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Hannah Turner Dec 2013
I remember the day I met you with such clarity. You remembered me, I didn't recall meeting you before. But you caught my eye, and there was something about you that made my heart skip a beat. Weeks turned into months, with little to no communication. But I couldn't get you out of my head or my heart. So I prayed. Prayed I would cross your mind. And I will never forget that Sunday night at three in the morning. You reached out to me out of nowhere, and we stayed up talking till four-thirty.

As the leaves began to change so did our friendship. Facebook messages turned into text messages, visiting you at work, studying at coffee shops, and late night conversations became a regular thing. And just like the leaves fall for winter, so I fell for you. But that was my mistake. Because, like the fool I am, I believed you would catch me. And you didn't. You invited me to take the risk, or as some would say: "you lead me on." And I fell hard. Hitting rock bottom and breaking into a million tiny pieces. You watched me fall-oblivious to the power you had over me.

Its one thing, to experience heartbreak from someone that was yours. Its another thing, though, to lose someone you never had. You was never mine to lose. The hardest I ever did, was forcing myself to walk away from you. Everyone told me I deserved better. It took four months to believe them.

Now, I'm sitting at the coffee shop we used to go to, alone, watching the sleet hit the ground on this cold december day. I deleted our messages, and we are no longer Facebook friends- and I hope you know that was not easy for me. Because I miss you and our laughs and 3AM conversations. But I also know that this is what I need to move forward, to heal. I'm not saying goodbye forever but for now. And I pray that someday we can be friends again.

This is not how I planned the story of us ending. But someone recently told me the best way to make God laugh is by having a plan. No more planning. No more trying to understand why things happened the way they did. Because I'm not meant to understand-I'm meant to trust that God will turn my disintegrated ashes into something beautiful and radiant. And he will. Someday, I will find someone who treats me the way I deserve.
Someday, things will be beautiful again.
Someday, my story won't end in tragedy.
okay? okay.
Hannah Turner Dec 2013
Things change

Friends leave

Hearts are broken

And it is what it is

But we can try to move forward

Try to heal 

And pray to God this will all disappear
I’m walking away and saying goodbye

Not forever but for now

I’m not waiting anymore 

For a text that will never come. 

I’m not going to our places anymore

Hoping you would show up. 

And I’m not giving you
Any more of my shattered heart

Just so you can break it again and again
"She thought that love was gonna save her-but love just never showed"-parachute
Hannah Turner Nov 2013
You hurt me and made your intentions clear.
And I hate that I don't hate you.
More so, I hate that I still have feelings for you.
I hate that I cling to the few words you say to me,
And I hate how much I miss you
When you don't think twice about me.
When I ask myself: "Why do I pick people that treat me like nothing?"
My dear friend Charlie reminds me:
We accept the love we think we deserve
I finally understand what he means.
I am not over you.
Hannah Turner Oct 2013
Its almost as if you halfway want me
or you can't decide if I'm worth a full pursuit
or I'm just the sloppy seconds compared to the one you really want.
I didn't recognize I believed these lies
until I was blatantly told the truth.

Jesus didn't halfway die for me.
He didn't begrudgingly go to the cross
and he doesn't merely tolerate me.

I am not mad
and I am not blaming you for anything.
But I am having an epiphany: I am worth a full pursuit.
And I'm not mad because I know, right now, you can't be that
or give that to me.

I would say we met at the wrong time
but I don't think thats true.
Because like its said, "God doesn't make mistakes."
And if anything its practicing patience within me
and trust within Him.

I don't know how this story ends,
but because of Jesus I know it is a better ending
than I could ever dream of creating.

I don't write this for you
or for anyone
but myself

This is my declaration:
*I am uniquely created
and beautifully made
I am worth a full pursuit
just as Christ fully pursues the church.
I will not worry
I will not cry
I will live my life as if you never walked in it
And if one day you come back when you're ready
maybe I will be too.
October 22, 2013
Hannah Turner Sep 2013
There comes a point
When you can no longer fight
For someone, when all they
Do is fight against you.
I've reached that point.
Because all I do is bring you wounds
it's time to walk away
your words are like daggers
to my already broken heart
but to you, I know its irrelevant
and as much as I'd love
to escape the present
its out of my control.
Walking out of your life is hard
when we live within the same walls.
Hannah Turner Sep 2013
There's something beautiful that comes
from observing strangers.
Two lovers sit next to me
As I look out the airplane window.
I wonder if they will get married someday.
Or maybe they already are.

Across the aisle an older woman sits
reading the latest edition of "Sky Mall"
and sipping a cup of coffee.
I wonder if she's tired
or maybe she just wants to get to her destination.

Behind me, a tall young man
is taking a nap-
I wonder what he did the night before
that made him so sleepy today.

Its beautiful really.
The way stories come together,
cross paths, and vanish in this elegant mystery.

I can't comprehend
the power of God
to make the lakes below me
and still know each heart in here so deeply.

And I'm not going to try.

Because I wasn't made to understand everything.
I was made to stand in awe at his intricacy.
And right now, looking at creation in the plane and out-
I can't help but wonder-how anyone could doubt.
"We're all the same, desperate for a change, we're all the same, we need your love"
Hannah Turner Sep 2013
What I would give
To feel the pain again
The sting in my wrists
The blood on my thighs
One word said and I'll begin to cry
Until I drown in my tears
Hurts built up from all these years.
I cut to feel and I cut to numb
I am a walking talking contradiction
That prays to feel loved.
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