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Please let me have several weeks
So that my anxiety can decompress
Several weeks
That I might feel comfort again
With you
Give me several weeks
So the furniture is gone
And we can properly pretend
That there is no history
Past or future
Only the present

Cause you don't need this
And this is just practice
For your epic
If you don't
Stop for a month of Sundays
And really think about
What it is you're writing
Who you're antagonizing
I guarantee that you'll never
Have time to formulate it all
Type for a month
And you'll never get far enough
To encourage bindings

NO more
Fix that
All that *******
That makes you RAMBLE
Yeah I said it
You run on at the mouth

Just kiss me
Tell me how you feel
With the mustached upper lip
And your fat bottom lip
Leave me mouth insides
That I have to wipe off

Several weeks before you leave me a poem like this
Don't do it.
I'll leave something that like this
Raucous. On blast. Larger than life.

Don't **** this up.
I JUST got you a job.
This whole thing should be in quotes
So bright
And yet so cold
I unscrew you
So that a neon flora
Could shine
Above and empty room

Purple and green petals
Glowing in tubes
In the peripherals
Blue eyes shining
And flickering
Alongside the
Bolts striking the rod on the roof
Emblazoning momentarily with
Sharp and blinding
Strobe like for
A split second
Followed by the thirty-two  inch sub
Making you quiver
And clutch the fuzz on the side
Allison got GANKED!!! Bam
Neon thunder storm would have been a better title
Outside a cafe
drinking coffee.

Structure of presence shows sagacity.
Every cup is filled with a black lie

Treating the table like a lanai
Deeming from a personal status quo.

Sunglasses can't hide the look you throw.
A split second glance at the askew

position of the public provided pew
lets me know to keep strolling by the cafe that day.
(AE) (EI) (IO) (OU) (UA)

© May 20th, 2013 by Timothy Brown. All rights reserved.
dear lord i
want to do
things i will

not regret eternally
i sleep in
your hammock love

i am no

longer in


but rather waking
to the silence
of my hut

to the how-are-you-this-mornings
of the secret friend
and friends


each other as
the semis roar
by on the

highway headed for
nyc or maybe

dear lord thank
you for life
for this hut

for this blanket
please wrap your
grace around those

who are doing
without wrap it
around me that

i may wrap
it around others
heal us and

we'll be healed
save us and
we'll be saved
She sits
And stares
Turns to the left
Turns to the right
No one
She sits
And stares
She wants
A warm
She wants
A beat
A heart beat
Right there
But no
She sits
And stares
But alone
She sits
And stares
Cross leg-ged
Cold head-ed
All alone
They flit
To the left
They flit
To the right
But no one
Sees her there
She wants
A beat
A heart
Warm and
But alone
She sits
How can
So many
Be so
She sits
In a box
A self-made
And revels
In the
Yearns for
And warmth
And peace
But chooses
I had a thought
If I make it out of here alive,
I will

I won't,
I can't

He's a knife with no bullets.

But I do know what time it was.

I write like a bull in a Chinese Restaurant.

When in doubt, look up.

Ramblings of a crazy man seem insane.

I'm lost but I'm not unlisted.

Why aren't cell phones permitted in jail cells?

If one looses his mind, does he find his keys?

Why are you reading this song?

If rabbits multiply, do cats taste good with pickles?

If this doesn't make sense, does it make change?

If the glass is half empty, who drank my beer?

If language is fun, explain French class.

If a dog is man's best friend, why can't he buy me a gift?

If I'm having a stroke, should I go swimming?

If I have a heart attack, should I fight back?

If two heads are better than one, why doesn't anyone want two heads?

If love feels like a punch in the gut, I'll ouch you lovingly
Just having fun. I'm not drinking. If you didn't enjoy this, why did you read it? I really had fun writing this. If I wasn't tired, I could go on forever with this nonsense!
i carefully cut branches from a cherry tree
its blooms in all stages
first vibrant red
buds aching to erupt
and then pinked
full, open with petals that flutter in a warm breeze
until the white comes
with age in wisdom and prepared to relinquish all
these three sprigs I weave  together
graft and plant
until none could tell one from the other

when it grew
with posture that could catch
the exhales of all the men taller than me
i clipped another branch
bigger than my thumb
and began to whittle
an instrument
strong enough to grace
with charming melody
the sweet aroma
the shade
the blossom pressings that now adorn my wall
and with each stroke
and shaving peeled
i realized that i was reaching your core
and that soon you would splinter
break even
so i got to the heart of you
and stayed there
shaving a finer point
until i could poke myself
and draw blood
NOT a weapon
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