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May 2014 · 2.0k
my world
My world
In the light of the dark
Lies a space a door really
To a whole other world
You would think its easy to enter
You think thing it's simple
Nothing is simple in life
Nothing is as it seems
But you see my world has
It's own set of rules
Rules that are so wrong
Their right but to understand
Them its a problem in itself
Luck to all who think they understand
The time when you think you understand
That is when you are the most
Enter my world at your own risk
If you can that is
Xoxo the mysterious girl you see in the night lieing under the moon

P.s never trust your mind
In my world your mind won't
Know the difference between
Right or wrong , day or night
My life's a secret care to enter

May 2014 · 526
fairy tale
Child of the pure unclouded brow
And dreaming eyes of wonder!
Though time be fleet, and I and thou
Are half a life asunder,
Thy loving smile will surely hail
The love-gift of a fairy-tale.

I have not seen thy sunny face,
Nor heard thy silver laughter:
No thought of me shall find a place
In thy young life’s hereafter--
Enough that now thou wilt not fail
To listen to my fairy-tale.

A tale begun in other days,
When summer suns were glowing--
A simple chime, that served in time
The rhythm of our rowing--
Whose echoes live in memory yet,
Though envious years would say “forget”.

Come, hearken then, ere voice of dread,
With bitter tidings laden,
Shall summon to unwelcome bed
A melancholy maiden!
We are but older children, dear,
Who fret to find our bedtime near.

Without, the frost, the blinding snow,
The storm-wind’s moody madness--
Within, the firelight’s ruddy glow,
And childhood’s nest of gladness.
The magic words shall hold thee fast:
Thou shalt not heed the raving blast.

And, though the shadow of a sigh
May tremble through the story,
For “happy summer days” gone by,
And vanish’d summer glory--
It shall not touch with breath of bale,
The pleasance of our fairy-tale.
my favorite poem right now
May 2014 · 774
light or dark
Light or dark
Good or bad
Day or night
Cold or hot
So different
Yet so similar
Is it are differences that
Make us so similar
Or is it our similarities
That make us so different
Is everything so black
And white to people that they
Can't see the truth
Or do they just not
Want to
The key to knowing the truth
Is to let go of the
Differences and similarities
And what you know
And just see the truth
See the good and the bad
And really see
Or u won't get the truth at all
Or was it all just lies to begin with
Who knows for sure
But does the truth really matter
If your just getting all lies
To begin with
The real question is
Is what does matter ?


— The End —