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May 2021 · 679
hannah way May 2021
When you don't say good night
I lie next to you
aching for the sound of your voice

You feel so far away
yet in this moment
my skin is touching yours
Dec 2020 · 131
What's new?
hannah way Dec 2020
It's tuesday afternoon
I've been lying in bed
held here
by the thought
of you
Dec 2020 · 188
Your eyes
hannah way Dec 2020
The thing about us—
Not a lot has to be said
For a lot to be felt
h.w. I'm telling you
Nov 2020 · 132
hannah way Nov 2020
You used to make me dizzy
pulling me along like a sticky tide
I would dream of you holding me
whispering little secrets
back and forth
I'd cross my fingers
humming affirmations to myself
Praying I'd get the chance
to be your girl
h.w. roughest draft
Nov 2020 · 128
I'm All Yours (10w)
hannah way Nov 2020
Foolish to suggest forever
when things are just
getting started
Oct 2020 · 142
hannah way Oct 2020
a mere flicker

my time with you
may be limited

but your touch
will be softly eetched
in my mind
as long as I'll remember
Oct 2020 · 159
hannah way Oct 2020
i'm learning what
it means
to enact good karma

noticing the
cycles beginning
instead of ending

and with it
i'm understanding
the power of my

and my actions
i'm sorry i didn't say sorry
Jul 2018 · 396
hannah way Jul 2018
Suddenly, I find myself collecting my past in fist-fulls
wondering why it was all so easy to forget;
how all these memories
managed to burrow beneath
my clumpy brain and remain there,
unharmed yet harmful.
I envy you
silly boy, and your consistent emptiness--
How is it that you are free from your past
while mine begs for forgiveness?
Dec 2017 · 415
best regards
hannah way Dec 2017
i hope you're happy

though i can't imagine you are
with a heart like that
Jun 2017 · 314
hannah way Jun 2017
you are a brilliant display
of the human condition

and the way i love you will
continue to evolve
May 2017 · 1.0k
hannah way May 2017
the opal that embraces
my finger is coupled
by the delicate softness
of your lilac skin
and as i press into you
and pick your silky brain
i manage to uncover more
about myself—
how is it that you
connect my insecurities
and create constellations
out of them
displaying maps across
a milky twilight
Apr 2017 · 502
As I Was
hannah way Apr 2017
I can remember the
shape of your  hand writing
like I remember the
feeling of your finger tips

allow me to
void myself of your traces
and remain as I was—

before I could remember
Apr 2017 · 1.7k
hannah way Apr 2017
your eyes fall upon me
as if I am somehow
familiar yet
undoubtedly unknown

I can't help but
look back and wonder
why the universe
bumped us together
Apr 2017 · 349
You & I
hannah way Apr 2017
are this
thing that
I am

level headed.
Dec 2016 · 706
The Break Up
hannah way Dec 2016
Our dining room table
was too fragile to handle
the force of your fists
you slammed
them down in anger

You shook as you asked
what the **** is wrong with you
I couldn't answer
I didn't know
Dec 2016 · 414
hannah way Dec 2016
You made me coffee
you made me cry

Both were bitter
both woke me up
Dec 2016 · 306
hannah way Dec 2016
You were the first
to touch my pale skin
I pushed, and begged
and now, you say
my name fast
so that you won't taste
the poison
it brings with it
Dec 2016 · 982
hannah way Dec 2016
You sat criss cross
on the floor, naked
at the foot
of a coffee tabel
I thought I could
have loved you
But you could only
love the blow
Dec 2016 · 312
hannah way Dec 2016
The nights between
are stained with
wine and ***
I can lick my lips now
and taste the
I wanted you off
my mind and
out of my heart
Dec 2016 · 899
hannah way Dec 2016
The way he sat
strumming gently
on four strings
with a light softly
touching his cheeks
I couldn't help but be
wrapped entirely
in his existence
falling hopelessly
into that sweet song
Dec 2016 · 640
hannah way Dec 2016
We have completed
the lunar cycle
the phasing of the moon
with each day revealing
more of our bare selfs
you have become a sticky tide
that tugs at my bare feet
begging me to become
one with the water and
learn to fight the land
h.w. (30 days)
Nov 2016 · 688
hannah way Nov 2016
I am a work in progress
And each day I chip away
at who I was
and begin to reveal
who I am
I have started a
revolution within my
bones that has pushed
me to my limits
I have shaken the foundation
of my beliefs and have
shouted in the face of my
Though I will never
be perfect
I will be
true to my nature
Nov 2016 · 1.3k
Pikit Mata
hannah way Nov 2016
I close my eyes
pikit mata
and except my reality
I want a clear head
and the ability to
forgive and forget

