a journey taken by billions,
into an abyss of the unknown,
to reach a realm of infinite possibilities,
where the lines of reality and fantasy are as thin as the walls of a soap bubble...
in short words,
I'm going to bed.
Calvero May 2014
It is nice to be
important but it's more important
to be nice
Calvero Jul 2014
A runner caught in between a choice of two safe havens; one has greater reward than the other yet outnumbered in foe so the plot thickens whilst the crowd roars in glee at the quick facts and fiction of the scramble.

the critique sounds like bable.

You're ending line feels like a runner
who doesn't have confidence in their ability.
a critique
Calvero Feb 2014
How am I to feel?
Nobody can answer this
Not even myself
It's ineffable.
Calvero Aug 2014
you could see mirth in the curve of his lips
where was it in the rest of his structure?
Calvero Jun 2014
I believe the lie
because I want too believe the lie
nothing's more beautiful
Calvero May 2014
You think you know me
But it's just parts I give you
Fragments of my heart
Calvero Jan 2014
Alegría y tristeza
Al mismo tiempo


Joy and sorrow
All at the same time
Calvero Jun 2014
It's irrational,
why so many pies are round,
knowing Pi R Squared.
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