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Pretentious nature,
Consuming thought and reason,
Overwhelmingly secure -
A poem constructed from a conversation with a new friend. The idea of forever and the nature of a shape.
Left alone on this makeshift raft,
Drifting further into the wake -
All I see is darkness...
Slowly collapsing upon my bones,

Waiting to be resolved -
To be encapsulated with meaning,
A filament of hope to define our love...
Show me my life is not *insignificant.
A small infinitesimal point,
               Miniscule in stature -
Invisible to the world...
               This fraction of time,
This expression truth...

Monumental in its simplicity,
               Yet, estranged in its existence...
It is the finite place my heart dwells -
               A singularity amongst the abyss,
Patiently waiting to paint the universe.
Dreaming large dreams, and waiting for that star to move me from here to there.
 May 2013 Hannah Klein
My Moon
 May 2013 Hannah Klein
you make me feel so big and so small at the same time
how you do it
i don't know
you can look at me and i can see everything you want
laid right out in front of you
you can touch me and i can become engulfed in your body and your wanting
of something that we don't speak of
you are the moon
so powerful
and beautiful
and no picture
does it justice
you just have to see it
and feel it
with your own eyes
and own heart
and i am working on this
i want to become one
with you
my moon
 May 2013 Hannah Klein
My feet get wet
When I walk to your place
Much too late at night

I take the long way
Just to get around
I hear natures sound
And yearn for your taste

I watch my own shadows
Cast upon the damp grass
Smile to myself as I look like a giant

Never walking too fast
I know I will see you soon
My path lit by the moon
These walks are for you
 May 2013 Hannah Klein
Lost in my mind
Found in a fog
Fighting a war
With no armies
Losing the battle
Winning the war
Forgotten what
I'm fighting for
For nothing
For something
For the right
To feel peace
Or the right to war
This is what
I'm writing for

— The End —