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Jun 2014 · 731
Gentle Force
The wind is so big.
It forces so much to move
Ever so gently.
Apr 2014 · 592
Life's Authors
Life starts as a blank page,
Where anything and anyone
Can contribute as an author.
Gaurdians carve the page
With passion and love,
But the passion fades away
And the love can change dramatically.
Dreams subconsciously fill the page
While the media whitens them out
And corrects them as fears and nightmares.
Happiness gets erased,
Then saddness stains the page in ink.
Then that one person comes along
To address the page with love.
Paint splatters onto the paper
And colors burst over
The white out and ink.
But as time crumples the page,
The paint chips off
And your lover searches for a canvas.
You remain lost in a stack of papers
As society bleed onto the page.
Your patience wears thin,
And sparks of confusion
Start a flame of anger.
Your life burns away,
You become a pile of ashes,
And realize how little value
One piece of paper can hold.
Mar 2014 · 495
The Garden
It's soothing to listen to your heart beat
As you rest the marvelous universe that sits in your mind.
With hair so soft and a smile that spreads gently like the beauty of a butterfly,
It makes me wonder how much time god had to put into making such a master piece.
Your voice brings more peace than any mother's lullaby could possibly give their baby,
And your eyes are as deep and observant as the thoughts that flow through your mind.
I'm but a tiny bug exploring the garden that has been presented to me,
And to experience all of the wonders that lie within it would take many life times.
So i'll crawl around and be comfortably lost in this garden,
And enjoy every second exploring of it.
Feb 2014 · 1.0k
"Drugs Are Bad"
Insanity is built with
Tabs watered down with an unfamiliar reality,
Ounces laced with a looping escape route, and
Liquor spiked with depression.
Don't try to tell me
“Your problems won’t go away.”
Old dreams are dying and I'm left with an
Unclear path to the future.
Oct 2013 · 681
The Waiting
Although the ticking of my heart
Will someday stop,
I see no limit to how long I can wait.
The journey may be long
But you will know each crossing
I have been through
To find the path that has placed me next to you.
We will walk our paths together
And find our happiness with each other.
Time will become irrelevant
Once our love has been found.
And until then I will wait,
Regardless of when the ticking will stop.
Mar 2013 · 1.4k
Stay Positive
The sun opens our eyes to a fresh start

And we let the day rot.

We beat the clock demanding more time

And burn the wicks of our lives with anger.

Hope is overlooked

As our vision turns to darkness

And life without light becomes truth.

All light appears as a tease,

So we lay in the dark 

In fear of being let down.

Trapping our thoughts in negativity may be easier,

But by reaching for the light, 

We find the strength to free our souls
Jan 2013 · 663
Wake Up
I awake from a dream into a nightmare.
I gain my sense of feel and rise into reality.
It's sad and gloomy to me.
It seems only in my dreams i can truly be happy.
It didnt always seem that way.
You stepped out of my life
And ripped out the dreams
From my reality.
I feel hopeless and lost.
I see my life spiraling down.
I cant find the courage to step back up
I'm forever affected from what was once your love.
Welcome to depression.
Oct 2012 · 1.0k
How I Treated Her
I held her the way i would hold a cup of water,
Firmly around the sides,
Ready to catch each drop that falls out.
But at the same time, i was driving down a rocky road,
I made it a bigger risk that a drop may fall out.

I thought of her the same way i thought of my home.
A get away from the world,
And where i spent my whole day wishing i could be.
But i guess i stayed too long cause i made the house a mess.

I listened to her the same way i listened to my music,
Ignored the rest of the world,
and hummed to the tune of her voice.
But perhaps i hummed too loud and drowned out her voice too much.

I looked at her the same way i look at each star,
Tilted my head and was shocked
by how something could shine so bright.
But the light got brighter and brighter,
And i could no longer see the star as a whole.

