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Harshit Tiwari Nov 2014
I want to tell a story
But its not interesting
Still I have to
As many hopes are resting

For us to understand
The pain they feel
Children they are
Not commodities, for deal

At the age of playing
They are sent to the mill
And are forced to work
Against their will

Not able to move
They are tired to the dead
Still they work
Fatigue tiring them to shreds

Do you not feel
Listening to all this
That instead of pain
They deserve thy bliss

So lets wake up
And take a vow
To find a way out
Which could help somehow

To end thy crime
And help them out
As they are the seeds of future
Which are yet to sprout...
In context to CHILD LABOR
Harshit Tiwari Nov 2014
Whenever I see a dream of love
She is the only one I am able to see
The girl in white

Description of her beauty
I can do for an eon
Each and every curve, I remember

Her eyes have the depth to keep me stalking
And are similar to the moon
With a perfect black dot

And when tears fall,from thy lovely eyes
They are like a leaf petal
Pouring dewdrops down

Her face has the charm
To outshine the stars
It dwells such a grace

Rainbow inverted,would not look so beautiful
As is her smile
The perfect curves on cheeks it makes

Glimpse of luck,she is for me
An angel with no feathers
But with so much love

She is the girl in white,she will always be
As she extracted away
The desolation within me

She is the only dream,which I want to come true
And if it does not,I will never wake up
Just to be with her

Harshit Tiwari Nov 2014
O Gravity
Why you always pull me down?
When I climb the stairs
To reach the top

I want to take a flee
And touch the sky
For that I take a jump
And bash my head

It was you yet again
Who took me down
I hate you for that,your superiority
O yes I do,for you dominate me

O Gravity,why are you so harsh?
Harshit Tiwari Nov 2014
The day I was born,no one was happy
My mother was bereft and father,annoyed

With this gloomy ambiance,I met the world
And decided to live by,considering it a moment

When I became a teen,I wanted to explore
But was chained  to stay ,as I was a girl

Leaving behind the childhood,I went to be an adult
And free to do anything,I felt so relieved

My inherent jumped, from being reserved to gabby
But soon was crushed,with sarcasm and reality

Molested sometimes,Sometimes was beaten
And sometimes was thrown, after using for pleasure

Crossing the adult phase,I became a women
Learned to compromise,and **** all wishes

Caressing my children and taking care of the family
My life became limited,and bound to limits

Then the "Should be" phase came ,which changed my life
And I learned to adhere and fight for my rights

I am not weak,none of the women are
I spread thy word to motivate all

Don't be scared of the vicissitudes of life
Just calm yourself and face thy foe

We will surely win and grab our rights
As the end of tunnel is always with light...
Harshit Tiwari Nov 2014
Here is your handyman, to fix your heart
And each and every feeling ,which is broken apart
Caused by desolation ,and intense amount of pain
Now I'll help you stop,thy tears of rain

You don't need to tell, how broken you are
I can feel your pain,without seeing thy scar
Just free away  your soul, and let it have a  say
The pain it dwelled inside,for someone to hay

Now I am here for you,to free you from the ails
To give you all my love,and extract your gloomy wails
So come cuddle with me,inside the blanket of safeness
So that I can kiss your forehead ,and take away thy stress...
Harshit Tiwari Nov 2014
The desolation of dark
Has caught me in its snare
Making me just inert
Who has nothing left to care

Now walking on the streets
I keep following my shadow
Thinking about the sham grounds
which have made me so shallow

Ample amount of love
Is exactly what I am lacking
And no one by my side
To convince me "Yes I am backing"

Solitary in my misfortune
I am seeking for some tending
But got just hebetude
Which made me more offending

Now that I have no felicity and
Nothing left to lend
I am penning down the sorrows
And waiting for the end
Harshit Tiwari Nov 2014
Standing by the window and smelling the petrichor
I feel the cool wind passing by the door
Thoughts of solitude are piercing through my skull
Making me feel lame ,and my life dull
Sustaining this dilemma has made me paranoid
No matter how I try,I just can’t fill the void
Akin to my tears,dewdrops are pouring down
Defining how the situations have made me just a clown
To escape from the desolation and thy fears to fail
Now I pray the almighty to take away my ails...
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