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Hanarchy Feb 2016
Trading time for peace of mind
Thoughts like shards of glass
Slicing through my waking dreams
My wanting for the past.

Don't lead me down that dusty road,
The one that travels nowhere.
For when I reach that deadened end,
I know that you won't be there.

You blur your truths and slur your lies
You look at me with empty eyes
You touch me like a skeleton
This pain you cause will never end

Let me go! Set me free!
I'm sick of this reality
Where you're so high and I'm so low
But I have nowhere else to go.

I love(d) you, need(ed) you, you ke(pt)ep me safe.

I called you monster out of love
Now I say it through your hate.
Hanarchy Dec 2015
Do you know why even the highest resolution cameras don't ever seem to capture the beauty of the stars at night, the way we see them?

It's because we're seeing something more. Something that cannot be frozen in a single point in time or space.
We're seeing the love, and the hope, and the loss, of thousand upon thousands of human beings, over the span of hundreds of years, who have looked up into the vastness of space and cast out their deepest dreams into the heavens.
Cameras cannot capture it, because it is something entirely other than the stars we see. It is the past. And it is, we hope, the future too.
Hanarchy Oct 2015
You were the total eclipse of my sun;
Then you were my sun;
Then you were the death of it

And all the stars shone brightly
In the darkness
That you'd left
Hanarchy Oct 2015
I see your face
I call your name
In the safety of my dreams

I hold your hand
And pull you close
My heart tearing at the seams

In the morning light I wake, alone
And keep my silence like a prayer
And when I call your name by day
I know you won't be there
Hanarchy Oct 2015
You used to be my life boat
Now you are my anchor
You and I were one it seemed
But now you're just a stranger

Take my hand or let me go
Don't hold me by the neck
If love is to remember
I'd rather just forget

Yes you and I've seen better days
I guess we'll wait and see
But until then I won't be sunk
My love is just for me
Hanarchy Jan 2015
I don't want to go
Please don't make me stay
I don't know who I'll be
When I am away

The purpose of it all
Alludes me to a fault
I fool myself
Allude myself
Who am I anyway

Has my life been torn up pages
Or poetry in white
Is mentality contagious
Will you get me through the night?

Am I full or am I empty
Am I weak or am I strong
Is this life just one big journey
To find where I belong

Please take me home
and make me whole
I, who cannot fail
I work, I dream, I strive for
A happy ending to this tale

Are endings just beginnings?
Can prophesies come true?
Anyway, who am I?
Perfect, when I'm with you
Hanarchy Jan 2015
That magic you found and felt as a child never truly dies. It is always within you, covered by layers of pain and doubt that cling to you like wet clothes after rain. But sometimes you see something as ordinary as a sunset, the beauty of which is so simply extraordinary it hurts and heals to look at it. And you remember; the wonder you felt as a child to look at a sunset like this. The hope and passion and excitement for the present and the future blossoming within you as you breath in air that smells of trees and earth and blissful peace. What ever troubles you is instantly void, whatever weighs you is lifted from your soul and carried away with the gentle wind. The glorious and unassuming beauty of that sunset will give way to the dark of night, but not before it touches your eyes and allows you to truly see again.
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