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 Nov 2013 Calvero
George Eliot
It was in the prime
Of the sweet springtime
In the linnet's throat
Trembled the love note,
And the love-stirred air
Thrilled the blossoms there.
Little shadows danced,
Each a tiny elf
Happy in large light
And the thinnest self.

It was but a minute
In a far-off spring,
But each gentle thing,
Sweetly wooing linnet,
Soft thrilled hawthorn tree,
Happy shadowy elf,
With the thinnest self,
Live on still in me.
It was in the prime
Of the past springtime!
 Nov 2013 Calvero
 Nov 2013 Calvero
Chaos, oh Chaos
May you bloom in the midst of summer
As a carnivorous flower

I would burn to see you
to see you catch fire
I would perish to see you

To see you melt our concrete hives
and our asphalt gardens
Would that your petals soar
would that your pollen melt
and your stem detach.

A nebula risen from the mud,
infused with anger and grafted with hatred.
May your desperation feed your flame
that its magnificence would grow and fulminate.
Finally to explode
and consume this miserable plantation
where order is farmed and harvested
like a common fruit.
Chaos, False values
 Nov 2013 Calvero
There is something within me
That I dared not realize was true
Yet I can feel its presence
I can see its anger spew

From within it shouts
And demands to be let out

"You are not worthless"
it says
"You are powerful beyond compare"
But when I finally try to find it
I find it is not there.
 Nov 2013 Calvero
Ruler of wind
Bloodied shadow in the sun
Rotting in the sea
Buried in the sand

Apex of predators
Now bones of Jasper
Gaping jaws
Silent under skylight

Tusk and tooth
Fire and hearth
Spirit of an animal
Shade of a neanderthal
 Nov 2013 Calvero
Can I?
 Nov 2013 Calvero
Can I turn off your brain,
like you do when you kiss me,
so we can just feel?
 Nov 2013 Calvero
lov es
 Nov 2013 Calvero
lov es
She says to me, why do you love me?
And I respond in kind,
purposely avoiding the question because really, I don't know.
It's nothing my senses can describe, and my language is no better.
I say I love you, simply because I do.
Am I pretentious?
 Nov 2013 Calvero
lov es
Bruh, I swear to god
If I catch you on the streets,
I swear to god, bruh
When you know the bus driver sees you running.
 Nov 2013 Calvero
Lorraine day
He sat alone looked blank and stared
Unaware that someone cared

I watched him look at people go by
Then a teardrop fell from his eye

I wondered then
What I should do
I was also a stranger he never knew

Didn't want to infringe upon his space
But he looked up and stared me in the face

I smiled at him
Kindness in my eyes
He then smiled back
To my surprise

I asked if he'd like to join me then
No longer a stranger
He's now my freind

An opportunity by chance
Arose just by a tender glance
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