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 Dec 2012 haven
 Dec 2012 haven
Love? I have none,
I am pretty sure after this i will be done.
No more blindly stumbling in the dark.
Looking for a bed that isn't empty.
Things go so simply,
lacking that little spark.
No moon shines bright in winter,
Summer comes, all is gone.

I want the ocean,
Paper filled bin,
Discarded notes,
Nothing floats,
no hope, just rope.
 Dec 2012 haven
Lonely Heart
 Dec 2012 haven
Lonely heart
Seeks a spark
A Ray of Hope
or a leap of faith
the beating heart aches
for a serendipitous moment
for the jumbled pieces to fall into place
To form the perfect picture
painted with the strokes of mixed emotions
Lonely heart
Still seeking the spark
To light the fireworks of life..
 Dec 2012 haven
Olga Valerevna
The smolder's flame it fills the room
And I am mixed inside the fume
Not white but gray I cannot see
The world around, in front of me
As I become unweighted scents
The gravity will recompense
All that's stored within the fix
And painted using candle wicks
Flicker bright then fade to dark
I'm waiting for the slightest spark
I'll ask the sun to give me heat
That my cold heart may start to beat
For when I wake from hazy sleep
The dried up ice will melt to seep
I long to walk as I once did
Through heavy smoke that keeps things hid
So pass away, oh dying times
My soul found rest outside your lines
 Dec 2012 haven
Dear dreamer.
 Dec 2012 haven
People dream
but they forget.
But what if a dream could remain as a memory?
What if you wake up but you're still asleep?
Imagining a world the way you want,
with a funny beauty as yours.
But when you wake up..
you start all over again.
 Dec 2012 haven
L Curley
 Dec 2012 haven
L Curley
Give me anybody
Oh give me anybody*

Give me a forest stretching over lakes
Over hilltops unto the land’s end meet
I’ll walk for leagues until my knees buckle
Till I find a sturdy oak to be mine
It shall not be a noble tree, nor grand
But it will stand the weight of my embrace

Branches stretching into cerulean skies
My favourite sight
Sunlight through whispering slices of green
Enclose me in your tendrils
Take me within, my humble oak
I’ll carve out a home for myself
I’ll dust it with hot breath and cleanse with it tears
Live out my days in stoic peace
For wise minds know retreat triumphs
Over the tributary of great feats
Crawling up bodies of bark,
Binding bodies of blood
Tainted blue moss

Let me withdraw into you, I, an oak wife
I’ll weave your ghost-roots into my veins
If my oak should die, let me die too
These badlands are barren and unkind
My legs are made to wrap around your body
They will not bear the stony, unrelenting road
 Dec 2012 haven
Terry Collett
I saw you and that girl
behind the maths block
Reynard said
we were playing ball

and there you were
caught out
the corner of my eye
and as he spoke

you watched Parrot
writing something
on the blackboard
his curly haired head

moving side to side
as he wrote
and you could see
in your mind’s eye

Christina leaning
against the fence
behind the maths block
her eyes lit up

with a young girl’s passion
and you leaning in
towards her
wanting to kiss her

wanting to feel
her lips on yours
but she kept on talking
her lips opening

and closing
like a fish out of water
and her hands placed
over her groin like guards

and she said she wanted
a photo of you  
to pin
to her bedroom wall

and you said you’d
seek one out for her
and she said
she had one

of herself for you
and then she spoke
of her parents
and her mother’s

and about her older brother
which was lost
in the whisper

of her words
and on and on
she went
and all you wanted

was to feel her lips
on yours
in the few moments
you had alone with her

and even though
you leaned in closer
she talked on
and on

her breath warm
and almost liquidy
against your face
her eyes

like small mirrors
dark and sinkable
and just as
she became silent

and you felt it time
for the kiss to come
the bell rang
and she up

and moved
and touched your hand
and left and you caught
a quick glimpse

of her thigh
as she moved away
and Reynard said
did you get your hand up

or get a snog?
just then Parrot
the teacher
turned around

and threw
a piece of chalk
at you
stop the noise

he bellowed
stop the talk.
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