I tried to treat her the way i do with my glasses.
Becuase if i broke them,
I'll never see what I've done.
But i didnt not break them, i have scratched it just enough that i cannot clearly see where it is that i am standing.
Oct 2012 · 1.1k
Maybe Later
Troubling thoughts cross my mind when i ponder on my past.
A ****** start from heaven, but how will my story end?
I am not fair to the ones who brought me up
And i'm more concerned with my cliques no matter how short they last.
Instead of advancing in my studies,
I burn time with fluff.
I could change my story at any time
But i chose to let it slip up.
Is it possible that my book is already written
And i have not finished reading?
Or am i working on a first draft that will be revised once i finish?
So much time has been wasted and i know exactly what i would edit.
But for now, i'll finish my story
And procrastinate the editing for later.
Sep 2012 · 931
Crippling Silence
Within a second, the bright autumn sky burned into a dark, smoky nightmare.
7 more hours until school got out,
but only 4 more crashes till the world falls apart.
While cookies and juice were in my hands,
The nation had a situation in theirs.
When I arrived home,
Daddy was staring blankly at the TV.
Mommy hit the couch before her shoes hit the floor.
I sat down with her and watched.
While I enjoyed the movie,
My parents feared the truth.
We watched one building fall
just as fast as my mother's heart.
We saw the second building fall
half as fast as my father's heart.
When the third plane hit the pentagon,
the sudden sound of sadness flooded the apartment.
And as the final plane fell in Pennsylvania,
the night died in silence.
The next autumn morning felt cold and misty,
and I drowned in my thoughts of the movie.
The announcements came on at an unexpected time,
and silence flooded the school
like it did in my house the night before.
This refers to my experience of 9/11. At the time, I was only 6 years old and in first grade. I barely had an understanding of the things that were happening that day and all I can recall is that I thought it was a movie.
Apr 2012 · 800
Depressing Times
As every insecurity creeps into my chest and send shivers through my whole body, i worry about who i have yet to become and what is yet to change.
The cons of a philosopher arent obvious from looking outside, but when you are one, you find depressing times to be harsher than normal. Cause that's when you explore the darker side of philosophy and lose value of life. You think of how pointless our lives are and how in 100 years, the things you have done wont mean anything. You notice that your words can only hold value for so long and when the time comes, you become another careless person of the past or people will question if you ever did exist like jesus or muhammad. You question whether love truly exist or if the things we value are the things we should be valuing. What's wrong with people? How is it that we can share a planet when some of the people view the world as flat and never consider all the dimensions that could possibly exist. What is this ****?
Feb 2012 · 740
Philosophy of Glasses
Looking through glasses is like seeing life through a tv.
You never see what's directly infront of you,
Only what's displayed through the glass. 
Our natural vission should not be redesigned,
because this is how we are have been made to view our lives.
if all you have ever seen of this world was through glass,
Then have you really seen the true life you've lived?
Remove the specticales, and look around you.
This is what you're ment to see.
Everything else should not matter,
Cause it's something you should never of seen.
Feb 2012 · 596
Blinded Opinions
The day you understand that your opinions are not facts is the day you understand why other people can't tolerate you.

But you wont understand until your foot is out of your ear and your eyes are open to these hidden observations.

You've been as ignorant as a child and as mindless as your father. But i guess the apple doesnt fall far from the tree

And no, i'm not quick to judge, i've delt with you for years, but i'm finally old enough to see who you truely are.

So watch where you step, cause when you least expect it, out comes your downfall-- a hidden perspective.
Feb 2012 · 470
Her Everything...
The consistant beat of her gentle heart fills my ears with the great song this world has to offer.  

As i lift my head, i can see all the beauty of the world in the shape of two blue circles that are as clear as the sea.

Nothing will take away the memories of her that have been burnt into my head.

And nothing will dare stand in the way of us, seperating and creating a distance between this bond we have.

We're too close for anything to come between us. Close enough to the point where she steals the thoughts out of my head and echos it out threw her mouth.

And as i sit here, with her in my arms, with trust of protection that i have always wanted to give her, i hear that song, i feel her heart, i smell nothing but her, and i can see everything that this world has to offer me. 

