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Hallie Bear Jun 2013
the Flesh door fireworked open
Splashed liquid vitality on
the Yellow hope and Creme colored dreams
marrow gave way, Slumped into the
portly Shirtwaist
of the wealth of Her father
Beautiful fool you
Spinning just like You did but a night ago
But now in a different embrace
Your lips painted Him
Like you Paint the night
Red in black
Red on White
Inspired by the infamous Great Gatsby car crash
Hallie Bear Nov 2012
In my dreams is where you dwell
Huddled in the dank corner of my coveted place
Swaddled in blue velvet
Misty grin hovering
Cheshire Cat illumination
Waiting, dusty pawn shop grit
Gathering...bunching like your favorite memory
At the back of your spine
The musty splintered closet door
Cigarette filtered light
Slops its way through
Don't hide! Don't hide
I cover your eyes
Does this give an Alice In Wonderland feel?
Hallie Bear Oct 2012
My bones melt
Clay sticks in a toddlers mouth
In the wrong place
Being muitlated and twisted
I'm supposted to be stored
In a dry
Room tempture place
With out the stripping rays
Of the sun

Skin peeling off in rusty strips
The gummy snap back like
A broken hair band
The heat crackling
Chapping and blistering
I'm supposted to be laid to rest
Not over stretched or
Over done

But instead I'm exactly
Where I'm not supposted to be

People say
Loneliness is a killer

When you're on your own
There is no one to let you down
Inspired by the Head and the Heart
Hallie Bear Jul 2012
You make the twist and curdle of muscle look sweet
Hoods of flesh clench
Lines extending towards congratulating champagne toasts
Liquid turned taught
Floating like a pair of scissors
Most subtle razor to ever caress
The tissue paper lips of the floor
You wrap your heady-spice palms
Flourishing and dripping
Every pulse a dropped memory
They whisper of inspiration and dust
Licks of silver swim through you
Eyes misty rocks where dreams go to impale their masters
Commanding the lovely, forming it to fit
Frost spangles the trees that create pillars of tendon
The ease of sandpaper on granite
You make silken
What to do when you are hopelessly in lust with your 35 year old Russian ballet instructor...
Hallie Bear Jun 2012
Bittersweet socks of chocolate
Cap the knobs on your spine
The bones undulate under
Your luminescent skin
I touch you
You shudder
I feel your body tearing
Pulling closer and crawling away
Spikes in your eyes
Writhe with hate
Acidic tears burn me
Sizzling as they drip into
My broken mouth
Hallie Bear Oct 2012
Your eyes drift
The glint from them capture
Flint sparks catching
Black ice drips fire
I glow in the shivering heat

Flick of carpeted fringe
Smothers the inferno
Black holes **** the light
I'm drawn closer
In hope of a flicker

Miles away lower lips
Flame snaps back
Gaze alighting...
Joe. Get out of my head. You and your black eyes.
Hallie Bear Jul 2012
Synergy slides like a promise from thick whips of fingers
Griping me and sinking thorns in but loving it all the same
Twitching with them 
Epileptic ecstasy 
Slamming and combining. Pure unadulterated noise 
Lapping at the shores of nonsense 
Wildly uncontrolled but watching it looks like perfectly harmonized marionettes 
Punching sounds in and flowing reactions 
Spinning swooshing, dancing like the Nike sign. 
We are Just Doing It all over the place
Hands spread and flower 
Seeming endless heartpounds swim below 
Feeling the need through the floor
shattering up bones and jerking bodies into movement 
Wicked entertainer creating blooming false patterns 
Blood lining where it hasn't before, yet it's already planned 
The electric noise makes you think inspiration but whispers command.
Hallie Bear Oct 2012
When I got up
And pushed my elbow
In your lap
(I swear by accident)
I heard you gasp

