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 Nov 2013 Calvero
dear you
 Nov 2013 Calvero
thank you thank you thank you
you are fuzzy belly rubs and
unraveling spines
i am
picked scabs and
hard play-dough but
whatever we have right now is
my favorite flavor of
ice cream at
the pier in Illinois
where my mom grew up
thank you
thank you thank you thank you
my phone capitalizes the first letter at the beginning of every sentence
just like my brain capitalizes my first impression of everything
it was good
thank you thank you thank you
 Nov 2013 Calvero
start a poem;
with what?
I choose a word and think: I always start poems
just like that;
I want to be more abstract
and tralala pulchritudinous --
there's a word for you; I used a thesaurus,
how phoney
how transposed and disconnected from my heart
I write

and I know I can do better than that
than this
yeah, I know that
and I'm a strong believer of
creating itself
when it's meant to be created
and that sometimes it's just not meant to be
but when there is so much
filling the heart with wistful agony
and agonizing wistfulness,
creating something pretty
feels pretty good; and you'd think
there'd ought to be something
to write about
if I can feel this much inside of me
if it's that heavy...
I guess
what I'm really trying to say
is that
I'm afraid.
but that's not good enough, is it?
I want to write wilting lilies and papercuts
and stubbed toes and a bit of rage and longing, but mostly
I want to write the truth
and the truth is
I'm afraid
that I'm not enough;

but I know, I know,
that's not good enough, is it?
 Nov 2013 Calvero
Parents, teachers, guardians, all authority figures
have put this importance
this upmost importance
on the loss of innocence
but they have not stood in the shoes of the teenagers of this age
the teenagers who have lost their innocence
(or if you are apart of the lucky group you are on the cusp of losing it)
its not just the physical aspect
in fact it has nothing to do with having *** at all
losing your innocence is much much more.
Its the first time you see your mom popping pills through the crack in the door
its the first time your own sister steals from you so she can fund her ****** habit
its the first time you get slapped
its the first time you slap someone
its the first time you turn to music, or books, or drugs, or drinking just to get out of your own head
its the first time you'll do anything to be numb for a little while
but its not just the bad stuff
no its beautiful too
its that night you got drunk and sat on your back in the grass and had a conversation with the stars
its looking at that lopsided smile, that dimple, and that chipped tooth and feeling something
its making the wrong decision on purpose because you just need the distraction
so basically what i'm saying is the loss of innocence isn't all bad and it isn't all good
but its something that happens to all of us
theres no defining moment
theres no epiphany where you feel the loss like something physical
its not real or tangible
and its not the same for everybody
for her its standing over her moms casket
for him its when he shot up that first time
for me its all the good and the bad that i wrote down and spit out in this poem
And for you... well thats what you have to figure out.
 Nov 2013 Calvero
Life is much like poker
It takes strategy
And with a stroke of luck
You might just win

But, what if you don't?

What if you're a 2?
You can't indulge
The king can
But not you
Not a 2

What unfair rules, huh?
Lucky for us
Sparks exist
To set these cards ablaze

Sparks exist
Only in a certain group of people
And so, we don't follow the rules
I'm proud of that much
In my deck
I am the wildcard
 Nov 2013 Calvero
One sip of champagne
Call me an alcoholic
One sudden outburst
Call me ******
One tear
And I "broke"

But then who cares?

The second she loses her virginity
Who will remember my name?

Label me as a freak
That's perfectly fine
I knew what I was walking into
I knew I'd stand out
Standing without a care
Facing where there is no path
I'll make my own
Don't you worry
There may be a trip or a slip
But that's what makes me more alert
And even when I can't see
I know you're behind me
Either to catch me, or let me fall
But when I rise again
My face will be painted
Ready for war
Think I'll fall again?
Just try to take me down

— The End —