I want coastal drives
and earl grey tea
at 8 a.m. on a
wednesday morning

I want to be free
from past mistakes
and escape my
lapse of judgement
I want you
in every way
but somehow
I have to
want myself
Nov 2016 · 335
hannah way Nov 2016
What I wouldn't give to
roll over and walk my fingers
across the sheets
to be met by the softness
of your skin
I would take your chin
between both of my palms
and feel your eye lashes
with mine
I'd kiss your lips and
I would linger
Nov 2016 · 298
hannah way Nov 2016
It gives me goosebumps
when you bite my neck
and pull my hair
I fight myself
attempting to keep
my breathing soft
and to keep you
pressed against
my fingertips
Nov 2016 · 646
I Will
hannah way Nov 2016
I'll make you breakfast for dinner
I'll kiss your lips when you walk
through the door
I'll hang our photos on the walls
so neither of us are ever alone
I'll wake you up when your alarm doesn't
I'll dance around the kitchen in your boxers
laughing and singing
I'll plant a blackberry bush in our garden
I'll love you
I will
(real rough draft)
Nov 2016 · 357
hannah way Nov 2016
Ten hours ago
You held my face within
Your palms and
Uttered the words
I love you
As I looked back at you
I saw you
Your bliss
Your anxiety
Your past heart ache
And I loved you
Nov 2016 · 601
hannah way Nov 2016
I want to write poetry
On your hips and
Pull the words against me
Rocking and twisting
With each other
I want to make art
Nov 2016 · 576
hannah way Nov 2016
Together we'll tackle
Everything from
Breakfast to mountains
And we'll face decisions
Like blueberry or maple
Like climb or trek
And we'll handle it all
With yes dear or
No sweetheart
you're drunk
Oct 2016 · 758
hannah way Oct 2016
1:37 a.m. and your voice
In my ear is distant
Like you're somewhere else

And I grow fearful that
Loving things so simple and
Thinking so plainly
Will bore you

That maybe I'm too little
And too fragile

And soon
you too
will grow tired
Sep 2016 · 399
hannah way Sep 2016
I tell myself
take it slow

3:47 a.m. I inhale
The curling cannabis sinking
deep into my lungs
funny how the taste
reminds me of the softness of
your lips

You tell me
"this one's different"
but baby
I've been sipping death
for years and
you've kissed me twice

Tell me again how this is different
oh how I want it to be
but **** how it isn't
Jul 2015 · 883
hannah way Jul 2015
I want to connect the dots;
To create constellations
across my skin
in the places you've left
blurred bruises with your lips

You've made a map
guiding me away from who I was
and towards
who I will be
h.w. Wednesday
Jun 2014 · 596
Logic (10w)
hannah way Jun 2014
But really
fighting for peace
is like
******* for virginity
Jun 2014 · 390
hannah way Jun 2014
I miss you
there's nothing
else I could say
I just miss you
Jun 2014 · 551
hannah way Jun 2014
I undress slowly tonight
in front of a slanted mirror
and as my clothes drop
slowly with grace to the
carpeted floor
tears begin to slide across
the darker skin under my eyes
What I see in this mirror
is someone not worth remembering
and even I've forgotten
h.w. gosh
Jun 2014 · 1.1k
hannah way Jun 2014
Legends say that hummingbirds float free of time. Carrying our hopes for love, joy, and celebration. The hummingbird's delicate grace reminds us that life is rich, beauty is everywhere, every personal connection has meaning, and that laughter is life's greatest creation.
h.w. a little story from my grandmother that gives me all the inspiration in the world.
May 2014 · 771
hannah way May 2014
Dirt roads and green rivers
Separate our friendship
But no amount of
Hitch hiking is too much
To keep me from
Falling asleep holding
Your hand
I will cross through fields
And over mountains
Just to have your company
On these Saturday afternoons
When I'm left alone
And missing you
h.w. I miss you terribly Molly
May 2014 · 2.3k
hannah way May 2014
Thank you
For the goodnight kisses and
Bedtime stories
For the mall money and
Car pools
For the advice on heartbreak and
Midnight study sessions
For the years of shelter and
Unconditional love
For being my mother and
My bestfriend
I love you
h.w. to my wonderful Mommy
Apr 2014 · 426
hannah way Apr 2014
I've become uncomfortably
Familiar with the
Sensation of pretending
To be something
I'm not
Apr 2014 · 472
hannah way Apr 2014
It's been two years
Twenty seven days since
You left and
I forgot for a moment
Just how much I missed you
But suddenly
It all came crashing back
And I can't breathe
Curled up on the floor
Gripping your sweatshirt
I cry into it
You aren't coming back
And I think deep down we
Both know
You never were
Apr 2014 · 912
hannah way Apr 2014
Her                   Her
Mind often      Demons laughed
Wanders to     And chased her
Places that       To quests she
Railroads         Could not defeat.
Could not            
Apr 2014 · 579
Catalyst (10w)
hannah way Apr 2014
This sickness is
The catalyst for
Either death
Or greatness
Mar 2014 · 1.1k
hannah way Mar 2014
I want to buy a ***, a cute little flower ***
And paint it with beautiful blues and violets,
Cover it with deep reds and soft yellows.
Place a cactus in the loose soil careful of
The roots, and then, I'll name it after you;
Because you're a ******* *****.
Mar 2014 · 878
Origami Birds
hannah way Mar 2014
Sometimes I wish your
Heart stopped every time
I touched you and that
The only way for you to
Restart was to fold
Your eyelashes around mine
Like origami birds
Fluttering in the wind
And softly dig your fingernails
Into my waist like a shovel
Much overdue for the aching earth
Because then I could at least
Pretend that I am the
Only thing in this world
You need to stay unfrozen.
Sep 2013 · 863
hannah way Sep 2013
I have a traveler friend
a gypsy of some sorts
a bit of a wandering man
with big dreams
of far away places

Dancing on rooftops
in the early hours
making his way to
somewhere he's finally
sitting back
watching time pass
in a wardrobe mirror
surrounded by trinkets
and memories of
his travels

These stories
I hope to hear
sitting criss-cross
on a rug from Egypt

Good luck
my traveler friend

— The End —