I shifted and so did you
I felt something move
That I probably shouldn't

By the end of that movie
I had moved so much
That everyone
Could hear you moan
I don't remember the plot line of the Notebook
Hallie Bear Jun 2013
Oh lord you know pride
Tastes like plums
Can't hardly
Stake your ground
You know it's gonna rot
That mouthful of
Succulence and flesh
Will disintegrate
Soften and die
Drain away until
Only the stone sits
Dry and ribbed
Smiling vainly to the sun
Hallie Bear Sep 2012
Streaming snarls pour down my heart
Chemical imbalance they say
Dopamine draining down my spinal chord
Pooling in my eyes
Broken shudders form as liquid joy
Slips out of my face
Eyeliner tire-tracks 
Mark the swift path 
The speed that happy left at
Saturating inanimate with synapse juice
Paper requires no liquid assets
Wasting ecstasy on cold white lines
Smile. Your mouth is drowning in your tears.
What I feel doctors should say instead of 'Dear, you're depressed...'
Hallie Bear Oct 2012
My eyelids are bruised. Salt drips cake the worry fraugh lines

My insides in chaos. ***** tastes familiar

**** you. I'm tearing a hole in me

For you to fit in

But you keep growing

Eventually there will be nothing left.
I love you sunshine. But it's too much.
Hallie Bear Aug 2012
You make my bones stutter
Collarbones tripping
Femurs choking

A catch on each shifting syllable
A creak in my heart for every beat

Every vertebrae nervous
Even my knee caps stammer

You walk by slow and languid
Easy as the tide

My body as tight and jerky as a
Scared rabbit

Yours as lose and winsome as
Chimney smoke
To Karnie.
Hallie Bear Jul 2012
Creased eyes blink
Slide down your cheeks
Dip into the 
Of you voluptuous mouth 
Drip lashes into 
The gap
In between your miss-sized teeth 
Spit bubbles incase them
Pillowing their decent down
Your coiled throat
Float down the river of your belly
Trace the outline of your genitals
Shooting automatic shivers through
They lick the tips of you
Hallie Bear Jul 2012
Pressing a chaste kiss to your mouth
Carefully placing a stamp where you feed
Lick the sweet glue
Smiling stretches the sentiment
Your uneven knobs of ivory lightly bump mine
Piano love
Uncertainly swiping another stamp
Applying less precisely this time
A cotton candy tongue seeps out 
The sweet glue seals again
Adding heat, adding pressure. 
Too much more and my lips turn to diamonds
You open your eyes to find two sticky-stamp diamonds, ivory lined. 
Sweet and hot.
The only things I can write lately seems to be love poems of some sort. Help!
Hallie Bear Oct 2012
White to black
Bleached bones to charcoal
Burn me from the inside
Internal inferno
Drawing out the sun from my
Wretched lungs
Smoke pours from my torn larynx
Second hand smoke
Ruins you too.
To Sam W.
Hallie Bear Jul 2012
Sliding my tongue
Through ivory gates of teeth
Snake it round yours
**** it from your mouth like an oyster
A delicacy far beyond most
The pulsing red webbed flower
Slippery and dripping 
The most sensual of poisons 
Making me reel with tingle
Wrapping my hand around you 
Bathing in your arousal 
The air turns to lemonade from the sweetness of your sweat 
Lapping at the garden you offer
You are a cornucopia
Hallie Bear Oct 2012
Shimmering limbs pour through the air behind my eyes
Hazy summer thoughts swim twards the lazy ceiling fan
Missing the cartwheels of your hair dripping prisms of lakeweed
Even the dazzle of your sunscreen smell

Come back soon, July.
***** winter
Hallie Bear Jul 2012
Maybe you dream of me. 
Maybe you think of me
Maybe you're turned on by me. 
But then again. 
Maybe not

Maybe your eyes dilate. 
Maybe your breath comes hard
Maybe your palms sweat. 
But then again. 
Maybe not 

Maybe your hairs stand on end. 
Maybe you stare
Maybe you tense up. 
But then again. 
Maybe not

Maybe saliva collects thick. 
Maybe you swallow hard
Maybe you stumble on your tongue
But then again. 