Right in the center of my arms and hidden in the beat of her heart.
Feb 2012 · 786
Cat Like Reflexes
Have you ever noticed the way a cat stares out the window.
Not relaxed, nor pouncing position, but ready.
He sits ready for anything to come through the window. 
If a bird lands, he'll see it. 
If a branch breaks, he'll hear it.
The window is the only thing in sight.
It's his one and only focus. 
Yet, at any given moment,
his lady friend could easily sneak onto him. 
And his focus will stray away from the window, only to focus on her.
And when she leaves,
He'll struggle to stay focused on the same window.
Their purring will echo in his head,
And his focus will forever be distorted by these memories.
Feb 2012 · 764
Broken Record
I approach the record player about once a week.
Debate about making contact with it,
Maybe seeing what it has to say.
But whenever I play with it,
It spits out the same ****** tune each time.
This record player can't play other tunes,
Just the same one over and over again.
I've taken the time to clean the record,
And I spent hours trying to make it play better tunes.
But nothing works.
My dad walks into the room, and begins to play his tune.
"Did you study yet?"
"You'll never amount to anything unless you study."
"But I have. And whenever i do, i get the same results.
Nothing seems to change your tone"
He continues to speak
About how I never put in enough effort,
Along with the beat of the record player.
And he repeats himself always,
Just as the record player does.
Feb 2012 · 1.1k
How to Treat Her
Hold her the way you hold a cup of water,
Firmly around the sides,
Ready to catch each drop that falls out.

Think of her the same way you think of your home.
A get away from the world,
And where you spend your whole day wishing you could be.

Listen to her the way you listen to your music.
Ignore the rest of the world,
and hum to the tune of her voice.

Look at her the way you look at each star,
Tilt your head and be shocked
by how something can shine so bright.

Treat her the way you do your glasses.
Becuase if you break them,
You'll never see what you've done.
Feb 2012 · 647
Best Friends
The walls in your room are your truest friends.
They've seen you weak and strong.
They'll never leave you.
And when you leave them,
they stay put,
awaiting for you to return,
and still willing to hold the roof over your head.
Feb 2012 · 1.1k
RIP Kitty
The angel of death stopped by today.
Swept through the house, took only one away.
Not a sister, not a brother.
Neither my father nor my mother,
but the first on all fours, was the first to go under.
"Go tiger", "Leave", "Go else where", "Go play".
I take it all back, please come back and stay.
Hidden sickness is a killer, of that which we did not know.
But only one of you left, the other left alone.
Almost two years old if the angel left you to stay,
but I'm left with this shovel, preparing your kitty grave.
Feb 2012 · 618
If I were to compare you to anything,
It would most likely be a flower.
So beautiful and colourful,
The kind I'd watch and smell for hours.
Water you, and care for you,
Till you're taller than the towers.

Even then I wouldn't leave,
I'd just watch you even more.
While you're ten stories high,
While I'm six feet off the floor.

But like all trees and plants,
Someone will want you out of their way.
But I'd try my hardest,
To keep you another day.

Stay with you for days,
All night and all hours.
I'll never want to leave you,
My precious, dainty little flower.
Feb 2012 · 581
A mirror never lies,
just smudges the truth.
You didn't really wanna walk beside me.
You just wanted to know where I was going.
You saw enough and made your judgement.
Said it to my face,
left me lost and confused.
Was the mirror still smudge,
or was it finally wiped clean?
Feb 2012 · 563
Forever an Always
You said it first.
But broke it like a twig.
When the trees started to burst,
Off came your wig.

You justified your words,
And blocked my eyes from seeing.
Didn't care what you heard,
Hid your word's true meaning.

I still don't understand.
Maybe I never will.
Was this always your plan?
Or am i just time to ****?

So once again,
I'm standing here with my heart in my hand.
And that phrase of yours that I'll never forget.
With your voice forever in the back of my head.
Feb 2012 · 1.4k
Indecisive Bitch
Decisions. Decisions.
There is just too much for you to choose.
You see it,
You love it.
You get it,
You hate it.
Pick a **** side,
Enough wasting my time.
You stare at the pictures for months,
and it rusts in your closet for the next trillionth.
What was wrong with it?
Does the glove not fit?
Okay, you know what?
I quit.
I don't need your approval to feel like I'm worth it.
I gave you the Earth,
The next day you wanted mars.
When I gave you that planet,
You demanded the stars.
Go ahead and live an indecisive life you little twit.
I'm so done with you, you indecisive *****.

— The End —