Maybe not.
Inspired by watching a crush develop in ten minutes on a teenage boy
Hallie Bear Jun 2012
chewing diamonds
intestines are stalagmites of ice
ribs are crystals
i shatter my fingernails
shoving them under the
ridges of rock that is my
Hallie Bear Jun 2012
i would wake
singing your mind
painting myself
purple and blue
Striping myself of my usual camouflage
you painted to match
but then you added pink
and now there's no more purple left
so i scrub
and paint myself yellow

*to Alex
Hallie Bear Jul 2012
Lust lines crease
Your serpentine eyes
Slits of desire
Smooth and quiet
Not quite 
Brash and rough and wet and messy
Thrown together in a backseat 
Lust lines crease
My face
From falling asleep on the
Red and puckered
An echo of other images 
Remnants of the meshing
Lust lines crease
Your tousled limbs
Form fitting cloth
Whoops. Not yours
Trade and cover the lust lines
Make up on both of us.
Hallie Bear Jun 2012
they fluttter
the stained glasss
window gleams in response
two of them
floating gently down
resting on sillls
made of freckles

Hallie Bear Jun 2012
syrup tones slip from your
puckered bud of a mouth
oil from your eyes staining,
not quite reaching your rusty smile
tendons creak as your teeth
forcing little things to trust you
"come lie down a while...
Hallie Bear Jul 2012
Skin a webbing
Swabbing the leaking life back in
Collarbones a spiderweb
Eyes sunken 
Titanic in an ocean of a face
A harp created from ribcage
The spine a wicked wrought iron gate 
Slamming through the shifting  tundra of back
Tumble weeds where lush gardens were
Why are you running your rivers dry?
I do not condone eating disorders. If you have one TELL SOMEONE.
Hallie Bear Jul 2012
This isn't *******.
This is sewing!
Hallie Bear Jun 2012
I devoured your eyes
your swiveling nuisances
they peak into my belly
dropping to rest in the
of my thighs

Sliding by a hip bone while i spit
into a cup
splash into my stomach acid
causing an abrupt


To the pilgrim songs
the sing as the ascend
i gently stick my finger down
and up they come again
Hallie Bear Dec 2012
Key figure
Lock frame
Smooth curve, lower lip aligning
Jump click nose
Glide and wrinkle

Slide those teeth into me
Mouth filling with metal
Twist off, open up

Eyes slit,
Scour deep places
Creeping into nightmares
Keying gashes through
The décolleté of my brains rational

Glean wicked wonders
Slinking out
Found what you desired

Trash the place and ghost out
Cleaning off internal graffiti

Better lock up
Next time.
Ouvrir is the french verb to open.
Lol at my teen angst. :P
Hallie Bear Aug 2012
I'm stealing every star
one by one
if only to blot out the light
that rivals yours
Hallie Bear Jul 2012
She carved rainbows in the air with curves of her shoulder blades
Honeysuckle skin enticed others 
Calling out to be savored
Dangling herself across the room
The want slicing into the underside of your eyelids
Desire burning paths through the coils of your guts
Hooking talons into the small of your spine
Enchanting parasite
Hallie Bear Jul 2012
You're mine
Mine. Mine. Mine. 
Selfish in every sense if the word
Even your lungs. Your appendix 
Your unneeded things. 
Your lips. Your lips, your lips. 
Slide them into me
A pocket full of mouth
Lisping on my jeans
You're mine. 
Even your electric bits
Even your blood
You're mine, all mine. all mine. All mine
You are utterly mine 
Especially since I'm yours
Hallie Bear Jul 2012
I am unreally smooth
I am a leopard, slinking swirling sinking my self 
Until you are caught
You don't relizes you are prey 
Until halfway down my throat
Even then you don't mind
The chase enchanted you
The flickering of my silky body
Entwining yours to mine
Slipping in and out of reach
Tantalizing and delicious to watch
Slight and strong wanting to be close and needed
A liquid firestorm dancing around you
The danger impossible, yet so arousing
Animalistic need 
So you cuddle into my fangs
And spoon the rips of flesh
And want to die so badly
If only to be closer to me.
Hallie Bear Sep 2013
Oh that sad
It dripped down me
Like cherry juice

And you licked it
Like a prized pie
At the state fair

And I'm sitting here with it
Smeared on my face
As if I ripped my teeth out

Nothing but sugar and dough
With a dollop of salt
And vanilla cream

On top.
I honestly am confused by my brain
Hallie Bear Jul 2012
She was as elegant as winds shadow.
In other words invisible
Her otter skin eyes pool in oak trees
Every ripple of leaves a whim. 
A tear.
She cries the dripping watercolors of fall
Her boughs dances the florescence of spring
Busy sprinters lick over her presented nuances
Passed by every moment
No one notices the silent hover of self made lush
I'd love some harsh criticisms please :)
Hallie Bear Aug 2013
Shy eyes slip me a note
Flash a love letter in a glance
Compelled to write back
Posting a novel in my stare

Shy eyes flicker
Burn my letters in a haze
Eyes clogged by ash
Love returned to sender
Hallie Bear Jul 2012
Drawing in color
For once

Sliding over and over
Delicious results
Blooms flourish and grow

Blurry dots
Filling and swirling
A marvelous dance of the rose shards

This is rather cliché but... Well clichés come about because they're relatable!
Hallie Bear Jun 2016
I'm left open and sagging
Resting raw against the the thump of your clean living heart
Still reeling I can't move up or down or left or right
Stuck in a bottomless purgatory that just seems to become more grey
Each of your eyelashes etched into my palms
Every stretch of skin looped like a thread into my memory
Clogging my mind until I'm trapped in your image
I sink into the pollution of your shadow
I can't swim to cleaner tides.
Hallie Bear Jul 2012
Look up
Swinging round
The nonhuman float
Of a selfless vessel
Open plane under-eye
Glossed silk in place of joints
Uniform joy
Packaged in tidy
Caught quick
One flirt with the bulb
Then impacted with crushing 
Before we hit a deer. It was suspended in the headlights. To honor the life we took.
Hallie Bear Jul 2012
I wish I had a million photos.
Everytime I blinked a snapshot'd flash

The glint of coffee slurp eyes
Perfect pick me up
Six in the morning color

Stinging spicy-sweet skin
Cinnamon spoon smooth
Coughing with a mouthful of the spice

Pugnacious snarl affixed as a precaution
Wicked giggles sneaking out from forced corners
Sinew slim and succulently young
A fresh cocoa berry-burst

Your default is **** and vinegar
My honest valentines card. Respond with one if you would like. I know it's early but... Be prepared!
Hallie Bear Mar 2013
Submerged in the empire of your tide
Trying to feel unobtrusive, let me saturate
Lips filling with the brine
You pop sweet oxygen bubbles
Chewing gum at its finest
Pulling candy from my estuary
Blue blood sweeps from between my fingertips
Floating face through
Eyes open into yours
The deepest tide-pools I've ever seen
Slipping into the tangle of
Your fingers
The swivel of refraction
Shattered warmth diffused in frosty capped overture
Oh to be a native of you
Never needing a map or a light or a guide
Swallowed without notice
Nothing but another wave the endless
March of tumbling reverb
The only reaction possible to your vocal chords
The song of the ocean
The simmer of the tide
Ocean eyes.
Hallie Bear Jul 2012
I guess when you're a three to five year old
Smacking a soccer ball
Sweetly connecting it with your foot
Or folding an apple into your shirt at snack
Or playing tag with a blonde girl you've never met
Makes not speaking english
stop mattering.
I volunteer at a week long camp in North Cambridge called Soccer Nights. It's a free soccer camp for 6-12 year olds with a 3-5 play group on the side. It brings together tons of newly immigrated familys and is amazing at building relationships. This is a rather badly written poem but I would love if someone read this and took the time to look Soccer Nights up. It's a wonderful operation that doesn't happen often.
Hallie Bear Jul 2012
Wrinkles congregate 
Notches house themselves 
Where hands used to frequent 
Service is in session 
A lesson in getting it while you can.
Old ladies are the coolest
Hallie Bear Aug 2012
I wish.
My most murmured prayer

I wish I was...
A religion all its own

I will change...
An overuse lie

I hope.
I way to pretend

I love...
A mask

I promise...
A plea

All ugly broken dolls.
No where near what they are trying to emulate.
Hallie Bear Aug 2012
Syrup simple. Sad and slow.
Sweet run juice, slips down
the rotted core.
Mirroring the sweeping tears
Salt slicks your face.
Black with overripeness.
Sugar shot through.
Quick slaloms of sea wash
High cut cheekbones.
They cave with the decay of sorrow.
What once was taught and full
Now is sunk and sallow
Sweet turns bitter.
The sad in your soul
Rots you like a peach.
feel free to pick apart :)
Hallie Bear Jul 2012
Sitting swirled in dark
Glowing singers play
The woman near me shifts
Wrapped in pride
I see you 
Fixed to the cymbal 
Nailed in concentration
I huff 
A breath filled with broken adolescence 
The woman is broken from her glaze of motherhood
For a moment
I notice it was you
She was looking too
I blush 
Wrapped in dark
She doesn't know she isn't the only one watching 
I glow with shame
Burned by your old womb 
You, still stapled to the drum
Don't notice. 
So I turn farther in to blue
And watch.
Hallie Bear Sep 2012
I am not supposed
To like waistlines
A dip and fall of a curve
The delicate wind of a collarbone
The shadows of long lashes on high cheekbones
The swirl and snap of a skirt
The inclines and snowslopes of silent skin
Deep creases in secret places
But I do.
And it's the best terror
I've felt in a long time.
Hallie Bear Jul 2013
So maybe I can't make you love me
And I can't stop the stars from falling into space
But I can take the curve of your torso
Wrapped around mine
And twist it into my blood
As the hallelujah
I need to give myself
Even if your breathing is a lie
Even if you break me with deft words
So I can't make you love me
So I can't
But I'll try
But I'll try
I'm so sad. I'm so sorry.
Inspired by Bonnie Raitt's I Can't Make You Love Me
Hallie Bear Jul 2012
You smell like ******* and butterflies
You taste like brownies and knives
You feel like boys broad backs and oil spills
You look like ******* and cherry soda
You sound like congressmen and French women
You are a chemical impossibility

Who are you.
Hallie Bear Oct 2012
It only takes 3 inches
To drown
If no one notices
And I play my happiest songs
Can I sleep
In the shower?
I'm so glad you never did this. To Julia.
Hallie Bear Oct 2012
Love me for who I am
Skim milk skin with
Pink floating in
Coppertone hair and
Trident gum snap
Wax figure hands riddled with blue snake veins
Crushed broken toes and
A metal belly button
Liquified speech
And self important bangs
Long eyed glances and
Sun melted shoulders.
Love me for what I am.
No one will be the wiser
Inspired by Emerson's quote in Self Reliance 'love me for who I am and we will be all the more happy for it'
Hallie Bear Jul 2012
Frantic energy
Crunching under my skin
Smashing it's way out

Can't breathe can't breathe can't breathe
Come on. I need this out of me. 


Ripping my inner arm
Pulling the plastic vein line up
Sprinkler system for the fake lawn of my limbs

Scream ragged at the end
Like I chewed electrified gravel 
Snap. Crackle! POP. 
Throat closing. Green copper in my mouth 
Overwhelmed. Can't. Stop stop stop stop.
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